E-1 Thank you, Brother Neville.
Good morning, friends. Happy to be in this morning, and I can pass the
same comment on our brother. I'd promised him to be on the broadcast,
and I--I missed it one week and the next week I forgot it. So I thought
I... The third time ought to be a--a real time off to do it.
So I was just there in one minute of time, just one minute. And Brother
Snyder was outside, so we slipped in real quick and--and finally got in
to the broadcast. And I think we upset them is what we did when we come
in like that, just a little bit. So... And here I was, I'd... Coming
down I--I thought of a text to preach on, you know, and usually in mine
it takes about an hour and a half and I got about fifteen, eighteen
minutes of it started in. And then, I looked up and the clock said it's
time to leave. So we'll continue next Saturday or some time. That's
E-2 Last Sunday, we was on the
10th chapter of Hebrews and got started on the first verse and didn't
get any farther.
Don't forget the services in Indianapolis this week. If any of you
are--have any friends up that way, why, write and tell them. The
services will begin tomorrow night at seven o'clock at the Cadle
Tabernacle in Indianapolis.
And there's plenty of seating room, and nearly eleven thousand people
it'll--it'll seat. And it's a small convention. It's a--a little
organization. I really don't even know what the name of the
organization is. They are having a--a rally there or a convention, and
in this convention they ask me to be the night speaker. So the--I think
the fellowship itself, the church, the organization, only has just a
very, very few members. And so... And then, at night time I had
the--the speaking service, every night, Monday through Friday. Friday
night is the end of the convention.
E-3 So you got any friends
around Indianapolis, why, come right up. And on the twenty-third, the
morning of the twenty-third, if there happened to be someone traveling
through here just on your vacation, as it is vacation month usually,
June; Minneapolis, the Christian Businessman Internationally is having
their convention at Minneapolis, and the opening service is the
twenty-third. The breakfast, the morning breakfast is the twenty-third
of June. I'm to speak at the morning breakfast at opening the service.
Then on the twenty-fourth I'll still be in Minneapolis, and I'll be at
the Heart's Harbor Tabernacle with Reverend Gordon Peterson. And they
have the program telecast there, so if you're--you're around, why, drop
in. And then on the twenty-fourth, twenty-fifth, rather, starts the
convention, and we'll be there.
E-4 It's a very unusual
program. Mr. Roberts, Mr. Hicks, myself, many more ministers is to be
there, and there's no program lined out. The Christian Businessmen,
being a Full-Gospel Christian Businessmen, they wanted to just leave it
open to whatever the Holy Spirit would say do; have us all there. And
so they've never had one like that, and they never advertised any
speakers. The only speak... Speaking's advertised is--is the morning of
the twenty-third I'm supposed to speak at their breakfast, and that's
announced. Otherwise, we'll just all be there waiting on the Holy
That ought to be pretty good, oughtn't it? If we can just all submit
ourselves to the Holy Spirit, that's it, and let Him use us the way He
would have--He would want to use us.
E-5 Now, and--and then the next
scheduled service, that I know of, is the old Azusa Street Rally.
It's... That comes September the fifteenth. I open the service there
for the International Rally of Azusa Street, fifty years of Pentecost
in the United States. They're fifty years old this coming September,
when the Holy Spirit first fell in Azusa Street Mission, the old... I
believe it was an old Baptist Mission, or at Azusa Street in Los
Angeles, California is where the Holy Spirit first fell fifty years ago
this coming September.
And when I was at the Cow Palace a couple of years ago, I said, "Well,
fifty... The word 'pentecost' means 'fifty,' so why not we just have a
big rally." And you know that caught afire, and they got an
international rally. And it will be held in the Angelus Temple, and
five days prior to that I'm to make a little panoramic around to the
different places. Oh, down at Eastgate and--I mean at South Gate and on
up into the--the city of... Oh, several of those little cities, five
different cities, to make a little panoramic, one night service and go
then right into the... to the big rally.
And if you're around California or out there... Some of you from
California, remember that. We're expecting a great time of fellowship
with God's people at that time.
E-6 Now, shall we pray. Our
heavenly Father, we thank Thee this morning for the grand, glorious
privilege that we have of coming into Thy Presence with joyful hearts
and thanksgiving, because that Jesus, the Son of God, has so permitted
us to do this; and His grace has brought us up to this time, and we're
glad to be here today. Glad to have this little place to gather. It's a
open place, a open Bible, and open hearts to receive God's Word and His
And we pray that the Holy Spirit will come and fill every crevice of
our heart with His goodness as we read His Word. For It is written,
"Man shall not live by bread alone; but by every Word that proceedeth
out of the mouth of God."
So, O God, open our mouth today, that it would be You speak, and our
hearts that it would be the Holy Spirit to hear. For we ask it in
Jesus' Name, Thy Son. Amen.
E-7 Last Sunday in the book of
Hebrews, we started with the 10th chapter, and then we got off on
another subject, not knowing just where the Holy Spirit will lead us
to--to teach from, nothing premeditated, just waiting for His moving.
We got back on foreknowledge from that... Say, by the way, I'm glad to
see Sister Hooper setting there this morning. Sister Flo, sure glad to
see you. Many of you may not know her, some of you; and she's been a
tuberculous for years and years and bedfast and all over the nation
trying to get deliverance. And today we're glad to have her setting in
the Tabernacle looking fine today. Thanks be to God.
E-8 Now, the writer of the
Hebrew letter is supposingly to have been Paul, because it sounds like
his writing. And the Hebrew letter was to the Jews, the Hebrews. And it
was Paul trying to separate law from grace, showing the--the difference
between what the law was and what grace is, because the Hebrews was
under the law. And then Paul was trying to show them what grace was.
And I think, myself, that the 10th chapter here and the 1st verse would
be a perfect key to the whole thing. Now, we have the 1st chapter
starting out, "God, in sundry times and divers manners spoke to the
fathers through the prophets, but in this last day through his Son,
Christ Jesus."
Come on over to the 7th chapter, the appearing of Melchisedec. We come
on down into the 9th chapter of the priesthood. How that Christ becomes
our High Priest to take the place of the old high priest.
E-9 Then bring it on over to
the 10th chapter. We come in the law being a shadow of the things to
come. We go into the 11th chapter; and it's all about the--the
wonderful shadows of the faith, the heroes of faith. How by faith they
did such-and-such a thing, and how without us they could not be made
perfect, because they are of the shadow of this to come.
And then, we go into the 11th chapter and Paul... Or 12th chapter, Paul
saying, "Seeing that we are compassed about by such a great cloud of
witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin that so easily
beset us, that we would run with patience the race that's set before
The 13th chapter, the ending chapter, said--ends up with this, towards
the end: that Jesus Christ is all and all, that He's the same
yesterday, today, and forever (See?), showing that It was Christ back
before the law; It was Christ in the law; It was Christ in the days of
grace, and it'll be Christ forever: Jesus Christ the same yesterday,
today, and forever. What a beautiful picture the Hebrew letter paints
to us.
E-10 Now, beginning again now
with the 1st verse, let's go back. Last Sunday, we thought we'd get to
the subject of perfection. But then God moved us back and got
foreknowledge, showing us where that before the world ever was
formed... How many was here last Sunday? Let's see your hands. Did you
get it? Before the world was ever formed, we were placed in Christ.
Think of it. God being infinite, who cannot lie, cannot speak anything
contrary, knows everything just as perfect at the beginning as He is at
the ending, and just as perfect at the end as He was the beginning.
God is endless like eternity. You can never find the corner of a
perfect circle. You could run and run through ages and eternity, and
there'd never, never, never be an end to it, and that's the way God is.
And when He... Be first was God which always was; He was infinite,
perfect to begin with. And He will always be the same. He never can
change. He's perfectly the same.
E-11 Now, this great chain of
perfection was broken by time space. Time came because of sin. Let's
draw a picture of time. Let's see, a perfect circle, forever, forever,
and then all of a once, sin dropped in and put a--a little, as my wife
calls it, a little hickey or a little drop in the chain so it comes
down now. Eternity continues on, but it's not in its perfect condition.
There's a little gap comes down, breaks over this way, goes out this
away. God had to do that because Satan caused it. And it dropped down
to a space of time for the trying, and the perfecting, and for the
purging of the lost, that God by His sovereign grace might someday lift
that little hickey or gap back into the perfect circle. Then she rolls
on just the same. You see it?
E-12 Time... Now, time is this
little loop that loops down. Jesus was from eternity to eternity, but
He stepped into the time spaces, made flesh, and came through here in
order to sanctify or put a streak of Blood all across this place to
redeem it and connect it back with God again for all eternity. You see
That's all time is. Then God when it started here to end of little kink
in the perfect circle but made it a little kink in it; when God started
there, He was perfect. Everything He said was perfect. Everything He
did--does is perfect. So then the Bible said that Christ Jesus was the
Lamb slain from the beginning of the little kink, the beginning of the
world. Christ was slain at the beginning.
E-13 Now, He really wasn't slain
until four thousand years later. But the reason He was slain then
because, "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and
the Word was God." Do you see it, Brother Egan, what I mean? See? He
was God in the beginning and when...
Now, Satan could... Did not--did not create this little loop, this
little hickey. He didn't create that. Satan cannot create. Satan can
only pervert what God has created.
E-14 Look. I say this so that
you'll understand. This is the adult class, and we're mostly all
married people, probably ninety per cent. And I hope the young women
and men understands, or boys what I... To understand me just to explain
something. If a man takes to himself a wife, a woman, and she becomes
his wife, and they live together as husband and wife for hun--for fifty
years, they're just as clean and pure and unadulterated if they'd never
knew one another. That's--that's God's program.
But for that man or woman to go and live with another man or a woman,
that perverts, makes illegitimate children born. But if they live
together in that perfect harmony, that's God's way. But Satan comes
around and puts lust in the man or the woman, and they live contrary to
those marriage vows, and that's perverting. It's the very same sexual
affair, but it's perverted.
So that's what Satan does with God's correct thing. He perverts it.
That's what Satan is doing today with the real genuine (listen), to the
real message of God. He perverts it, makes something else, makes it
appear to be something that it's not.
E-15 In the world today, we find
that there is a people (The Bible predicted it.), three classes of
people. One of them is the cold, starchy, formal, indifferent. They
just go ahead, no more than belonging to a lodge. They go to church,
talk a little about this, that and the Lord, and so forth, come back,
but no actual borned again experience.
Oh, some of them claim it, but their live proves that it isn't. See?
Now, that's over on one side, way away. And now, down here on the other
side, the fanatics... And a real, true church... Jesus said so, "Will
be so close together, it would deceive the very elect."
E-16 Now, many people, as soon
as they see the fanaticism mixed up with the real, "Aw," they say,
"there's nothing to it. Go on." See, that's the same thing the
Pharisees done. Satan doesn't fool with trying to pervert that. He's
trying to pervert this Truth, and this fanatic here is trying to
impersonate that Truth. See? There's where your danger line lies, right
there. Now, it behooves us to stay spiritual. Read the Word and
anything that rises outside, contrary to the Word, then cast it aside.
That's the reason many times that I'm... They say I'm too hard on women
preachers. The Bible says for them not to speak in the church. The
Bible forbids them to speak in tongues or anything in the church. I
have to stay with the Word. Watch where it's at.
E-17 Look at it. In the world
today, where all this ism rises up. Watch on all the cults of non-meat
eating, and a legalist that, "I've got to do so-and-so. If I don't
speak with tongues; if I don't do this; if I don't shout; if I don't
dance, there's something wrong with me." That's legalism. We are saved
by grace through faith.
Nothing what you done. It's what He did. He did what you couldn't do.
If you could've saved yourself, then He wouldn't have had to die. But
He died in order to save you, where you could not save yourself.
That old God dishonoring proverb says, "God helps those who can't help
themselves," or "God helps those who help themselves," they say. That's
just vice versa. If you can help yourself, God expects you to do it.
God helps those who cannot help theirself. And you can't help yourself
to be saved, so God by His grace saved you.
E-18 Now, notice how beautiful.
The law, great in the eternity, how God foresaw this loop. And if He is
infinite and cannot--cannot be nothing else... Let me just take just
about five minutes to drive this down tight, and nail it so it'll never
slip from your minds again.
May the Holy Spirit then come and weld it together with love, so that
you'll never leave it. Now, look. God Who cannot lie, God Who is
infinite... And I say this again for a people who can't seem to center
theirself on Divine healing: if God promised it, God has got to take
care of His promise, can't leave it.
E-19 Now, look. Before He every
put the printed Word, and this is the mind of God. Here it is; this is
the mind of God that He thought before the foundation of the world was
ever laid. It is. That's the reason He could put It on printed Word and
say what would be, because He saw it before the foundation of the world
and knew just what it would be and spoke it out.
And then He handed down His knowledge to the prophets, and they wrote
it out, and year by year and century by century, we see it coming to
pass just exactly. God giving us shadows of the old to foreshadow the
new, and we see it Word by Word being fulfilled. What a faith we ought
to have established in God.
E-20 Now, watch Him; Christ
being slain before the foundation of the world... When God looked down
and saw the only thing that would save lost man, He said... I don't
know if this is the Words, but it had to be something like this, "Man
cannot be saved, because he's is going to sin. But I look down through
there and I see tens of thousands of honest hearts will want to come. I
see thousands of people who'll want to be saved and not want to go into
this horrible destruction that I'm going to have to make for the devil
and his angels, 'cause they've got to go into everlasting punishment."
And honest hearted people will see that.
Now, I'll have a man by the name of Esau born. There'll be one Jacob,
and Jacob will be, not so good to begin with, but in his heart he will
love the things of God. So I'll choose Jacob.
E-21 He saw you, and He knowed
that you wanted to be saved. So He said, "The only thing I can do is to
go down Myself and have a Son born or a body of flesh and be made like
The antidote is for God Himself to become sin, that He might pay the
price, because it take would the highest thing there is to lift man
from the lost condition. And look. He is above every Angel, every
Archangel. The Highest there was come down here on earth, and lived
among men and went to the lowest city in the earth: Jericho.
E-22 And was so low till the
littlest man in the city had to look down upon Him, Zacchaeus, and then
died for man's sins, come in the way of a stable, poor. The richest
(Oh, I hope you get it.) the richest become the poorest.
Even on a stormy night, said, "The birds have nests, and the foxes has
holes, but I don't even have a place to lay My head."
The highest that all heavens had heard, become the lowest of all lows,
even to the animal life, was privileged to Him, above Him; as far as
comforts of life. Not only that, but in His death, He suffered a death
like no one ever suffered. Never any man ever suffered with such a
broken heart till His Blood and water separated before His death.
E-23 Poorest? From the richest
to the poorest, from the most blessed to the most horrible suffering.
And then besides that went down into the very lowest depths of the
lowest hell, bearing our sins, and got the end of the string, or the
end of the rope from the kink, there lifted it up in the resurrection
and connected it with the other part of eternity, and made a highway of
holiness, that the unclean could come on and be cleansed to the
fountain filled with Blood drawn from Emmanuel's veins; when sinner's
plunged beneath the flood, lose all their guilty stain.
Come onto the highway, and someday He Who was at the beginning of time
shall stand as the Ancient of Time and will pull the great Gospel cord.
And all that's on that highway from the beginning of time, to the
ancient of time, to the end of time shall be lifted up as He draws time
out of existence into an eternity. You see it?
E-24 There He is, the only true
Potentate, the King of kings, and the Lord of lords. How did He do it?
Foreknowledge; He knew. Then He said that... He was the Lamb slain.
Then if He was, four thousand years later, it just come in... The time
run out. He was born. They done to Him what He said they would do, and
then He was crucified and slain; but correctly He was slain before the
world begin, for God foresaw Him and said what would take place. And
when God speaks it has to be. You get it?
Oh, my. God foresaw Christ, and it has to be. That's why it was already
finished. When God said the Word, that finished it. There's the reason
He was actually prefigured slain when God spoke the Word before the
E-25 Notice, not only Christ was
slain to take away sin, but your name was written in the Lamb's Book of
Life before the foundation of the world; God wrote your name associated
with His, before the foundation of the world. Now, Satan, make them get
scared now, get them to doubt that.
Before the world ever began, God called your name, you Christians, and
wrote it in the Lamb's Book of Life before the world ever started,
saith the Bible. That's God's Word. He spoke back there, and revealed
through His servants, the prophets; and we are enjoying the blessings
of resting and waiting upon the coming of the Lord. Waiting for it.
It's all over.
E-26 Oh, no wonder sickness,
peril, nothing can separate us from the love of God that's in Christ.
Because the foundation of the world He put us on that grand old
highway, climbed up the horizontal rainbow, until the pinnacle of the
beginning of time again, holding, the ropes in His hand and someday He
is coming up.
"We which are alive and remain till the coming of the Lord shall not
prevent them which are died in the highway. Cause the trump of God
shall sound and the dead in Christ shall rise. And we shall be caught
up together to meet them that the chains lifted up back into the cycle
of eternity. And then as the ages roll on His praises, we will sing.
E-27 What's He doing? Up there
building us a home. In My Father's house is many mansions; if it wasn't
so, I would have told you; and I've come down here, but I'm going to
prepare one. Get it all fixed up; and if I go I'll come again to
receive you unto Myself.
Oh, my, and He is preparing a home. When this mortal dinge that's here
in the earth shall be; we shall be separated from it. It'll be cast to
the outside of the chain of eternity. It'll be outside of the gulf,
which no man can cross or ever did or ever will. And when this link
down here shall lifted to that part that's the paved holy highway, that
God said in the beginning where there was nothing to defile, there's
nothing to destroy and sin caused this loop.
E-28 Then when this loop is
continued right down through here, to bring out the delegate and when
she's pulled up together to meet each end, eternity rolls on. They that
are redeemed shall walk therein. You get it?
Oh, I wished I could sing. I like to sing that old song:
a beautiful home far over the sea;
mansions abreast for you and for me;
glittering towers the sun will outshine;
heavenly mansion someday shall be mine.
So a
tent or a cottage, why should I care;
building a palace for me over there,
rubies and diamonds and silver and gold;
coffers are full; He has riches untold."
amazing grace! how sweet the sound,
saved a wretch like me!
I once
was lost, but now I'm found,
I was
blind, but now I see. (Nothing
I done)
It was
grace that taught my heart to fear,
It was
grace my fears relieved;
precious did that grace appear
hour I first believed!
E-29 To know that it was nothing I could do, or would do, or had an idea, or had a privilege of doing, it's what He did for me. He came down and redeemed me, placed me on the highway, and stood at the other end to pull both of ends together to make the chain with eternity to roll on. I have a right to walk in that eternity, because He died in my stead, taking away my sins. Wonderful.
E-30 "The law having a shadow, a
shadow of good things to come. What is a shadow? A "shadow" is a
"forecast of an object." You know, a lot of times people quote 23rd
Psalms: "Ye though I walk through the dark shadows of the valley of
death." That's wrong. It said they here.. "Yea, though I walk through
the shadow." Not the dark shadow, if it was dark, it wouldn't make a
shadow. There has to be a certain per cent of light to forecast a
shadow. So the law provided enough light to see the shadow of the real
thing to come.
Christ was represented in that law of the sha... He was represented
foreseen, and Joseph, under the law, Joseph being a shadow of Christ,
loved of his father, because he was a spiritual man. He saw visions,
interpret dreams, very spiritual, and despised of his brother,
correctly with Christ.
He saw visions of the father, and he was a spiritual man. And his
brother hated without a cause, and he was supposingly to have been
killed, a bloody garment placed back before the father. (Oh, how
beautiful. Oh, I get started on that I'll never get to this lesson.)
The garment taken back to the father, bloody, representing his son
being dead...?... And today, the garment of the Lord Jesus is
sanctified Life and His shedded Blood for sinners stands before God, as
a memorial that the price is paid. You see it?
E-31 And he was sold for almost
thirty pieces of silver like Christ was. He was taken up from the
ditch, the pit where he was throwed, and Christ was too. Taken from the
grave and was set at the right hand of Pharaoh; no man could go to
Pharaoh except by Joseph. A proclamation was made, that when Joseph
come forth, that there went forth man before him, callers, saying,
"Every one bow the knee. Joseph is coming."
Now the Bible said that, "Every knee shall bow, and every tongue
confess to the Name of the Lord Jesus." He could bind Pharaoh's
servants at his own desire. He had all the power and authority of Egypt
given unto his hands. And when the chariot rolled down the streets,
every one when the scream come, every Egyptian, no matter how bad they
hated him, they bowed their knee to Joseph.
E-32 Someday, sinner friend, no
matter how much you want to call it fanaticism, no matter how much you
want to say it's wrong, how much you want to squirm and live into the
world and despise the church and the things of God, someday you'll bow
your knee whether you want to or not.
But how glorious it might be for those who love Joseph, how they love
him... Said, "Oh, here comes the great prince, Joseph, and they bowed
their knee and say, "Oh, Joseph, you saved our lives. We would've
starved to death if it hadn't be..." [] But the others
unappreciated him. "Aw, nonsense." Ungrateful, we got that kind of
people in the world today. You don't realize that the bread you eat and
the very air you breathe comes from God. And they worshipped him.
E-33 Here some time ago when Mr.
Baxter was my manager, when the king of England, when we was there to
visit, when the Queen come out, lovely lady, her pretty robe on, her
graying hair; and the King setting so sick at that time he could hardly
stand it. He had a stomach trouble and multiple sclerosis. That was
just before he was prayed for. But he could hardly stand up, but yet
the royal blood of him stuck what little chest he had out, and he rode
down the street in the carriage.
Mr. Baxter standing there, and when he passed I looked at him. His lips
was quivering; the tears was running down his cheeks. He put his big
arm around me, said, "Brother Branham."
I said, "Yes, Brother Baxter?"
He said, "You know, I'm--I'm a Canadian."
He said, "The man who's over our land, the king, him and his lovely
bride and wife, is passing by. That's where I can't hold my emotions. I
have to give vent."
I put my arm around him. I said, "Brother Baxter, as a Christian with
you, what will it be some glorious day, when the King comes with His
Bride? If a man could think that when seeing an earthly king, which is
mortal like we are, what will it be when we see the King of kings
coming in glory? What a glorious time it'll be.
E-34 He was foreshadowed in
Joseph. He was foreshadowed in David. The law foreshadowed Christ.
David, Christ being the Son of David, and then when Christ being in
David, as a shadow, it made David when he was dethroned, rejected of
his own brethren, not only his own brethren but his own blood, Absalom
and his own children... Here it is. They despised their own father, and
called for his blood, and dethroned him, and he went up the hill, the
Mount of Olives, looking back, weeping over Jerusalem. How that he...
God foreshadowed Christ in David. For when he was dethroned, turned
away and His own delegates, His own people, the Jews, cried for His
Blood. "Away with such a person."
He set upon Mount Olive and looked over Jerusalem and wept, saying,
"Jerusalem, oh, Jerusalem, how I would have gathered you like a hen
does her brood, but you would not."
E-35 Christ was foreshadowed
also in Melchisedec in the priesthood in the 9th chapter and the 7th
chapter of Hebrews. How that Melchisedec... Abraham also
foreshadowed... All back there, all the good things, just a shadow, and
how that Melchisedec... The 7th chapter and we read of Him here. We
just read it for a moment.
For this
Melchisedec, king of Salem, priest of the most high God, who met
Abraham returning from the slaughter of the kings, and blessed him;(Amen.)
E-36 Abraham... Lot, his cousin,
had backslidden. You see the real true Spirit of Christ (I hope you get
it); no matter how far he had backslid, when he was in trouble, here
come Abraham to him with a army. The aliens around, about, through the
valleys of Sodom had come down, and had took Sodom and its king, and
took in there had took Lot with him. And Abraham, his uncle, blood
relation, brother's children, when he looked down and saw that the
enemy had taken away his blood relation, he formed an army of his own
servants, went after him.
That represented Christ. When He saw the Church of the living God had
been caught away in error of the devil, He formed a legion of Angels
and come to the earth to pursue the devil, overtook him (Hallelujah.),
scared the enemy. Oh, how we love Him for that. Overtook the enemy, and
He slew the enemy and robbed him of everything he had, cast him aside.
E-37 And what was the first
thing they did? Abraham, returning back with Lot, his wife, his
children, and all the possessions, triumphally, walking back to the
home grounds again, he met Melchisedec. Melchisedec was the King of
Salem. Salem is Jerusalem. When the Jews went into Jerusalem, they
called J-u- salem--Jerusalem. "Salem" which means "the city of peace."
He was the King of the... Listen, let us read it.
To whom Abraham gave
a tenth part of all; first being interpreted the King of righteousness, (Who was this King
that met him? Coming back from the triumph with the victory, as the
Church is today from Calvary.), after that the King of Salem,
which is the King of peace;
Without father,
without mother, without descent, having neither beginning of days or
ending of life;
E-38 Who was this King of Salem?
A great King of Jerusalem, not the earthly, the heavenly. The earthly
Jerusalem was a type of the heavenly; and here come the King of Salem
which is first the King of righteousness, the King of peace. He didn't
have any father, didn't have any mother. He didn't have beginning of
life or ending of days. Oh, my. Without a descent, none other than
Christ, Himself. That's Who the Church meets when they go up into the
And when Abraham met Him, he give Him the tithes of all that he
possessed. You know what they did? The first thing they did was set
down (I feel really emotional.), set down and broke bread and drink
wine and taken the communion after the battle was over.
E-39 And the Bible tells us, Jesus Christ did, that, "We'll eat no more of the fruit of the vine, until I eat it anew with you in my Father's Kingdom." That when the last battle is fought and the victory's won and the waywards has been brought back to the Kingdom of God, we'll set down in the Kingdom of God, and with our Melchisedec Who has no beginning of days or ending of here... (Oh, my, He's our King that's eternal One), eat the communion again with Him. Oh, what a beautiful picture, just marvelous, Old Testament gives to the New Testament believers.
E-40 The law having a shadow of
things to come and not... Listen. The law having a shadow of good
things to come and not the very image of those things. It was a shadow
of the image.
David ruled over the world in the golden age of Israel. What was he?
The shadow, David setting on the throne, all the world at his feet.
What was it the shadow of? It was shadowing something, traveling... the
Son of David, Who is the Son of God, Who is Melchisedec, Who is
beginning of days and ending of years, He has none. The shadow, during
the Millennium He will set on the throne of David and rule all nations,
the shadow of good things.
E-41 What is it today? We look
and see the shadow. Men and women who profess to be Christians and live
like the world. They say, "Oh, I belong to church. What difference does
it make?" It's a shadow of the deceiver from the Garden of Eden, who
pretended to be good, who pretended to have light, who pretended to
have wisdom, but was a deceiver. And that's the way men and women does
today that calls the Name of Jesus Christ and doesn't depart from sin.
Foreshadowing the punishment that they will receive with him who is a
Jesus said to those religious Pharisees, "You are of your father the
E-42 I hope you find it. I hope
this soaks real deep, a shadow of deceit. Then what does that real
royal, one hundred percent Christian, that's borned again of the Spirit
of God, whose name was written in the Lamb's Book of Life before the
foundation of the world, who let come, let go, what may; they hold to
God's unchanging hand.
What is it in their heart? It's a hungering for something yonder. For
those, said the Bible, that do so, plainly confess by their testimony
and their life that they seek a city to come whose Builder and Maker is
What is that hunger in your heart this morning to want to stand in His
Presence? What is that hunger in your heart this morning to reaching
out with all that's in you? All your soul and your life is crying for
something till you say, "I don't care what comes or goes." Oh, God,
something in you looking over the wall and the tears runs down in your
E-43 Oh, lost brother, see the
women in their degraded, demoralized way and see men drinking, and
smoking, and cursing, and gambling, and going to church. What is it in
your heart that cries out, my lost wayward brother? You've took
something up here. You've been connected with the other end of the
line. You touched a--a chain, a highway that chained eternity in the
beginning, when your name was put there and seen by the great attribute
or strain of God's knowledge, looked down and see that you'd come home,
and yet, blinded by the things of the world down here you have a
When the Holy Ghost run down this chain of Blood and catches your
heart, it speaks of a better land, and a better place, and a better
city. Therefore you say, "This world is not my home. I'm just passing
through. My treasures are laid up away beyond the blue."
E-44 God speaking... Let come, go, what may. Your heart's still centered. It's a shadow. The shadow is before you. That's what makes the shadow. The law having a shadow of the baptism of the Holy Spirit... The law having a shadow, that's the reason He said in the Bible you have to take and compare Scriptures with Scriptures and make it come through, and if it comes a nick in it, remember you're out of line. Stay in that li--li--that line of Scripture.
E-45 Now, the law having a
shadow can never make the worshiper perfect. Can never make the comer
unto perfect. For... Listen 2nd verse, we'll try it the next five
minutes. Look. "For then would they not have ceased to been offered?"
If the blood of bulls, and goats, and sheeps, and heifers, and if the
high priest was a right order, then the world would have continued on.
Death would have ceased under that. You get it? Let it soak just a
If Caiaphas, the high priest, the offering of animal life would have
perfected the man and give him Eternal Life, then there was no reason
for anything else to take place. That would've went right on. Eternal
Life would've set in and growed right on, but there had to be a shadow
of the real Lamb of God that was coming to take away the sin of the
world, which had been forespoke by God.
And then men and women today, that was foreknown by God before the
foundation of the world, their names were written in the Lamb's Book of
Life. If they shout, all right; if they don't, all right; if they do
this, all right; if they don't, all right, for God has already said so.
It has to come to pass.
"It's not him that willeth or him that runneth, it's God that showeth
the mercy." God's choice, not our...
E-46 Now, notice. Then them
offerings would not ceased to have been, for they would not have ceased
to be offered, because why? Here we're getting to the close now. The
school's out. Because that the worshiper... Why? Because... Oh, I feel
like a little kid with a Christmas toy now. I'm just so happy about
How I would like to give it to the church, to you believers, to let you
see what's truth, that they would've been all right, and never would
have ceased. It would've went on, Eternal Life. "Because the
worshiper..." Now, read it with me."The worshiper once... (not every
revival, not every Sunday morning), but the worshiper once purged
should have no more conscience of sin." What? "The worshiper once
purged..." The purgative of the Blood of the Lamb once thoroughly
squeezed out, cleans out the worshiper, the very conscience of sin is
Think of it. The word "conscience" in the right interpretation that
we'd use here. This is the King James Version, in England it means a
conscience. In here, it mean the desire. The worshiper once purged by
the purgative of Christ, that's at Calvary, has no more desire of sin.
Old things is passed away; all things have become new.
E-47 Now, you can sing like a
lark and still have hatred, malice, and strife in you body and your
soul. You can shout like, I don't know what. You still have it. You can
dance in the Spirit; you can speak with tongues; you can prophesy; you
can preach, any of those things and still have malice, envy, strife in
your heart.
But when the real true foreordination of God's eternal Word, when your
name was written there, in the Blood, ever purges that person, the very
thoughts of it condemn him on the tracks where he is standing at. Said,
"Don't condemn me. I go to these places and... I don't condemn me." Why
doesn't it? You as a negative worshiper has never been purged by the
Blood of Jesus Christ.
E-48 And the legalist got a hold
of this idea, "Hallelujah, I'll wear my dresses down this away and my
dresses down this away. I'll let my hair grow long, and I'll be all
right." That's a lie.
And they point back to the woman with short hair and with short dresses
and say, "She's going to hell." I can't say that, yet I think those
things are all right. I'm not condemning them, but when you rest your
eternal hopes and salvation upon that doctrine, you are damned with it.
A man or woman, it doesn't matter whether you're this, that, or the
other, you come to the fountain filled with Blood drawn from Emmanuel's
veins, and let the purgative of the Blood of the Lord Jesus Christ
purge your sins.
E-49 Brother, it won't matter if
you can still have dresses so long. You could still not wear short
sleeves shirts, you men, and those things, or whatever you want to; but
if you still got malice, and envy, and strife, you might've run,
danced, spoke in tongues, shouted, preached the Gospel, or anything.
But you're lost until that Blood has cleansed you and set in a Divine
love of the Lord Jesus Christ in your heart, in your life speaks of
Christ behind you. Amen.
"Where there is tongues, they shall cease; where there's prophecy, it
shall fail. Where there is knowledge, it shall be vanished; but when
that which is perfect is come, that which is in part is done away."
E-50 And we're resting today as
legalists, upon some legal thing that we done. Why, when I was a
sinner, I was a leopard. The more I tried to quit this and quit that, I
only made my spots brighter. I was a hypocrite with it and so was you,
but today when you come to Calvary to the purging where the real
Lamb... Under the Old Testament they brought a lamb. They'd go out and
commit adultery. They'd get mad, and fuss, and fight, and cuss. And
when they did, they'd bring a lamb, bring it to the priest, say, "Oh,
priest of God."
"I cursed my neighbor. I--I committed adultery. I told a lie. I
stoled." Lay his hands upon this dying lamb without a spot. The priest
examined it. Had to be kept up to see if it was right. Laid his hands
upon it, and they cut the throat. And the blood went up over his hands.
And the little lamb bleating, kicking, and dying, and the worshiper
standing there said, "Yes. That should be me, but the lamb's taking my
E-51 But he went back out with
the same desire. He'd go it again, just as soon as he got a chance. And
that's the way people do today. They come in and confess and say, "Oh,
this, that, or the other," and go back out and turn around and do the
same thing over again. Join one church, another, if this one gets a
little something started, and they'll go to this one and that one, but
what was it the shadow of. It was imperfect. That could never take away
sin, but it was a shadow of the real double cure coming.
And then Jesus Christ, the Son of God, came and died at Calvary, and
the worshiper once places his hands upon the head of the Lord Jesus and
knowing that the screaming and crying at the cross, that death, that
vicarious suffering, he ought to pay it hisself and that depths of hell
where he should've went. He knowed that Christ paid the place and
confessing his sins.
Then what happened? What made the difference? What went out of the lamb
from the blood? Went the life. And the blood cell was on his hand; the
life was a...?... from the altar, but the life of the lamb could not
come back on the worshiper, though he confessed that he was wrong, and
the lamb took his place, because a worshiper has a soul, and he
couldn't live as an animal. Right.
E-52 But oh, God, cock back both
hammers on the shotgun and let both barrels go to this church, is my
prayer. But when the worshiper... "He that heareth my Words and
believeth on Him that sent Me hath Everlasting Life (the Holy Spirit),
shall not come into condemnation but has pass from death to Life.
When the worshiper puts his hands on the head of the dying Lamb of
Calvary and confesses his sins, and God recognizes that to be truth,
but from his heart he confesses his sin, that certain Life called the
Holy Ghost of Jesus Christ turns back into the worshiper, and he's
purged and has no more desire of sin, for he's led by the Spirit of God
and not his own life from then on.
He will make mistakes, certainly, but that Life will hold him. Watch.
Let's go down to the 4th--14th verse. We got time to finish it. Let's
take the 12th verse.
But this man... (not the Lamb...
Christ)... But this man...
E-53 He's talking now of the
high priest order, how the priest went into the temple and so forth,
worship. How the worshiper went back out with the same desire.
Men come to the altar and say, "Yes, I don't want to go to hell."
Preacher preaching on how hot hell is and the altar's full of people.
"Oh, God, I don't want to go to hell."
But they're never willing to yield thyself, say, "Yes, Lord. Not my
will from this on but Yours." Really, realize what you're doing. Say,
"God, be merciful to me."
E-54 The Blood of Jesus is on
your hands then. Don't you go out and start living the same life that
you did. That Blood will condemn you at the end of the judgment. You'd
better have the Life that's in that Blood to return to your life's
blood, return to your heart and you make live a different Chr--a
different person.
The worshiper once purged. Watch here.
But this man, after
he had offered one sacrifice for sin for... (How long?)...
ever... (that
chain that's eternity)... forever, set down at the right hand of
God... (At
the end of the road. Where's He at? At the end of the road.)
E-55 You remember Sunday before
last, the Sunday that I preached and illustrated the little ark of
Moses that was going down through the bulrushes and everything? You
remember how that you old people got to crying and shouting when I was
preaching to the children, had all them little black and blue eyes
setting up here on the front row, telling them if you lose your life,
you'll find it. If you keep your life, you'll lose it. You remember
that, church?
You remember when I was in illustration, getting the illustration of
that morning when Jochebed and when Amram, Aaron and Miriam all down
before daylight with their hands up in the air, saying, "God, You gave
us the baby. Now, we're giving it back to You. You give it to us. It
wasn't ours. It was Yours. You give it to us, and now, we give it back
to you." [] We keep it; the witches of
hell will kill it. And those long, hook-nosed women come out there, and
take its little head, and bust it against the wall. We'll lose it if we
keep it, but if we give it back to the One Who gave it to us, we'll
keep it."
E-56 That's the same thing in your little bark this morning, brother, sister. You got a cargo in there, a precious cargo of the world; it's called your soul. Go ahead and keep it. Live the way you want to. You'll lose it as certain as I'm standing here; and if you give it back to God and surrender your will, you'll keep it. You'll find it. Jesus said so.
E-57 Remember, and when they
pushed this, the treasure of their heart; when they pushed it out into
the river, old crocodiles coming up. I could see God, as I said, raise
from His Throne.
You know there's a lot of trials goes on down here, but there's
Somebody looking at them all the time. They love not their life unto
death. When poor old Amram with his only beloved little child, little
Jochebed that just nursed it to her bosom and then had to put it in the
ark and push it out into the bulrushes, when the alligators were fat on
little babies... There when she was standing there and the tears
running down her cheeks, God said, "Come here, Gabriel, come here a
minute. I want to show you something. I got somebody that really
believes Me." Amen.
E-58 God, let me be that type of
person that can say, "God said so. It's right." And be so dead to
anything else, till it becomes a sounding brass or a tinkling cymbal.
Said, "Come here, Gabriel. All you angels come out here. I want to show
you something. See that man down there with his hands up. Pushed his
own baby out. I gave it to him, and now he is giving it back. I'll see
that he keeps it." Amen. Said, "Gabriel, call ten thousand angels on
marching orders. I want them out here." Gabriel sounded a little
trumpet and it crossed the corridors of eternity. Ten thousand armed
angels walked down. Said, "String yourselves up and down the river. See
that no alligators, nothing else is going to touch on that. It was give
back to Me."
Gabriel said, "Lord, Chief Captain, where are You going to be?"
"I'm going to be at the end of the line. I'm going to receive down
there." That's the same thing He does today when a man puts his trust
in the Lord Jesus, confesses his sins; the Holy Ghost takes a hold of
that man, and Christ stands at the receiving end.
E-59 Though through many
whirlpools, and alligators, and scary spooks, and everything else, we
come through... Through many dangers, toils, and snares I have already
come; it's grace that's brought me safe thus far; it's grace that will
take me on.
Who's at the receiving end? Listen.
Forever, set down at
the right hand of God;
From henceforth... (up yonder at the end
of the road)... expecting till his enemies be made his footstool.
E-60 Are you ready? Here it is.
Here's the last turn on the bolt. Here's the last spot with the torch.
Here's the last drive of the nail. This is the one who clinches
eternity to eternity and in there the Sword of God's deliverance has
went through the heart and hanging up his delegate to the Holy Spirit.
Here it is. Hebrews 10:14. Listen. Not My Word, but God's Word who
spoke it before the foundation of the world. It has to be so.
For by one offering
He has... (p-e-r-f-e-c-t-e-d) perfected forever them that
are sanctified.
Perfected how long? Till the next time you get on a outs with your
neighbor, till the next time you see somebody, some man or woman or is
lustful, until the next time you see the chance to tell a big lie,
until the next time you see where you can net someone, hurt them, and
drive them away from church, so sometime you can criticize somebody?
Yes, sanctified forever, perfected forever, where the Holy Ghost...
E-61 You might say something
sometimes wrong; that's right. You might do something sometimes wrong.
That's right, but as soon as you do it, watch the next verse.
Whereof the Holy
Ghost... (Oh
my. I just can't preach anymore. Look.)... the Holy Ghost is a
witness to us. (My.)...
the Holy Ghost is a witness to us;... after that He has said before,
This is the covenant
that I will make with them in those days, saith the Lord, I'll put my
law in their hearts and in their minds will I write them;
And their sins and
their iniquity will I remember no more against. (Oh, O God.)
Every man that has
this hope purifies himself, even as God is pure.
E-62 Let us pray. Heavenly
Father, we thank Thee this morning for the purging of the Holy Ghost,
for the grace of the living God. We were sinners, unrighteous, ungodly,
unlovable, without God, without hope, alienated in the world; and
Christ come and took our place. By foreknowledge God saw us in this
condition, knowing that we were hungering and thirsting. No wonder
Jesus said, "They shall be filled." Not become member, not they shall
join, but they shall be filled. Hungering and thirsting for
righteousness. In other words, hungering and thirsting, knowing that we
can do nothing in ourselves, no matter what we do. The devil could've
make us impersonate every gift, could make us go out and lay hands on
the sick, and they'd recover, could make us speak with tongues, could
make us interpret tongues, could make us have wisdom, knowledge, but
that doesn't take it, Lord.
You said, "Many will come in that day and say, 'Lord, Lord, have not I
done these things in Your Name.'
You said, 'Depart from Me, you workers of iniquity. I never even knew
E-63 O God, then let our hopes
be built on nothing less than Jesus' Blood with righteousness; all
around our soul gives way, then He's all of our hope and stay. For on
Christ, the solid Rock, I stand; all other grounds is sinking sand. To
know Him is Life, not to know the orders, to know Him, the Person.
I pray, Father, for ever sinner in the building today that You'll save
them just now; and may they, without any emotion, without any
contradiction from the devil, but may they with a true, unadulterated
faith, believe what they've heard preached, and accept the Holy Spirit
Who brought it. Grant it, Lord, for it's in His Name we ask it.
E-64 And with our heads bowed, I wonder if there's someone here this morning now. I want your level, honest, truthful... No matter what you've done, no matter how many starts you've made, or how long you belonged to church, are you sincere from the depths of your heart of this, that knows that the things of the world has passed from you, to know that day after day and year after year, it continues on, your anchor holds. They's somebody yonder foreshadowing at the end of the road where this great kink will be drawed out. There's Somebody there tugging at your heart, knowing that someday you'll be lifted up.
E-65 If that's not gone from
your heart today, friend, fellow citizens, pilgrims, poor little flock,
God bless your heart. See you setting here gray-haired and
stoop-shouldered, see poor little kids who maybe had to miss meals, and
would I stand here and say anything wrong to you that... Well, God
forbid. I'd be a... I ought to get down and repent before I'd even
preach. I love you and that's with real Christian love.
Be honest now with the Holy Spirit. Has all those things passed from
you, or has Satan deceived and you're just living a halfway life?
E-66 Sometimes you think, well, all right. Next times, why, you... "Well, I don't know." And things happen that you know; and if that's your condition and this morning you want to surrender it all to Christ, remember what He said. "He that heareth My words and believeth on Him that sent Me hath (right now) Everlasting Life." Judgment's over. From that time on the thing will be dead. If you really accept it, it'll prove itself. Now, look. Don't be deceived.
E-67 You remember here long
years ago when we had the church in order. (I'm talking to you. You're
praying, heads bowed.) Remember when we had the church in order, when a
message was given in prophecy, or in tongues and interpretation, when
we wrote it down and laid it up here on the platform, witnessed by
three men? I gave the message from the platform. If it didn't come to
pass, you had an evil spirit among you. You come up here and made it
If a person done what was wrong, a sister or brother seen them doing
wrong, they went to them. When they come in church, got them by the
arm, went back here in a little room, said, "Brother, I seen you at the
wrong place. I'm not going to say it before the church, 'cause I love
you. You were wrong. Let's us pray now." See?
E-68 Now, you be honest with
yourself. If the love of Christ is in your heart above everything else,
God bless you. You're all right, but if it isn't, don't be deceived.
Those spirits are deceitful as they can be. They deceive you.
That's what the one done to Eve, told her a whole lot of new truth.
"Oh, yes, God has said. Uh-huh." But there's a little flaw in it.
That's what... That's what broke us this morning, we see the little
flaw in the chain. That's what does all the trouble.
Brother, if it's not running perfectly with the heart of God, will you
raise your hand now to God and say, "God, by this I really want to be
right." Nobody look, but me. Raise up your hand. God bless you, lady.
Someone else. God bless you. God bless you, and you, and you, and you,
you. God bless you.
E-69 Now, He knows you. He knows
every one of you. He knows just what you're desiring. Now, our old
fashion way (while you have your head bowed) is for people to come to
the altar. That's fine. I like that. That's not a Bible affair. That's
just a church doctrine. "As many as received Him, to them gave He the
power to become sons and daughters of God."
Right, while you're setting, and you've raised your hand, a dozen or
more of you here, will you now accept in the depths of your heart,
after you say you feel that you should, will you same group that raised
your hand, would you raise your hand, say, "I will now accept this,
Brother Branham. I'll now accept Jesus. No matter what I've done. I
know accept Him as my Lover and my Saviour?" God bless you, sir. God
bless you, sir. God bless you. God bless you, lady.
E-70 "I now will accept Him.
Something in my heart telling me. That I--I--I want to. There's
something telling me that I must, right now. This is my day. Maybe the
next time I will be too far away." God bless you, mister. God bless
you, brother. God bless you, lady, I see your hand.
"Now, I feel I must do it." Friends, the church is cooling off.
America's going to be judged pretty soon. Every nation received it.
What are you going to be a hundred years from now. You're going to be
somewhere. Sometime between this minute and a hundred years from now,
you're going out of this world.
You'd better be sure. Don't trifle with it. The Word's being preached
by the Holy Spirit, and It's the Truth coming from God's Word. There's
someone who loves you.
E-71 Now, you can't raise your
hand, unless Somebody calls you to raise your hand. That's the Holy
Ghost. "No man can come to Me except My Father draws him first." And if
He loves you well enough to knock at your heart and say, "Yes, I mean
you. This is the time. I want to come in before I have to take you off
this earth prematurely." I will now ask you to raise your hand. Won't
you do it then?
One more say, "I now from the depths of my soul accept It." Now, I'm
going to pray for you. God bless you, lady. I just felt, sister dear,
that was you. I looked back there. Of course, you all realize I'm just
a few days be... Few hours before the meeting yonder. I'm staying in my
room a lot now, praying--healing service. The Angel of the Lord is
near. Great things will take place. I looked back and seen something
standing in the room. It was over a young woman. I seen others raise
their hand. I felt a witness that that was truth.
E-72 I thought if I make one more call, that that woman just raise her hand, and she did. That was it. Now, God, the Lover of our soul, who are we anyhow? Why, before the world was ever formed You knowed ever mosquito would be on earth, every ant, ever chigger. You're infinite. And You knew that this morning that people would raise their hand. You knew it. Why, You seen them before the world begin. You knowed it always, and You knew that this thing would take place, that You might express Your Love to your people. You said you raised up Pharaoh and hardened his heart that you might show Your power. How much more will You express Your love?
E-73 Satan, that evil one who
perverted right to wrong, You let him do it, because You'd express Your
love then to Your people. O God, we love You so much. We appreciate
You, and I pray, God, that these people live a Christian humble life
from this day henceforth, as they've accepted You.
And if there be others, maybe I never seen them all. Maybe You never
showed them to me, but you talked to them. If there's others, bless
them also. For we ask it in Jesus Christ's Name. Amen.
is a fountain filled with blood,
from Immanuel's veins,
sinners plunged beneath that flood,
all their guilty stains.
E-74 Slowly now, sister. You
know yesterday Brother Roberson was up to Brother Wood's. I slipped
down; I was waiting for some visiting minister to come. He throwed on a
picture, and a picture was... A lot of it we was looking at, but one of
it when the church was walking out the door.
And I seen myself coming out there, and I looked. Oh, my, boy,
how--what a few years has done to you. I looked again. That come in my
mind this morning. Just a few more days we have with these toils and
And I think of the times that I heard that song start, see them make
their way up here, standing around the altar to take communion. I've
heard the casket wheels squeaking as she down the room there, taking
them out.
E-75 Remember, the preaching of this Word will be a--stand in the judgment. And I'll have to stand behind it, stand there. I'll have to be a witness to that. I can't take it back. I've done said it. Got to stay with that. It's going to meet me in judgment, just as God said His Word and can't take it back. See? Now, I weigh every word first in my heart and see if I want to say it myself. If it seems wrong, I don't say it. I let Him say it, but if He says something contrary, though I wouldn't believe it, I'd say it anyhow, 'cause It's Him. I want to be sure, 'cause I don't want any mistakes that day.
E-76 You know it's going to be
awful dark down at the river that day. Ain't going to be nobody there
to help. You ain't going to take no money down there. Your friends is
going to be in the same shape you are. It's going to be awful dark. You
got to cross. I want to be sure my ticket's right.
I want to be sure when I look over, and I'd see the red Blood of my
Master. Then when I hear after while the old ship blow, it's going to
be all right then. But I don't want no trouble down there then. I want
to settle it now. If there's any trouble, I want to settled now. I'm
going to need ever bit of grace I can get at that day. I'm going to be
E-77 There was a great teacher
said the other day, "He didn't want to be popular. He wanted to be
honest." I voice mine with him. I want to be honest. I want to tell the
truth, so at that day when it does come, I hear the screams around the
bank. I want to look down, be sure.
Like the Hebrew children when they seen that black wings coming across
of death, the little boy say to dad, "Are you sure the blood's on the
The father look out, "Yes, son. The blood's there."
"Well, that's all right then. We're safe."
If it's not there this morning, friend, be sure. Now, Ora Mae, I know
you come to be prayed for, sis. This poor little girl, how she set here
on the row as a little bitty thing there. Little Shirley setting here.
We--we just come in from Arizona.
E-78 I think of them little
kids. All of you remember them, out here in a little--little old boxed
up house. Their poor old dad set together behind the church here for
them. Remember those little fellows, how I--how we all know them. How
poor little old Ora Mae... It takes two to raise a family. Oh, God,
this horrible thing of marriage and divorce, and how Curtis done the
best he could by them. He worked hard, but a child, no matter who it
is, needs a mother's love, somebody to love them. It's nature to
quieten your feeling.
I'm a hunter. I study wild life. That's... It's... And I get out and
just study it. An old mother bear when she goes in in the fall of the
year, she's bred to be a mother again. She runs all of her cubs away.
She has from one to two. She runs them away. Make them hibernate
themselves, so they'll be used to it.
E-79 The next year when she
comes out, she's got two more little babies, one or two more. She
mothers them through the summer and fall she scats them away again. She
has two more the next summer.
But what if she doesn't have any babies that year. You know what she
does? She goes out; she tries to find those cubs. They're as big as she
is. If she can't find them, she'll take a couple of little wolves.
She'll take a couple coyotes. She'd take actually a human baby. Sure,
it's been done.
She'll take that little baby or anything, and she'll mother it. It's
just nature. She can't help it.
E-80 Look at a little girl with
her dolly. Why, she ain't three years old. I seen my little Sarah the
other night. I went in the room, nervous little thing. There she was
sleeping with her little doll on her arm. I stood there and looked
down. I thought, "Poor little thing. You know, it won't be long many
years, dad will get old after what I am now, get gray and pass away,
but that's foreshadowing someday of a real little baby laying there.
That's just in you."
And if you don't love those little fellows, something else will take
its place. If a man don't worship God, he will worship his car. He will
go to barroom. He--he will do something else. He will run around,
'cause there's something got to take that place.
E-81 Now, our sister, I don't mean to be a--a get her into emotion; but not having a mother's care correctly, something else took its place. And the poor little thing is suffering this morning from a nervous break, two little babies. She's made mistakes. So have I, and who else hasn't. And I'm trying to say, there's Someone who's done forgive us. She raised her hand awhile ago. It's all gone. That come from a true heart which I want to believe it did. Watch what happens. When she's an old gray-headed woman, it'll still stand. That's right, but she's nervous.
E-82 There's not a medicine in
the world can help nerves. If you take medicine to settle your nerves,
it'll make you twice as bad when it leaves you. There's not a remedy
for nervousness, but I'm so glad there's a cure. You know I've suffered
that too. There's a cure, not a remedy, a cure, double cure.
On my sermon yesterday at the radio, "The Arrow of Deliverance," the
preacher strikes so short of it as Joash did. He should've struck some
E-83 But look, my brother,
sister, the remedy is Christ. Or may I say this in the pulpit behind
this little old box built here... But it's just as sacred as any pulpit
for the Gospel; it's been dedicated to God. We're a poor people. It
might not have a gold layer over the top, but the Holy Ghost has come
here and done some great things for us.
My sister, dear, God bless your little heart. As a mother and as a
child, if you'll accept what Brother Bill has says or tell you now,
I'll assure you, honey, that you'll go out of here, you'll be well.
Now, when you raised your hand awhile ago, that time you accepted
Christ. I want you... In a few minutes I want you to come up here, and
I can prove to you by (you be the judge), by the grace of God, and the
Holy Ghost that's now standing here can make it leave you. That's
right. I've never seen it fail, but then it'll come back to you when
you get away from here (See?) if you'll let it. But if you'll just not
receive it any more, no matter how you feel, you go on saying, "Jesus
Christ heals me."
E-84 See you've dropped, Ora
Mae, from up here where you used to be happy, and ride that bicycle,
and run up-and-down the street here; you was happy then. You didn't
have the feelings you have now, did you? See? Now, you're dropped down
here. It's because there wasn't nothing there to hold you, honey. You
dropped down here.
But now you've got to believe that you're up here, and believe it; and
faith without works is dead. If you believe it, then act like you're up
there, and then God will just lift you right up there again.
E-85 There's your Aunt Meda
setting back there. She had the same thing. I had the same thing. I
know what it is, but God is the cure. Are you going to believe it this
morning, Ora Mae? Won't you come here.
Any of the rest of you, sick, to be anointed? All right. Let's bow our
heads just a moment.
E-86 Church, all of you knows
Curtis. You know Ora Mae. Just to look at Ora Mae, you can see
something taking place. She's weary and upset. Ora Mae, this is a
settling time.
I want to ask you something. Many times, Ora Mae, you said, "If I could
just find some place to start from. If I could just begin at this time
to feel better, I believe I could help myself pull out." See, that's
right; isn't it? Well, you're at the place now, Ora Mae. You're at the
best place in the world, at the altar where the only Person in the
world can help you, will. That's God. I want you to bow your heads,
everybody, and join with me in prayer.
E-87 Dear heavenly Father, as
this poor little girl, life is so short... Now, she's a young mother. I
know awhile ago when she raised her hand, every sin was taken away.
God, I... Your Bible is a witness of that. You spoke it from heaven,
"That he that would believe would receive."
Now, she's got an awful struggle ahead of her, Lord. And Satan would
throw off yonder, take them babies away from her, and set her in a
insane institution to butt her head against the wall. But she come to
the right place today, the altar. She come to the house of the living
God. She stands here, as it was, alone at the altar, but not alone. The
Angels of God are encamped about. The Holy Ghost is near too, and she's
a witness of seeing many things happen and know that You are God.
E-88 And I pray that with all my
heart, with all my soul that this day that You'll help Ora Mae. Now,
Father, I'm taking from this altar, that set here at this sacred place,
where the Holy Ghost is overshadowed, it's called olive oil or anointed
oil, anointing oil. It's according to Your specification, the oil from
the olives of the branch. And now, as I go forward to anoint my sister
with this oil, You said, "The prayer of faith shall save the sick."
After preaching the Gospel, knowing that this great service is coming
up, Thy will be done here at Indianapolis, where many neurotics, deaf,
dumb, blind, and everything will stand there. Oh, we don't fear one
bit. You spoke it before the world begin. We have a touch of heaven
yonder that tells us it's the Truth.
E-89 We go forward then to
challenge that devil. Our people's in trouble. Just as Lot was in the
sermon this morning, that Abraham went after him.
Satan, we come after you this morning. Our poor little forsaken sister
is in trouble, and we come after you with anointed oil and with the
baptism of the Holy Ghost with the Divine Word of God and the Gospel.
We go to lay hands on her in the Name of Jesus Christ and we cast you
away from her. Jesus said so. It can't fail. Said, "In My Name they
shall cast out devils," and you are our devil. In obedience to His
command, we cast thee away...?... beaten down...?... in going. The
Blood of Jesus Christ...?... Today she comes pure holy...?... our God,
by the confession of her sins...?... of this Gospel we cast away this
nervousness. Oh yes, you...?... But you can't...?... her. We plead the
Blood between her and...?... stand as a mediator and now you leave the
girl. Let her go free and from this day on, may she be happy...?...
those little babies laying there and her husband may he too come and be
a Christian...?... and the circle be unbroken yonder. Let her mother or
her dad or all, let them all...?... Oh God, grant this. May she be free
from this hour. We set her free...?... perfect love of...?... the Bible
and the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ through His
Blood and the Holy Ghost we bring her to...?... through Jesus Christ's
Name...?... You feel all right?...?... [] Make you feel relief. Now,
when you go out of here, go out, be...?... Ora Mae again, only a new
Ora Mae, a happy girl in Christ, and it'll all be gone. Come back here
in about a year from today...?... say, "Brother Bill, you remember the
morning when you prayed for me up there at the altar, that settled
it...?..." Praise the Lord. Let us bow our heads now.
E-90 Our heavenly Father, in
obedience to the commission of our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ, we
love You today with a pure, holy, unadulterated love. And let Thy
kindness and mercy rest upon each and every one. We thank You for the
strangers in our gates, and we pray that You'll bless each one.
Bless our dear beloved pastor, our Brother Neville, who stands with us
in the harness of the Gospel, not yoked up with the world, but
harnessed up with Christ, all the harness of God on, pulling the old
Gospel chariot on and on, yoked together as fellow citizens and
servants of God...
Bless all the deacons, trustee, treasurer, every one that's concerned:
all the members, the laity, the strangers.
E-91 God, there's coming a
meeting yonder in Indianapolis. God, I'm not worthy to be blessed, but
will You bless the people through the preaching of the Word. No doubt
but hundreds will stand.
We also anoint the...?... in the Name of Jesus Christ that You'll help
her and take away her troubles as I lay hands on her through
Jesus...?... Now heavenly Father, grant that Your mercy be extended for
her in Christ's Name.
E-92 And now with our heads
bowed, I wonder now if there's anyone here that would--would have come
to the altar, would want to come and kneel for a word of prayer, that's
accepted Christ. I feel like that you'd just like to pray a little bit
after the visitation of the Holy Spirit. Don't you feel real good about
it? Don't you feel good? Come here, Brother Neville.
How many would just raise your hands, said, "I'd like to come to the
altar for just a little prayer." Would you raise your hands now? "I'd
just like to purge myself a little." Oh, God bless you. All right.
E-93 Now see, our Brother
Neville, I think, I have noticed him in all of his walks, been a real
man. I find him the same every day. Whether the battle's a going good
or going bad, Brother Neville remains the same. I thank God for it.
Brother Neville couldn't do that in himself. Takes God to do it. And
I'm glad that this bunch of sheep has a shepherd like Brother Neville.
I pray the Holy Ghost will help him and bless him. I love him, and I
love his people, and all you people, we love. And we pray that God will
bless you.
But now, while he bow our heads again, I'm going to ask that those who
would want to be prayed for, want to kneel and purge yourselves would
come humbly to the altar.
Now, Brother Neville, you offer prayer for them if you will. I want you
to be in on this. And every one pray. You make your way to the altar.