Hébreux Chapitres 5 Et 6 - Première Partie
Hébreux Chapitres Cinq et Six #1 - VGR
165-1 ... of--of the Book of Hebrews. Then we get into the 7th, the Melchisedec priesthood. And then we get in from the Melchisedec priesthood, into that great days of an atonement and separating, dividing the atonement, then into that great faith chapter, the 11th chapter, and the 12th chapter, "Laying aside every weight..." and the 13th chapter, that eternal home not built by man's hands, but God alone Who has made this great home. How wonderful.
165-2 I'm
glad to see our sister back there, that's just entered the service. I
see her and her husband. Yesterday we were on our road up across a
place that... I thought that I knowed every little crack and corner by
being game warden here in Indiana, and patrolled for several years; I
knowed every place. But I could've got lost yesterday up there where
they was at on top of the Knobs, a new road.
And the lady had cancer in the lungs, and the Lord definitely healed
the woman. We took... Oh, and how it all come, we were setting there...
Brother Roberson, he's probably in today; I see his wife, and Brother
Wood which is in. And we were up there in an old truck, Brother
Roberson, and I, and Brother Wood. And we got in this truck and went up
there, top of the hill. And there the Lord showed the cancer
definitely. And then we stood there and watched it leave the woman.
With our own eyes, we stood and watched it leave the woman. And she
called back to Brother Wood's wife, and was telling me, she was
spitting up that real black stuff. And here she is this morning setting
back in the church, her and her beloved husband, having a wonderful
time in the Lord. Isn't He wonderful?
And I didn't know that... Here usually, to the people that's around,
very seldom visions happen here. This is my home. And... I mean in the
165-5 Sunday, a week, we... How many was here to see the man in the wheelchair? Blind, crippled, unbalanced, mental nerves gone, and Mayo's had give him up. And--and some Catholic doctor friend of mine sent him up here. And before coming to the service, the Lord gave a vision of the man. You all know that. And there the man was healed by THUS SAITH THE LORD (See?), and then got up, walked out, took his wheelchair, can see like you could or I can, and walked out of the building pushing his chair, normally. And the balance nerve... You know, you can't hold yourself up (See?); you just can't. And for years it's that...
166-6 And
yesterday when I got there, the lady had been having a dream of seeing
me come in just at two o'clock and pronounce her with cancer and then
"THUS SAITH THE LORD, she was healed," and--and she woke up, and it was
just exactly two o'clock. And the Spirit of the Lord came down, and
there that--that dream that she had... And the Lord gave the
interpretation. And she was healed right there on the spot, right there
where we was watching. How wonderful.
Can't think of her name. What is it? What is your name, sister? Walton,
Sister Walton, setting back there. Would you just stand up, Sister
Walton? Want to ask you how you're feeling. Amen, that's good, fine and
dandy. He is so good to bless us in that manner. So we're expecting the
exceedingly, abundantly, of God's great measure.
166-8 A
doctor had keeping this back from her. He told her that she was only
breathing out of one side. What it was, a cancer had growed across and
cut the breathing off of that side of the lung. You see? You can't see
cancer through x-ray, because cancer is the cell itself, and it's--it's
life and you--you... It would just... You--you just look right through
the cancer with an x-ray. You don't see it.
And... But the Lord has really... We stood there and watched it
ourselves with our own eyes, watched it moving and seen it leave with
our own eyes. So we're so grateful for that.
166-10 And
now... Pray now for us this week while we're gone. And Brother Neville
will probably take up where I left off for the Wednesday night service.
Don't miss it now in this great chain of the Book of the Revelations.
Now, I know much prayer has been offered, and we--we know that God
hears prayer, but we... This morning we want to offer just a little
prayer before the reading of the Book. Now, any person that's able can
read the Book this a-way, or can open It this a-way. But it takes God
alone to open the understanding, for He's the only One Who can do it.
So let us bow our heads just a moment.
Now, Father, in the Name of Thy beloved Son the Lord Jesus, we most
humbly come now to submit ourselves as Thy servants, that You would
speak through us. Circumcise the lips that speak and the ears that
hear, that the Word might be spoke by God and heard by the Spirit in
the people. Grant it, Father. May He take the Word of God and minister
to us just as we have need, for we ask it in His Name and for His
glory. Amen.
167-13 Now,
reading this morning... We're studying; we're not--not preaching, just
studying this Book of Hebrews. How many's enjoying it? Oh, we're having
a wonderful time. And now just studying close, Scripture upon
Scripture; it must... The whole entire Bible ties together. There's not
one Word out of Its place, if It be placed together by the Holy Spirit.
Now, men has said the Bible contradicts Itself. I want to see it. I've
asked twenty-five years for that, and no one's ever showed it yet. The
Bible does not contradict. If It did, it isn't the Bible. The great
infinite Jehovah could not contradict His own Self. So there's no
contradiction in the Bible. It's just the misunderstandings of people.
167-15 Now,
for a little background, till we go back... Now, the Book of Hebrews
was written by Saint Paul to the Hebrews. He wrote one to the
Ephesians; that was the people at Ephesus, the Christian Church, one to
the Romans at Rome, and one to the Galatians, and one to the Hebrews.
Now, we notice that Paul, being a Bible teacher to begin with... That's
what we learned, that he set under the great teacher, one of the
greatest of his days, Gamaliel. And he was well versed in the Old
Testament; he knew it well, but became a persecutor of the way that was
Christ's way, because he'd been trained in the Old Testament under
teachers. But the teachers, usually carnal... (I hope I don't say
anything wrong.)
But usually, if a man has just the teaching and the way of the schools,
it's usually manmade. See, it isn't inspired, because it becomes a
doctrine of a school. We have it today: Presbyterian, Lutheran,
Pentecostal, all. These schools have their theory and they just wind
the Scriptures into this.
167-18 And it
was the same in the Old Testament. But Paul, being well trained and
knew the Scriptures by the Word... But, you see, the Scriptures, no
matter how well you know them, if the Spirit doesn't quicken them, then
the letter killeth. The Spirit giveth Life. See, it must be quickened
or made alive by the Spirit. If the Spirit doesn't liven the Word and
make It a reality to you, then the letter is just intellectual. That's
where we have so many confessed Christians today, or professed
Christians, is a intellectual conception of Christ.
Then we got off on, "Well, he had to feel something." And they had to
do something, and... (Oh, we'll get into all that after while.) One had
to shout; the Methodists used to have to shout 'fore they had it. The
Pentecostals had to speak with tongues before they had it. And, oh,
some of them, the Shakers used to have to shake. You know, they'd walk
up-and-down, men on one side and women on the other (See?): Shakers.
Then the Holy Spirit come on them and shook them; they had it. But it's
all just fantastics; there's none of it the truth.
168-20 God
lives in His Word. "Faith cometh by hearing, hearing the Word. By faith
are you saved through grace." Not by anything... Whether you shake, or
speak with tongues, or whatever takes place, that has nothing to do
into it at all. Jesus said, "He that heareth My Words and believeth on
Him that sent Me, hath Eternal Life. He that heareth My Word and
believeth (been made quickened to him) hath Eternal Life." There it is.
Doesn't matter what little thing that you do.
Now, I'm not against shaking, or speaking with tongues, or shaking, oh,
that--that shouting. That's all right. That's fine, but that's only
attributes. See? I could give you an apple off the tree and you still
wouldn't have the tree. See, you... It's the attributes.
168-22 Lying,
stealing, drinking, smoking, gambling, committing adultery, that's not
sin; that's the attributes of unbelief. See, that's what you--you...
You do that because you are a sinner. See? But first you are a sinner.
That's what make you do that, because you do not believe. And if you do
believe, then you do not do that. Then you have love, joy, peace,
long-suffering, goodness, gentleness, meekness, patience. That's the
fruit of the Holy Spirit. See?
So we got little things, that little sensations, is because that men
got off of the old beaten path of the Word. It's the Word. "Faith
cometh by hearing."
169-24 So when
Paul... God chose Paul. Man chose Matthias. When he... They cast the
lots, but he never did nothing. That shows what a power the church has
then to make a choice, to elect their deacons, and send their preachers
to different places. That's carnal many time.
Let a man go where God leads him to go. I like that. If the people in a
conference just say, "Well, here's a nice church. This brother's built
up a nice church." And they have a little pet, they'll send him over to
this church. They don't realize they're killing theirselves. See? First
place, if that man goes in there, he can't fill that man's place. And
then they only weaken the church to try to show favor to some pet. It's
always been that way.
But I believe in the supreme authority of the local assembly. Yes, let
each church be its own, choose its pastors, its deacons, its whatever
it is. And then, that way, the man in there has no bishop over him. The
Holy Spirit wants to speak something to that church, they don't have to
ask anybody about whether they could do this or do that. It's the
individual in contact with the Holy Spirit. Show me by the Bible,
what's greater in the Bible than a local elder to a local church?
That's right. Yes, sir, the sovereignty of the local church, each
church in itself... Now, brotherhood, that's wonderful. All churches
ought to be in a brotherhood like that together. But the sovereignty of
local church...
169-27 Notice Paul, being a great master teacher, well trained, on his road down to Damascus one day to arrest the people that were in this new way... Now, he was sincere. God does not judge you by your sincerity. I never seen any more sincere people than the heathens. Many of them even kill their own children and thing for--for sacrifice to a--an idol. It's not the sincerity. A man could take carbolic acid, sincerely thinking he was taking something else. Sincerity doesn't save you. "There is a way that seemeth right unto a man, but the end thereof is the ways of death." Paul was sincere when he gave witness in his own authority to stone Stephen. Later on in years, I like the apology of Paul; he said, "I'm not worthy to be called the disciple or to be called an apostle, because I persecuted the Church even unto death." With sincerity...
169-28 And on
his road down he struck an experience. The Holy Spirit come out in a
big Pillar of Fire, and It blinded him. Now, we've went through that.
That Pillar of Fire was Christ. And He's the same Pillar of Fire that
led the children through the wilderness. Christ was God, and God was
Christ. God was made flesh and dwelt in the body of the Lord Jesus. God
was in Christ reconciling the world to Himself, showing what He was.
In the Bible back here in the former verses, we been reading that He
made Hisself lower than the Angels, taken on the form, not of Angels,
but taken on a form of flesh." Angels had not fallen; they need no
redemption. Flesh had fell, human beings, and they needed redemption.
So in the old laws, a man to be a--a redeemer, first he had to be
kinfolks: the great Book of Ruth we went through here sometime ago. And
how that God, being Spirit, was made kinfolks with us by becoming one
of us. In order to redeem us and give us Eternal Life He had to become
us, that we through grace might become as He.
170-30 And we
find the Pillar of Fire led the children of Israel. And when It was
made flesh here on earth, we hear Him talking one day, and He claimed
that He was the Pillar of Fire. They said, "You say that you're greater
than our father Abraham?"
He said, "Before Abraham was, I AM." Who was the I AM? The Pillar of
Fire in the burning bush, a perpetual memorial through every
generation; not only that generation, but this generation, the same
Pillar of Fire. And we're thankful this morning, that we even have the
picture of It, that He has not changed. He's the immortal, eternal,
blessed One. He does the same things now that He did then, and how
happy it makes us feel.
170-32 But
before Paul would accept this experience, knowing that the Angel of the
Lord was the Pillar of Fire, which was Christ, the... Well, He was the
Angel of the Covenant, which was Christ. Moses thought better
that--chose rather to suffer the afflictions with the people of Christ,
and to be led by Christ, than all the treasures of Egypt. He followed
Christ, which was in the form of the Pillar of Fire.
Then Christ said, "I came from God (when He was here on earth); I go
back to God." After His death, burial, resurrection, glorified body
setting at the right hand of the Majesty to make intercessions, Paul
saw Him as the Pillar of Fire again, a Light that put his eyes out
almost, smote him blind.
Peter saw Him come into the jail as a Light, and opened the doors
before him as he went out. We find out that He was the Alpha and Omega,
the First and the Last.
And here He is with us today, doing the very same things that He did
then, making Hisself visible back to us, showing it to the scientific
171-36 Oh, in this great hour of darkness and chaos over the earth, we should be the happiest people in the whole earth, to rejoice to know... All the time, when people are indocumated, and all kinds of isms and things in the earth... And yet, today the real living God by His Word and by His visible evidence shows us that He's here with us, working, moving, living, acting just exactly as He always did. What a privileged people that we are to have this. We ought to... The Bible said then in the 2nd chapter, "We should hold fast these things. Because how shall we escape if we neglect such a great salvation?"
171-37 Now, we
come on to find out, before Paul would accept that experience... Now,
we're drilling. Now, no matter what kind of an experience you ever
have, church, I want to ask you something. No matter how good it looks,
how real it seems, it first must be tested by the Bible. Always on the
Word, don't never leave that for any kind of an experience.
And Paul, before he would accept it, he went down into Arabia and there
stayed three years testing this experience with the Word. And when he
come back, he was sure. Nothing could upset him, for he was solid on
the Word, unmovable. And here's where he's turning now to show to these
Hebrews those great things that was spoke of, of the Old Testament, was
made manifest in Jesus Christ. What a glory.
171-39 Now,
last Sunday, or last Wednesday, Brother Neville in here in the 5th
chapter hit some very high places, 'cause it's a wonderful chapter. And
we find him dealing on the 4th chapter, last Sunday on the Sabbath, the
keeping of the Sabbath. Are you sure, this morning, you know what the
keeping of the Sabbath is? If you do, say "Amen." [Congregation
says "Amen"--Ed.]
The Sabbath is a Rest that we enter into, not by day, not by law, but
by entering into Christ which is our Sabbath. He is our Sabbath. We run
it all through the Old Testament and showed that the time would come
when the Word would come line upon line, precept upon precept. And He
proved that we entered His Rest on the day of Pentecost, "For this
would cause the weary to rest." Cease...
172-41 And we
find out that God limited a day in David, about the seventh day. And
God did rest the seventh, give it to the--the children of Israel in the
wilderness. And again He limited a day. What day was it? A certain day
in the week, "The day when you hear His Voice, harden not your heart."
That's the day He's entering in to give you an eternal peace, an
eternal Sabbath.
You don't go to church on Sunday to become religious then. When you're
borned of the Spirit of God, you enter into Rest forever, no more
sabbath keeping. You're in the Sabbath continually for ever and for
eternity. "Your worldly works has finished," says the Bible, "and
you've entered into this blessed peace."
172-43 These
first five chapters are positionally placing Jesus as High Priest. "God
in sundry times and divers manners spake to the fathers through the
prophet, but in this last days through His Son, Jesus." (1st chapter,
1st verse.)
Then on down to the ending up of the 5th chapter, we find Him
represented as Melchisedec, Who had no beginning of days, no ending of
your--Life, but continually a priest forever. Think of it. Who was this
great Man? We'll get it in about two more chapters. The entire life of
Him, we're going to study, this great Man Who met Abraham, Who never
had any papa, never had any mama, He never had any time He ever begin
life, or He never will have a time that He'll ever end life. And He met
Abraham coming from the slaughters of the king.
Notice this great Person, whoever He was is still alive. He had no end
of Life. It was Christ, he met. We're going on a deep study of that in
a few days.
172-46 Now, we
want to start over here in the 5th chapter now, just for a little
background before we hit the--the 6th, for it's really a outstanding
something. Watch close. We're going to start about the 7th verse of
this chapter, Well, let's start at the 6th verse.
he saith also in another place, Thou art a priest for ever after the
order of Melchisedec.
in His days of his flesh, when he... offered up prayers and
supplications with strong crying... tears unto him that was able to
save him from death, and was heard in that he feared;
he was a Son, yet learned... obedience by the things which he suffered;
Now, here's where I want to get to, this 9th verse. Listen. I guess
Brother Neville hit it Wednesday; I wasn't here. But listen.
being made perfect, he became the author of eternal salvation unto all
them that obey him;
of God a high priest after the order of Melchisedec, of whom we have
many things to say,...
We leave it there on that, 'cause we're going to pick up Melchisedec in
a few nights.
173-49 Now,
we're going to start on this our regular study. I wish I could just
read the rest of this for a moment, the 11th verse.
whom we have many things to say,... hard to be uttered, seeing ye are
dull of hearing.
when... the time ye ought to be teachers, you have need that one teach
you again which be the first principles of the oracles of God; and are
become such as have need of milk,... instead of strong meat.
every one that uses milk is unskillful in the word of righteousness:
for he is a babe... (Oh, I hope
that Holy Spirit's taken that right down in the bottom of you now.)...
For he that--that uses milk is unskillful in the word of righteousness:
for he's a baby.
You give a baby strong meat, you kill it. That's the reason so many
people say, "Oh, I--I don't believe that," and walk away. Still babies,
they just can't understand. They can't grasp that truth. It--it kills
them. Great, mighty things the church should know today, but you
couldn't teach it. They--they--they--they--they stumble over it. They
don't know what to do with it.
173-51 Paul,
speaking to this Hebrew group, yet scholars he's speaking to now,
scholars, well learned. We find that in a few--a few moments, very
scholarly. But the deep spiritual mystery, the church is still blinded
to it. He said, "When you ought to be teaching others, you're still a
Oh, I know there's many rise up, and go out, and say, "Oh, I don't need
to go to church anymore. Praise God, the Holy Ghost has come; He's the
teacher." When you get that idea, you're just wrong. For why did the
Holy Ghost set teachers in the church if He was going to be the
teacher? See? There are first apostles, prophets, teachers,
evangelists, and pastors. The Holy Spirit set teachers in the church,
so He could teach through that teacher. And if there's--it isn't
according to the Word, God doesn't confirm it, then it isn't the right
kind of teaching. It must compare with the entire Bible, and be just as
alive today as It was then. There's the real thing made manifest.
174-53 Now
strong meat belongeth to them that are... full age, even those who by
reasons... use--have used their senses exercised to discern both good
and evil. (Know
what's right and what's wrong by the discernment.)
Now, notice, starting now on our lesson. This great background now,
let's go for the 1st verse:
leaving the principles of the doctrine of Christ,...
What's he saying? All these first five chapters has been laid on Christ
to show Who He is. Now, we're leaving those principles of the doctrines
of Christ.
174-55 What
did we find Him to be? We found Him to be the great Jehovah God made
manifest in flesh. We found Him to--to be not a prophet, but the
Fullness of the Godhead bodily. He was Jehovah made flesh. And the
body, Jesus, only tabernacled Him, God dwelling in man, God being
reconciled to man, through man, by the virgin birth of His own Son. And
Jehovah, the Spirit, dwelt in Him.
Now, how many remembers the teaching about the Godhead? How we went
back and found God like the great rainbow with all the different
spirits, how it was... And then the Logos went out of God, which become
the Theophany, and that was in the form of a man. And Moses seen It
pass by in the cleft of the rock. And then that Theophany was made
absolutely human flesh, Christ. And how we find out, that we through
His grace have Eternal Life. Now, the word "forever" is "for a
distance, for a space of time." It said in the Bible, "Forever and
forever," a conjunction. But "forever" only means "a time." But
"eternal" means "forever." And only everything that had a beginning has
an end. But things which had no beginning has no end. So God had no
beginning and He has no end.
175-57 And so
therefore, Melchisedec, the great Priest (like a man), He had no
beginning, and He has no end. And when we, through that Theophany
that... We were made in the image of God before the world was ever
made. When that Theophany has been made flesh and dwelt among us, then
through His death we ourselves receive His Spirit and we have no end:
Eternal Life; not Angels, but men and women. Oh, I somehow, if I could
only get it in a way that my--my audience would catch it.
You will never be an Angel. God made Angels, but God made man. And what
God does is off of God, which is as eternal as God is. And man's just
as eternal as his Creator, because he was made from eternity.
175-58 But sin
has an end. Suffering has an end. Therefore, there cannot be an eternal
hell. There's a hell, fire and brimstone; we know that. But there's no
eternal hell. There's only one type of Eternal Life and that belongs to
God. If you're to suffer forever, you got Eternal Life. Hell has an
end; it may be billions of years, but it'll finally come to an end.
The Bible doesn't say anywhere that they suffered eternally, said,
"Forever and forever." Jonah thought he was in the belly of the whale
forever too. Forever has a distance or time limit, but eternal is
perpetual. It has no beginning or end. It's like a ring, a circle, and
as our time moves on, we're only in--revolving around the great motives
of God.
175-60 God's motive was to make man in His image to fellowship with Him. And He made him a tangible being. Now, sin brought us into a place of--of--of corruption, but that never stops the program of God. And sinner friend today, if you're not borned again of the Spirit of God, you have an end somewhere. And your end is chaos, in ruin, and suffering, and misery. But to you who have believed on the Lord Jesus and accepted the same as your personal Saviour, it's just as eternal as God is eternal. You have no end, "I give unto them eternal Zoe (God's own Life), and they will never perish or come into the judgment even, but's passed from death unto Life." That's what He was. That's what He come for.
176-61 Now,
Jesus in His coming of His priesthood, did not come just for a--a
sympathy's sake. Many people teach it like that, that He come saying,
"Well, maybe if I suffer, I will be a--a--a pitiful sight, and people
will surely come to Me." That's an error. There's no Scripture for
that. For every person that ever will be saved, God knew them before
the world was ever formed. The Bible said so. God's not willing now
that anybody should perish; He wants them all to come to repentance.
But being God, by foreknowledge He knew it.
Look in Romans the 8th chapter. Paul was holding up there, saying that
about the elect of God, that Esau and Jacob, before either baby was
borned or anything, God said that He knew them, and He hated Esau and
loved Jacob, before either boy had a--had a chance to express their
gratitude, for He was God. He know... He's infinite. If He's infinite,
He knowed every flea, every fly, every gnat. Everything that'd ever be
on the earth, He knew it. He's the infinite, eternal, immortal, blessed
God, omnipotent, omnipresent, omniscient. There's nothing that He
doesn't know. That's the reason He can tell what the end will be. He
knowed the end from the beginning.
176-63 What is
prophetic is just His knowledge. He's the chief Attorney. He--He--He's
the--He's the Judge. And He just speaks to the--the lawyer some of His
wisdom. And that's what prophecy is, that can foretell it, because He
knows what's going to be. Now, there's the God that we serve, not a god
of history, not like the Buddhas, and the Mohammedans, and so forth;
but a God that's omnipresent, right now here this morning in this
Tabernacle, right now: Great Jehovah, I AM, Who formed Himself in
humility to take on the form of sinful flesh, here He is. That's Who
redeemed you. There can be no other nowhere, at no time can do it.
God didn't have three people up there and He sent one of them, His Son;
It was God Himself come in the form of a Son. A Son has a beginning,
and the Son had a beginning. As some of you dear Catholic people, I got
your book, "Facts Of Our Faith," said, "The eternal Sonship of God..."
How you going to express that word? How you going to make it have
sense? How can it be eternal? Now, that's not the Bible; that's your
book. Eternal Sonship, they don't... That word's not right, for
anything that's a son had a beginning, and eternal has no beginning. So
it isn't eternal Sonship. Christ become flesh and dwelt among us. He
had a beginning. Wasn't no eternal Sonship; it's the eternal Godhead,
not Sonship. Now, He came to redeem us, and He did redeem us.
177-65 Now,
Paul, getting there, which I'm sure that through the past lessons
you've understood it. We'll go over it again sometime, the Lord
willing, just verse by verse.
having... leaving the--the principles of the doctrine of Christ, let us
go on unto perfection;... (That
stumbles them, doesn't it? Let us do what?)... let's go on
unto perfection; not laying again the foundation...
177-67 Watch
this: let's get this word "perfection." Do you know there's only one
way you'll stand in the Presence of God? That's perfect. God cannot
tolerate unholy things.
And you legalists, how could you ever perfect yourself, when you have
not one thing to perfect yourself with? You were borned in sin. Your
very conception was in sin. The very desire of you being here was sin:
"Borned in sin, shaped in iniquity, come to the world speaking lies."
Now, where are you going to stand at?
Where you, sinner, that--that said, "I'll quit smoking and I'll go to
heaven?" Where are you, lukewarm, mossback, so-called Christian, that
goes around here with a long face and saying that "Well, I belong to
the church?" You sinner... That's right. Unless you are borned of the
Spirit of God, you're lost. That's true.
177-70 How you
going to heaven? You say, "I never lied in my life. Oh, the little
darling. It--it was just a Angel to begin with." That's a lie. I don't
care how good you are; you're a sinner. And you don't have one thing;
there's no priest, no bishop, no cardinal, no pope, nor nothing else
can save you, 'cause he's just the same boat that you're in. (We're
getting into it in a few minutes.) Just in the same shape, he was...
The pope of Rome was borned in sin, shaped in iniquity, come to the
world speaking lies, born by the sexual desire of a man and a woman.
Where you going to get righteousness out of that?
Well, his papa and mama were born the same way. And they were born the
same way, and his grandma and grandpa, on back. It's sin to begin with.
178-72 So who
can say that this is holy and that's holy? There's only one thing holy;
that's Jesus Christ the Son of the living God, Who's been made perfect.
And our requirement is to be perfect. Now, how we going to be it? Try
it yourself. I'd hate to try to get to heaven on the merits of, "I was
born five minutes ago, and going out of the world right now." I'd be
lost. If I never had a evil thought in my life, if I never spoke a bad
word in my life, if I never looked at anything evil, never thought
anything evil or nothing, I'm just as rank and black as the smutty
walls of hell. I'm a sinner.
I could come through life, and stay locked up in a room, and like some
of the Carmelite sisters or something, and never see the world, stay in
there and pray all my life, do good, borned a multimillionaire and give
to the poor everything I got; I'm still a sinner and will go to hell.
Yes, sir.
178-74 I might
join the Lutheran church, Baptist, Pentecostal, Presbyterian, when I'm
on the cradle roll, and live faithful to that church until a hundred
years, and my life is took, and no man could point their finger at me
and say he ever even as had as much as a bad thought, I'll go to hell
just as sure as I'm standing.
I'm a sinner. That's correct. I have nothing; there's no way at all I
could find any--any price to be paid. God required death, and if I give
my own life, if I give my life, then how can I repent, 'cause you...
The debt's got to be paid first. And God was the only One Who could lay
His Life down and take It up again. So He could become sin, and lay His
Life down, and pick It up, and call it justice, and the debt's paid.
There you are.
178-76 Now,
let's turn to Matthew about the 8th chapter, I believe it is, 7th or
8th chapter. We'll see what Jesus says over here. All right, it's
Matthew the 5th chapter and the--Jesus preaching the beatitudes, the
47th verse.
if You salute your brethren only, what do you more than others? do not
even the publicans...? (Watch.)
be ye therefore perfect,... (What?)...
Be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father which is in heaven is
perfect. (That was
Jesus' commandment.)
ye so...
They say, "Nobody can be perfect; the Bible said there is none perfect.
There's your contradiction." Is it? All right, you cannot be perfect in
yourself. If you're trusting in what you done, you're lost. So be ye
perfect, even just as perfect as God is perfect.
ye therefore perfect, even as your Father... in heaven is perfect.
Now, the 5th chapter--6th chapter of Hebrews...
Leaving the principles of the doctrine of Christ, let us go on to
179-80 Now,
you Branham Tabernacle... Oh, I know, "We have healings." That's
wonderful. "We have visions." Oh, that's--that's fine. And you have
spiritual dreams, and sometimes they're not spiritual dreams. And--and
sometimes you... We--we try to help the poor. We do what we can. Oh,
that's all right, but that's not what we're talking about now. We're
entering into another phase.
leaving... the doctrine...
"Oh, yes, we got the doctrine of Christ; we believe He was the Son of
God and virgin-born. We believe that with all these things." That is
just wonderful. But leaving that, let's go on to perfection. Oh, my,
wished I had the voice of an archangel now to bring this to a place
where you could see it.
179-82 Now, he
leaving... all the doctrine of Christ,...
All the--the theologians, and all the theology that we know, all about
the Deity of Christ, how He was God made flesh, all these other things,
Paul goes on to explain it all here just in a few minutes. Let's just
read it, just a little bit 'fore we get to it.
laying again the foundations of repentance from dead works,... (Now, we
believe that.)... and faith towards God, (we believe
of the doctrine of baptisms,... (And just
how you must be baptized, we believe that.)... and of
laying on of hands,... (We believe
in laying on of hands, don't we? See, all that. Sure)...
and of the resurrection of the dead,... (We believe
180-84 Now
watch, you see here, "judgment" is used "eternal." That's forever. When
judgment's spoke of God, it's forever. Then there can be no more
reconciliation after judgment's been past. Now you can understand why
God had to take His own--His own, as we'd call it, His own medicine.
When He condemned man for sinning, the only way He could reconcile, was
to take the man's place Himself. That's the only way he could be
reconciled--or could reconcile us, was take our place and become a
sinner. God, Jehovah, became a sinner and He gave His life.
Now, you could give your life as a sinner, to die for the cause. Paul
said, "Though I give my body to be burned as a sacrifice, I'm still
nothing," 'cause it won't work. See, when you die, you're gone; you die
as a sinner, you're lost.
But God came down in flesh and condemned sin in the flesh, being made
sinful flesh; because He was the eternal God, and raised His own body
up. So He's the Justifier. Now, "All these things... Let's go on to
perfection," said Paul.
180-87 Now,
of eternal judgment,
this we'll do,... God permit. (3rd verse)
Now, "Go on to perfection..." Jesus said, "Be ye therefore perfect,
even as your Father in heaven is perfect." And we're, every one
condemned. No matter what we ever do, we're condemned. We were borned
condemned. Your mama and papa was born condemned. Your... All your
ancestors was borned in sin, shaped in iniquity. So how you ever going
to get it? How you going to be perfect? If you never done a thing,
never stole, never lied, never done anything in your life, you're still
condemned. You was condemned; before you breathed your first breath you
were condemned. That's correct. And you were judged of God before you
breathed your first breath. For you were judged by the sexual desire of
your father and mother who through their act brought you here on the
earth, and God condemned it in the beginning. And you're condemned to
start with. So where you... And every other person on earth was
condemned with you. Now, where you going to get perfection?
181-89 Watch.
Let's turn just a moment to Hebrews the 10th chapter. Listen close. I
want to read a little bit out of the 9th chapter first, the 11th verse.
Christ being come a high priest of good things to come, by a greater
and more perfect tabernacle,... (His own
tabernacle, His flesh)
See, the old tabernacle... Did you notice the old tabernacle had a veil
in it that hid the ark where God lived? How many knows that? Sure.
Well, that old manmade tabernacle here, the curtains out of dyed goat
skins and so forth, were made a tabernacle to hide the Presence of God.
How many knows that only one man could go in there once a year?
Certainly, that was Aaron, go in once a year, and he must be anointed.
And--and, oh, the requirement. And he must have fire in his hand; and
if he went without that, he died as soon as he moved that veil back.
He'd dropped dead. He must go in there and light these candlesticks,
and sprinkle the mercy seat, which called out the blood of the death
the substitutionary as... So Christ must come to fulfill it.
181-91 Now,
but God then became in another type of a tabernacle. And that
Tabernacle was Who? Jesus. And God was inside of Jesus, and He was hid;
but He was reconciling the world to Himself by His expression. Christ
revealed God. He said, "It's not Me that doeth the works; it's My
Father that dwelleth in Me. I do nothing in Myself but what I see the
Father doing. The Father in Me, showing Me these visions, and then I go
do just what the Father told Me to do." You get it? God was inside of a
human body, not behind goat skins dyed, but was a living, moving. God
had hands; God had feet; God had tongue; God had eyes; and it was
Christ. There He was.
Now, He went away, and the Spirit come in that, that through His death
He might perfect the Church and bring the Church submissive. And then
the same Spirit that was in Christ is in the Church, doing the same
things Christ did, "A little while and the world won't see Me no more,
yet ye shall see Me, for I'll be with you even in you to the end of the
182-93 Now,
listen to this.
Christ becoming a high priest of good things to come, by a greater and
more perfect tabernacle, not made with hands, that is to say, not of
this building; (He wasn't
made of hands. How was He born? Virgin birth.)
by the blood of goats and calves,... (was this
body ever sacrificed or sanctified)... but by his own
You know that the blood comes from the male sex. And then somebody
said, "Oh, Jesus was a Jew." He was not a Jew. "Oh, we're saved by
Jewish blood." No, we are not. If we were saved by Jewish blood, we're
still lost. Jesus was not Jew; neither was He Gentile. He was God: God
the Father, the Spirit, the unseen One, "No man has seen God at any
time, but the only begotten of the Father has declared Him." He
manifested God, what God was.
182-95 Now,
His Church is supposed to manifest God, to show what God is. See? What
do we do? Organize ourselves, and "I'll have nothing to do with them;
they're Methodists; they're Presbyterian. I don't want nothing to do
with them. I'm Baptist. I'm Pentecostal." Huh. You're lost with them
kind of a motives. Right.
Who can brag? Who can say anything? Look at the disgrace the
Presbyterians has brought. Look at the disgrace the Baptists. Look at
the disgrace, the Catholic. Look at the disgrace, the Pentecostals,
Nazarenes, Pilgrim Holiness. Look at the rest of them. But I challenge
you to point one hand in disgrace at That. Yeah. Point one finger, when
God Almighty said, "This is My beloved Son in Whom I'm pleased to dwell
in; hear ye Him." There He is. That's the perfect One.
182-97 Now,
let's read just a little farther here now.
by the blood of goats... calves, but by his own blood he entered in
once into the holy place, having obtained eternal redemption... (Do you get
it?)... eternal redemption for us.
Not to be redeemed today and then next week when the revival starts be
redeemed again, and then, oh, we backslide and be redeemed again;
you're redeemed once forever. That's right. No more redeem, redeem,
redeem: eternal redemption, "He that heareth My Words and believeth on
Him that sent Me hath Eternal Life, and shall never come into the
judgment, but passed (past tense)--passed from death unto Life.
(Because he has shook? Because he was baptized a certain way? Because
he had blood in his hand?) Because he has believed on the only begotten
Son of God." That's how we have eternal redemption.
183-99 Listen
the blood of bulls and of goats, and the ashes of... heifers sprinkled
the--the... sprinkle the unclean, sanctifeth through the purifying of
the flesh:
much more shall the blood of Christ, who through the eternal Spirit
offered himself without spot to God, purge our conscience from dead
works to serve the living God? (Passed
from death unto Life.)
What do you care what the world thinks? What do you care what your
neighbor thinks? Our conscience has died, and we're regenerated and
born again by the Spirit of God to serve the true and the living God.
There you are.
183-101 Now,
drop over to the 10th verse--10th chapter, rather, right across the
the law having a shadow of good things to come and not the very image
of the things, can never with those sacrifices that they offered year
by year continue make the comer unto... (p-e-r-f-e-c-t-e-d--p-e-r-f-e-c-t,
it is there.)... perfect.
leaving the principles of the doctrine of Christ, let us go on to
ye therefore perfect, even as your Father... in heaven is perfect.
The law having a shadow of good things to come, all the ordinances, and
the baptisms, and the--all the other things they had, could never make
the worshipper perfect. And yet, God requires perfect.
You join the Nazarene church will never make you perfect. You join the
Baptist church, Pentecostal, whatever it is, it'll never make you
perfect. You being a good, loyal man will never make you perfect. You
can't merit one thing. There's nothing about you to merit; you're lost.
You say, "Well, I kept the law. I keep the sabbath. I keep this, all
the ordinances of God. I do this."
Paul said, "Let us lay aside all those things now."
"That's all right, but we'll do this. We'll baptize the people, and
we'll lay hands on them for their healing and so forth."
184-106 We
could take it verse by verse, each one of those things. Baptism, we
believe it. "There's one hope, one Lord, one faith, one baptism." We
believe that there's a baptism. We believe in the resurrection of the
dead: absolutely. We believe Jesus died and rose again. We believe
that. Laying on the hands for the sick, that's what it said: "These
signs shall follow them that believe. If they lay their hands on the
sick, they shall recover." We believe that. But what is that? Paul
said, "It's all dead works." It's something that you do. Now let's go
on to perfection. Oh, my.
We're coming into the Tabernacle, not the foundation, the Tabernacle,
the Tabernacle Itself. That's the foundation: the law, and the
righteousness, and--and--and joining church, and being baptized,
and--and laying on of hands. Them's all orders of the church, but now
let's go into perfection. And there's only One that is perfected;
that's Jesus.
How do we get into Him? Through the Methodists? No. Pentecostal? No.
Baptist? No. Through any church? No. Roman Catholic? No.
184-109 How do
we get into It? Romans 8:1: "There is therefore now no condemnation to
those that are in Christ... that walk not after the things of this
world (the flesh,), but after the things of the Spirit (that pay no
attention to what the world's got to say)."
Even if you're sick, and the doctor says you're going to die, you pay
no attention to it, don't bother you a bit.
If they say, "You have to become a Catholic before you're saved, or a
Presbyterian, or have to do this," you pay no attention to it.
Therefore, no condemnation to them that are in Christ Jesus, who walk
not after the flesh, the things that they see. Everything you see with
your eyes is earthly. But it's the things you see in your spirit
through the Word.
The Word is God's looking Glass that reflects what He is and what you
are. Hallelujah. Oh, my. It tells you... This is the only Book in the
world that tells you where you come from, who you are, and where you're
going. Show me any page of literature anywhere of all the science or
anything else, every good book that's been written; none of it can tell
you that. This is God's looking Glass that shows what He is and what
you are. Then in between there's a blood line that shows what you can
be if you want to make the choice. There you are, "By One Spirit..."
185-113 Now, I
Corinthians 12. How do we get into that Body? "By shaking hands?" No,
sir. "By joining the church?" No, sir. "By being baptized backward,
forward? In the name of the Father, Son, Holy Ghost? the Name of Jesus
Christ? the name of Rose of Sharon, the Lily of the Valley, Morning
Star? anything that you want? That has nothing to do with it, just a
answer of a good conscience towards God. And yet we fuss, and stew, and
argue, and split, and make differences. That's right. But all those are
dead works. We're going to perfection.
That's things that I done. A minister baptized you. Whether he baptized
you face forward, backward, or three times, four times, or one time, or
how he did it, that has nothing to do with it. You're just baptized
into the fellowship of that church anyhow, proving to that church, you
believe the death, burial, and resurrection of Christ.
Laying on of hands to heal the sick, that's wonderful. But it's all
natural, and that body will die again just as certain as you're living.
It'll die again. Now, let's lay aside all those things and go on to
185-115 How do
we get to perfection? That's what we want to know. Christ is perfected,
"God laid upon Him the iniquity of us all. He was wounded for our
transgressions, bruised for our iniquities; the chastisement of our
peace upon Him; with His stripes we were healed." That's the Body we
want to get to. That's the Body. Why? If you're in that Body, you'll
never see judgment; you'll never taste of death. You're free from all
of death, judgment, sin, and everything else, when you're in that Body.
"How do you get into it, preacher? By joining this tabernacle?" You're
lost yet. Couldn't join it anyhow; we don't have any book. "How do we
get into it? By joining some church?" No, sir. "How do you get into
It?" You're born in It: I Corinthians 12.
by one Spirit we are all baptized into one body,...
186-118 By the Holy Spirit baptism, we are baptized into that Body and are free from sin. God don't see you no more; He only sees Christ. And when you're in that Body, God can't judge that Body. He's already judged it. He took our judgment and invited us in. And by faith, through grace, we walk and accept our pardoning. And the Holy Spirit brings us into this fellowship with Him. And we walk no more after the things of the world, but we walk in the Spirit. Quickened, the Word came to us. He died in my stead. I'm made alive. Here I am, who was once dead in sin and trespasses, been made alive. All my desires is to serve Him. All my love is to Him. All my walks wants to be in His Name that wherever I go, whatever I do, I glorify Him. If I'm a-hunting, if I'm a-fishing, if I'm playing ball, if--if I'm... Whatever I'm doing, I must be "Christ in me" in such a life that'll make men long to be that way: not tattling, backbiting, and fussing about your churches. You get it? "By One Spirit we're baptized into that Body, 'and when I see the Blood I'll pass over you.'"
186-119 Listen.
Let's read just a little further here, please.
what could never... make the comer unto perfect.
For... (2nd verse,
the 10th chapter)... For then they would not have ceased
to be offered?
If that could make the person perfect, and God requires perfection...
If keeping the laws and doing all the commandments would make you
perfect, then there's no--there--there's no need of having anything
else; you're already made perfect. 'Cause when you're perfect, you're
eternal; 'cause God's the only One that's eternal, and God's the only
One perfect. And the only way you can be eternal, is become part of God.
once purged should have no more conscience of sin. (What?)...
the worshipper once purged... to have no more conscience,... (If you
write the translation of that, it's "desire")... the
worshipper once purged... has no more desire of sin.
If the worshipper was once purged... You go up now and say, "Oh,
hallelujah, I got saved last night, but I... Well, bless God, she made
me backslide. Hallelujah, someday I'll get saved again." You poor
untrained illiterate. That's not the way it is. "The worshipper once
purged has no more conscience of sin." The Bible said...
186-122 Listen,
as we read on in just a minute.
of those sacrifices... there's remembered against sin yearly.
Now, we're going to drop down to hit the 8th verse, to save time where
I want to get to:
then when he said, Sacrifice and offerings and burnt-offering... for
sin thou wouldest not, neither has Thou pleasure therein; which are
offered by the law;
Ninth verse:
said he, Lo, I come to do thy will, O God. He taketh away the...
take... He taketh away the first,... (the law)...
that he may establish the second.
Wish we had time to stay on that. As long as you're Presbyterian, or a
Pentecostal, or Baptist, or Methodist, He can never do nothing with
you. He has to take that all away first (See?) so He can establish the
second. Long as you say, "Well, I'm a Methodist." I'm nothing against
the Methodists, or Baptists, or Pentecostal. But, brother, that
don't--that don't spell it. You got to go on to perfection; that's into
187-126 Watch
this now, just a minute.
the which... we are sanctified through the offering of the body of
Jesus Christ once for all. (Huh?)
Let's just read just a little further. And hold that, let that soak in
while we're reading: "once for all."
every priest standing daily ministering the offering oft time the same
sacrifice, which can never take away sin:
this man,... (Are you
ready? You got your vest open now so it won't dodge, it'll go right to
the heart?)... But this man,... (What man?
not the pope of Rome, not the bishop of the Methodist church, or any
other church.)... But this man,... (Christ)...
after he had offered one sacrifice for sin for ever, set down at the
right hand of God;
henceforth expecting till his enemies be made his footstool.
Watch. Here she comes:
by one offer he has... (p-e-r-f-e-c-t-e-d)...
he has perfected... (Until the
next revival? What'd I say?)... he has perfected for ever
them that are sanctified. (Do you get
it? "Let us go on to perfection.")
188-128 Now,
you holiness people say, "Oh, yes, we believe in holiness. Hallelujah,
we believe in sanctification." But you're taking your own. You just
quit this and quit that; you know you shouldn't do it. Unless Christ
has opened the door, and quickened it to your heart, and you become a
place where sin is dead, and desire, it's all gone... Then He taketh
away your own self-righteous, He may establish Himself in you. And it's
Christ, the Son of God in you, the hope of glory.
"Let us go on to perfection." How can we be perfect? Through the death
of Christ, not through joining church, not through our good works, what
we do (That's all all right.), not because we were baptized this a-way
or that way, not because that we been healed by laying on of hands, not
because of any of these other things, "we believe in the death, burial,
and resurrection."
188-130 Paul
said, "I could speak with tongue like men and Angels (That's both the
tongues that is understood and the tongues that cannot be understood,
has to be interpreted.), I am nothing. Though I have the gift of
knowledge and understand all the wisdom of God (to explain the Bible
from... tie her together), I am nothing." Don't do much good to go to
school then, does it? to learn the Bible? "Though I have faith that I
can move mountains..." Healing campaigns don't mean very much then,
does it? "I'm nothing, though I give my body to be burned as a
"Oh," they say, "that man's religious."
"But he's nothing," Paul said, "never become nothing."
"For where there's tongues, they shall cease; where's prophecies, it
shall fail; where there's all these other things, will fail. But when
that which is perfect is come, that which is in part will be done away
with." See, that's perfect. What is perfect? Love. What is love? God.
Let us lay aside all these little dead works and ordinance and go on to
perfection. You see it? We're perfected through Christ. How do we get
into It? By Holy Spirit baptism.
"All right, what happened?" You've passed from death unto Life.
"Well, do I shake? Jump? Do..." You--you don't have to do nothing.
You've already done it. God brought you from death unto Life, and
you're alive. Then your fruits of your life show it.
189-136 A lot
of you Methodists and Nazarenes shouted just as hard as you could
shout, steal corn out of a man's patch (That's right.), and do
everything that could be.
A lot of you Pentecostals spoke in tongues like pouring peas on a
cowhide, sure, went right out and run away with the next man's wife,
done all kinds of things. That's not it, brother.
Don't try to have any sensation, anything to take the place of the Holy
Spirit. When the new birth is come, you are changed. You don't have to
do anything to prove it; your life proves it. As you walk, your love,
peace, long-suffering, gentleness, meekness, patience, that's what you
are. And the whole world sees the reflection of Jesus Christ in you.
189-139 Now,
speaking in tongues, shouting there, that's just attributes that follow
this kind of a life. And you can take and impersonate those attributes
and never have that Life. We see it. How many knows that that's true?
Sure you do; certainly you do. Why you can see it all around you.
So there's nothing you say that's the evidence of the Holy Ghost,
unless it's your life that you live. Now, if you want to speak with
tongues, that's perfectly all right if you live the life to back it up.
That's right. And if you want to shout, fine, that's good. I shout too,
get so happy sometimes I can't hardly wear a pair of shoes; I like to
jump out of them. And that's wonderful. I believe it.
And I've seen visions, and the sick healed, the dead raised. When they
laying out there and the doctors walk away and say they're finished and
gone, lay there a couple hours; and the Holy Spirit come right down and
show a vision, go down there and raise that person up. I've seen those
who are deaf, dumb, and blind, and crippled, walk. That doesn't... That
was just attributes.
189-142 Brother,
long time ago before the world was ever--had a foundation to it, God
through His eternal grace, He looked down, and by foreknowledge He seen
you and I. He knew what age we'd live in; He knew what we would be.
Therefore, by election He chose us before the foundation of the world
to be with Him without spot.
Now, if He chose us before the foundation of the world to be in Him
without spot, and we're borned all spotted and nothing else
can--nothing can cleanse us, how we going to be without--how we going
to be without spot? He sent His only begotten Son, that whosoever
believeth in Him should not have an end of life, but have Eternal Life,
should never perish, but have Eternal Life. Then when we come into Him,
by faith, through grace are we saved, by the Holy Spirit calling to us.
190-144 Before
there was a body on this earth, your bodies were laying here. It's made
out of calcium, potash, moisture, cosmo--cosmic light, and petroleums,
and so forth, sixteen elements. And the Holy Spirit begin to brood over
the earth, wooing. And as It did, first thing you know, up come a
little Easter flower. Then He brood out some grass, and some birds, and
after while a man come forth.
Now, He never made a woman out of the dust of the earth. She's alway a
man to begin with, the man and woman are one. So He took from the side
of Adam, a rib, and made a woman a helpmate to him, and then sin come
190-146 Then
after sin came in... God will not be defeated no matter what takes
place. He'll never be defeated. Then women begin to bring men on the
earth. And God through eternal grace seen who would be saved, and He
called you, "No man can come to Me, except My Father calls him first.
Not him that willeth, or him that runneth, but God that showeth mercy."
You say, "Well, I sought God. I sought God." No, you never. God sought
you. That's the way it was in the beginning.
It wasn't Adam saying, "O Father, Father, I've sinned. Where are You?"
It was Father saying, "O Adam, Adam, where are you?" That's the nature
of man. That's the strain of men. That's what he's made of.
"And no man can come to Me, except the Father draws him. And all that
the Father gives Me... (Hallelujah.) All that come, I'll give them
Eternal Life, and I'll raise him up at the last day." What a blessed...
What a blessed promise of a God of heaven.
Where we get to tonight, where He swore by Himself, there's none
greater. You take an oath by someone greater than you. There's no one
greater, so God took an oath to Himself. We're getting into it: how He
did it and when He did it, and took an oath to Himself that He would
raise us up and make us His own heritage.
191-151 Oh, how
perfect and solid we can stand this morning. How you can look at death
staring you right in the face, you could say like Paul, "Death, where
is your sting? Grave, where is your victory? But thanks be to God, Who
gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ." There you are.
Why? "Oh, you did so-and-so."
"I know it, but I'm covered by His Blood." Hallelujah.
"By One Spirit we were all baptized into one Body." You Methodists,
Baptists, Presbyterians, whatever you are, we were baptized into one
Body. And we have fellowship, and we're citizens of the Kingdom of God,
professing that we are not of this world.
My little girl come the other day and said, "Daddy, this little girl
did so-and-so, and they did so-and-so, and we went over to the house
and did so-and-so." I said... Said, "Why don't we do that?"
I said, "Honey, we are not of that world. They live in a world to
Said, "But don't we all walk on the same ground?"
I said, "Of the world, honey. We're not of them people."
191-159 The
Bible said: "Come out of them; be ye separated," saith God. See, you're
not of that. And when that new nature comes into you, you don't have to
be pulled out; you don't want to go back like Lot's wife. You're just
borned out of it. And you're in another dimension. And that looks
trashy to you. And this, the great, fabulous America that we live in,
has become one big chaos of it. Everything is lust and women. And women
the way they're dressing, the men the way they're acting, and--and the
things they're doing, and then call themselves Christians...
For instance, this Elvis Presley, going join the Pentecostal church
now, 'course that's where... Judas got thirty pieces of silver; Elvis
got a fleet of Cadillacs and a--and a few million dollars for selling
his birthright. Arthur Godfrey... Look at that.
192-161 Look
over here at Jimmy Osborne in Louisville, out there with that old
boogie-woogie, rock-and-roll, old tommyrot, and filth, and on Sunday
morning, take the Bible and stand on the platform and preach. What a
disgrace. No wonder the Bible said, "Every table's full of vomit."
Why, we're living in a terrible day. And people say, "Oh, they're very
religious." Oh, don't you know that the Devil is religious? Don't you
know that Cain was just as religious as Abel was? But he didn't have
the revelation. That's it; he didn't have the revelation. Yeah, we all
go to church, but there's some's got Life; that's the ones that got the
revelation of Jesus Christ in their heart: not by shaking, jumping, not
by joining church, but the revelation. God has revealed Him.
Look what said, "Who does man say I, the Son of man, am?"
"Some said, 'You're a prophet.' And some say, 'You're Elias.' And
some..." Said, "But who do you say?"
Peter said, "Thou art the Christ, the Son of the living God." That
wasn't from his lips.
He said, "Blessed art thou, Simon, the son of Jonas, for flesh and
blood never revealed this. You never learned this in some--some ethics
of the Bible, or some theological seminary. Blessed are ye, for flesh
and blood has not revealed this to you, but My Father which is in
heaven has revealed it. And upon this rock I'll build My Church, and
the gates of hell can't prevail against it."
192-167 If
you're a Christian this morning 'cause you belong to church, you're
lost. If you're a Christian because you've passed from death unto Life,
you're free from judgment; into Christ, you're becoming into perfection
all the time. God cannot see one thing... You say, "Well, will I ever
make a mistake?" Sure, but you don't do it willfully.
Now we're getting into that just in a few minutes, "For he that sins
willfully after he received the knowledge of the truth, there remaineth
no more sacrifice for sin." We get into that tonight, because it's a
little too late now.
193-169 Let's
read just a couple more verses of this, so we can feel better about
getting down a little more. All right. Well, we start right in on that
tonight, the 4th verse, listen at this.
it is impossible for those who were once enlightened, and made... and
have been... and have tasted of the power... the heavenly gift, and
were made partakers of the Holy Ghost,
tasted the good word of God, and the power of the world to come,
they shall fall away, to renew themselves... unto repentance;...
See, and we take that into Hebrews 10, and back and forth, to show what
this is.
193-170 Friends, let us go on to perfection. We have... We're not... We're without excuse today. We have no excuse at all. The God of heaven has appeared in these last days and is doing the very same things that He did then when He was here before, when He was on earth. He's proved. As we're coming through this Bible, and you've... You, class, know this; that we have taken miracle by miracle, and sign by sign, and wonder by wonder, that He did with the children in the wilderness, the things and signs that He did. The things that He done when He was here on earth, manifest in the flesh, and the very same things are taking place today right here among us. Here's the Word to vindicate it. Here's the thing to say it's right, to make it right. Here's the Spirit of God to do the same thing, so we're without an excuse. Let us pray.
193-171 Heavenly Father, seeing that we are compassed about by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every word, every thing, every wrong, every evil word, every bad-spoken word, every thought, and let us run with patience the race that's set before us, looking to the Author and Finisher of our faith, the Lord Jesus Christ. O blessed be His most matchless and holy Name. How that He came to earth to redeem fallen man, and to bring them back into the fellowship of the Lord God. And we thank Thee for this. And now by His grace... We never chose Him, but He chose us. He said, "You have not chosen Me, but I chose you." When? "Before the foundation of the world."
194-172 And,
dear God, if there be some setting here this morning, maybe, who's put
this off for years and years, but constantly, there's a little knocking
at the heart... Maybe they joined church, thinking, "Well, it'll be all
right." Father, surely the Scriptures has explained it this morning,
that you cannot hide behind a church and be righteous; neither can you
be good, not lie and steal and do anything bad, and still be righteous.
There's only one righteousness we have, not of our own, but His
righteousness. He has perfected our salvation. Therefore, being in Him,
God does not see our mistakes. When we do anything wrong, there's a
spirit in us screams out, "O Father, forgive me." Then God does not see
it. And it's... We are brought into fellowship and grace with Him.
Grant it, Lord, while we close this service, in Christ's Name. Amen.
194-174 Just
for a moment, I like to ask you... No matter what you do, you're lost.
Listen to this. Sometime ago... I might've told it before. Here's a
little experience happened to me.
I was up at--at Toledo, Ohio. I was in a revival and--and having a
meeting down there. And so many people they knowed the hotels was at;
so they taken me out into the country. And I was staying out there in a
little motel.
We'd been eating at a little Dunkard restaurant; it was a wonderful
place, the little ladies in there just as Christian and sainted looking
as they could be, clean and real nice. Sunday come, I got hungry. I'd
been fasting a little, and I wanted to go across the street to another
and order a little--a little road there by a corner, and there's
a--just a regular, common, American place there to eat, little--had a
little place, a cafe, open all night.
194-177 When I
walked in there on that Sunday, about two o'clock in the afternoon,
before going down to preach that afternoon, I was so gotten, I didn't
know what to do. I walked in, and the first thing I noticed was a young
lady about sixteen, eighteen years old (some papa's darling, and some
mother's darling), standing back there with a boy, with her hands
around her hips. Bunch of teenagers setting at the--at the counter...
I heard a slot machine and looked over here and there was a policeman
standing there with his arm around a woman, up around here, her
waistline, and playing a slot machine. Now, you know that gambling and
slot machines is illegal in Ohio, you Buckeye people here. And you know
that's illegal. And here was the law playing a slot machine: and a man
of my age, probably married, bunch of children, maybe a grandfather: a
policeman, road patrol, playing a slot machine. There's that young...
What's a teenage done? What's this done?
195-179 I stood there. Nobody noticed me coming in; they was too busy, half of them drunk. So I watched. I heard somebody saying, "Well, do you think the rain'll hurt the rhubarb?" And looked around over here, and here set a lady setting there, old lady, real... She was sixty-five, seventy, close to it. And the poor lady... I don't blame anyone from looking their best, but when she... She'd fixed herself and made her hair blue, real blue looking, and all cut off over the top and made it real blue. And she had on real thick manicure, ever what you call the stuff put on her face, and a big spots. And she had on little bitty shorts, and the poor old thing was so wrinkled till the meat, flab, meat was hanging down like that over her leg. And she was drunk. She was setting there with an old man in the summertime, with one of these old, gray army overcoats on, or olive drab, it hanging down like that, and a big scarf around his neck. Drunk, two of them, and they was with this poor old woman.
195-180 I stood there and looked around; I said, "God, how can You stand it? What--what... How do You look at such as that? When it makes me, a sinner saved by grace, think that, how can--can You look at it? Why, it looks like You'd burst the thing open. Will my little Rebekah and Sarah have to come up under that kind of an influence? Will my two little girls have to meet a--a popular, so known world as it is today, where the people act like that? God, how can I ever... What can I do?" 'Course, it's His grace. If they were ordained to Eternal Life, they'll come to it; if they wasn't, they won't. I don't know. That's up to God. I'll do my part.
195-181 I
thought, "How can You stand it, God? Look like You're so holy that
You'd just wipe that thing off the earth." I said, "Look at that poor
grandmother setting there. Look at that young girl back there. And
here's a woman standing here, probably twenty-five years old, and that
police with his arms around her waist, a-playing a slot machine. And
there's the law; the nation's gone. There's the motherhood gone. Here's
the elder gone. And there's a young girl setting back there, and she's
gone. Look at the boys, when they ought to be in church or somewhere."
I thought, "O God, what can I do? And here I am in this city a-crying
with all my heart, and they ignore it and walk as if they were..." And
I thought, "Well, God..."
Well, then a thought come: "If I haven't called them, how can they
come? All the Father has given Me will come. 'You have eyes but you
can't see, ears and you can't hear.'"
I thought, "Well, if the President would come to town instead of the
revival, everybody'd come out. Oh, sure, that's worldly."
Then I got to thinking, "Well, God, how... Why don't You just... Well,
come on and send Jesus and let's have it over with. Why don't You
just--just go and have it all over with, and let it go?"
196-186 Then I begin to see something moving in front of me. It looked like a little whirl going around like this. I kept watching it, and I saw a world turning around and around. And I watched it, and where it was spraying something off. And I looked, and it was a spray of red, crimson Blood across, around the world, just like a whirl going around, like a comet, and it had a whirl around like this. And I looked at this whirl; and just above it I saw Jesus in the vision. He was looking down. And I seen myself standing down here on the earth doing the things that I should not do. And every time that I sinned, God would've killed me, "'Cause the day you eat of it, the day you die." God's holiness and justice requires... And you'd have to die. And then I looked there, and I kept rubbing my eyes; I said, "I'm not... I never went to sleep. I'm... It's a vision. I'm sure this is a vision."
196-187 I kept
watching as I stood behind the door. And I seen my own sins come up.
And every time they would start to hit the throne, His Blood would act
like a bumper on a car; it caught it, and I'd see It shake, and the
Blood would run down His face. And I seen Him raise His hands, and
said, "Father, forgive him; he doesn't know what he's doing."
I seen myself do something else; it shook Him again: bump. It would...
God would've killed me right then, but His Blood was a-catching me. It
was holding my sins. I thought, "O God, did I do that? Surely it wasn't
me." But it was.
Then I went walking like this, like I was going through that room, and
I walked up close to Him. I seen a book laying there and it had my name
on it, and all kinds of black letters wrote across it. I said, "Lord,
I'm sorry I did this. Did my sins cause You to do that? Did I spin Your
Blood around the world? Did I--did I do this to You, Lord? I'm so sorry
that I did it." And He reached out. I said, "Will You forgive me? I
didn't mean to. I'll... You, by Your grace... I'll try to be a better
boy if You'll just help me."
197-190 He took
His hand and patted His side took His finger and wrote "pardoned" on my
book, throwed it over behind Him (the Sea of Forgetfulness). I watched
it a little bit. And He said, "Now, I forgive you, but you want to
condemn her." See? Said, "You're forgiven, but what about her? You want
to blow her up. You didn't want her to live."
I thought, "O God, forgive me. I didn't mean to think that. I didn't
want to do that. I--I--I didn't want to do that."
"You're forgiven; you feel all right, but what about her? She needs it
too. She needs it."
Well, I thought, "God, how did I know who You've called and who You
haven't called?" It's my business to speak to everyone.
197-194 So when
the vision left me, I walked over to her, I said, "How do you do,
lady?" And them two men had went to the rest room. And they... She was
setting there hiccupping, you know, and laughing, the bottle of whiskey
setting on the table, or beer it was, alcohol, setting there where
they'd been drinking. I walked up and said, "How do you do?"
And she said, "Oh, hello."
And I said, "Could I set down?"
She said, "Oh, I got company."
I said, "I didn't mean it in that way, sister." She looked at me when I
called her "sister."
She said, "What do you want?"
And I said, "Could I set down just a minute."
She said, "Help yourself." And I set down. I told her what had
happened. She said, "What's your name?"
And I said, "Branham."
She said, "Are you the man down here in this arena?"
And I said, "Yes, ma'am."
She said, "I've been wanting to come down there." She said, "Mr.
Branham, I was raised in a Christian family." She said, "I got two
young girls that's Christian. But certain-certain things happened," and
she got on the wrong road, or started.
198-196 I said,
"But, sister, I don't care; the Blood's still around you. This world's
covered over with Blood." If It didn't, God would kill us, every one.
He... When that Blood's moved, look out for judgment. But now, if you
die without that Blood, you go beyond that place; then there's nothing
to act for you. Today the Blood acts in your stead.
I said, "Lady, sure, the Blood's still got you covered. As long as you
got breath in your body, the Blood has you covered. But someday when
the breath leaves here, the soul goes out, you'll go beyond that Blood,
and there's nothing but judgment. While you got a chance for pardon..."
And I took her by the hand; she was crying, said, "Mr. Branham, I'm
I said, "That don't hurt. Something another has warned me to come tell
you." I said, "God, before the foundation of the world, called you,
sister. And you're doing wrong, and you're only making it worse."
She said, "Do you think He would have me?"
I said, "Absolutely, He'd have you."
And there on her knees, we got down in the middle of that floor, had an
old fashion prayer meeting. And that police took off his hat and bowed
on one knee. There we had a prayer meeting in that place. Why? God's
sovereign... "Laying aside these dead works, let us go on to
perfection." Let's move into that realm where there's, "I belong to
church. And I belong to that," that's all finished. And let's go to
198-202 My
sinner friend, if you're without the Blood today, without salvation,
without grace, the Blood of Jesus Christ holds you. You say, "Well, I
got by all this time." But one day you're going where there's nothing
will act for you then.
Let us pray now, while we bow our head. Is there would be one here
today would like to say, "God, be merciful to me; I realize that I've
done wrong"? Maybe you joined church. That's all right. But if you
haven't received the grace of Christ, would you raise your hand and
say, "Pray for me, Brother Branham"? God bless you, mister. God bless
you, lady. That's right. Don't... God bless you, sir, back there. God
bless you, and you. Way back in the back, yes, God bless you. Raise
your hand. That's right. Just put your hand up and say, "God be
merciful to me."
199-205 You
say, "I belong to church, Brother Branham. Yes, I--I've tried to be
good. But I don't know, I just... Seems just like I can't do it." Oh,
poor pilgrim, poor decrepit friend, you've really never seen the vision
You say, "Brother Branham, I shouted. I spoke with tongues. I done all
this." That might be true too. That's all right, nothing to say against
that. But, my dear lost friend... But to speak with tongues, or to
shake, or to shake hands, or to be baptized, that--that's all right,
but to know Him is to know a Person. To know Him is Life.
You say, "I know the Bible, real well." Well, to know the Bible's not
Life. To know Him (the personal pronoun), to know Him, Christ, that you
know He's forgive you. Would you just raise your hands again? Someone
else? God bless you, lady. God bless you, sir. God bless you over here,
brother. God bless you back there, young man. God bless you over here,
sister. God bless you, way back in the back there. That's right, to
know Him is Life. "Brother Branham, remember me. I'm now, right here in
my seat, going to accept Christ."
199-208 Say,
"Come into my heart, Lord Jesus, and give unto me that peace, that
sweetness." Go to church, play the music as hard as you can, dance
up-and-down, run through the aisle, go home weary and toss and fuss,
that's not Christ. You go to church, set and listen to some little
sermon about how the bridge is going to be painted, or something
another like that, and never hear the Word. The Word brings Life. It's
the Seed. Don't you want peace?
Are you bothered about dying? If you'd have a heart attack today, does
it worry you? Or would you rejoice to say, "I'm going to be with the
Lord Jesus on the end of this road"? Do you know Him? If you don't,
just raise your hand; we're going to ask prayer for you. Yes, brother,
you too. All right, in your heart now...
as I am, without one plea,
that Thy blood was shed... (For who?)...
for me,
I promise I'll believe,
Lamb, O Lamb of God, I come! I come! (tenderly,
as... (Just walk
right to Him by faith. Believe that He's standing right there by your
side. He is.)... --ting not
rid my soul... (Of how
much now?)... of one... (temper,
Him whose blood can cleanse each spot,
Lamb... ("By faith
I'll walk to the cross this morning; I lay my burdens down.")...
I come!
God bless you back there; that's it. [Brother
Branham hums the hymn--Ed.] Don't
be indifferent now. Warmly, sweetly, walk right up to the cross.
200-212 In the
Old Testament they brought a lamb. They knowed they'd sinned; they
knowed it by the commandments. You know it now, because God spoke to
your heart. They took and looked at the commandments: "Thou shalt not
commit adultery. Thou shalt not do so-and-so." And they took a lamb,
went, put their hands on the lamb, priest cut the throat. The little
fellow was kicking, and bleeding, and bleating, and dying. His hands
was all covered with the blood. The lamb died in his stead, but he
walked out with the same desire to do it again.
But in this place we come by faith through grace; God called us. We lay
our hands on the head of the Lamb of God. We hear that swinging hammer.
We hear that Voice, "I thirst; give Me drink. Father. Lay not this sin
to their charge; they don't know what they're doing." See? By faith we
feel His death there in our stead. Way down in our heart comes a deep
settled peace when a Voice says, "You're pardoned now; go and sin no
more." How by grace then we walk away with not the same desire, but a
desire never to sin no more or to do anything wrong. The peace that
passes all understanding has entered our heart.
May you receive it now while we pray, everyone together.
201-214 Heavenly Father, they're coming by faith through grace. There's about a dozen hands went up, it's the fruits of the message. They come to You. They believe. I believe in them too, Lord. I believe that truly the Holy Spirit spoke to them. And by faith they're coming right up Jacob's ladder now, right up to the foot of the cross, there laying down all their sins, and saying, "Lord, it's too much for me. I just can't bear it any longer. And will You take away my load of sin, and take the desire out of my heart to do so? And let me by faith, this day, receive You as my personal Saviour. And from henceforth, I'll follow You every mile of the way to the end of the journey. I catch a glimpse of what it means to go on to perfection, not going into church, and the roots of dead works like baptisms and so forth. But I want to go on until I can be no more, and Christ can live in me."
201-215 O
Jesus, grant this to each penitent soul this morning. Every one that
raise their hands shall receive Eternal Life because You promised it.
They made a public acception. They raised their hands; they broke all
the laws of gravitation. They made science feel ashamed of theirself,
'cause science says your arms has to hang down. Anything would prove
that in science, that it must stay earthbound, because gravitation'd
hold it down. But there was a spirit in them that made a decision, and
they defied the laws of gravitation and raised their hands. You seen
it, Lord. You put their name on the Book, "Pardoned." The old book's
back in the Sea of Forgetfulness now, never be remembered no more. Let
them go forward today as loving, sweet Christians to serve You. And
maybe many didn't raise their hand, grant to them also.
Let the saints walk just a little closer, Lord, for we're one day
nearer home than we were yesterday. Be Thou with us, Lord, for we ask
it in Christ's Name and for His glory. Amen.