Dieu Tient Sa Parole

Date: 58-0328 | La durée est de: 53 minutes | La traduction: SHP
Middletown, Ohio, USA
E-1 ... debout juste un instant pour la prière. E-1 Along the road... Do something tonight, Lord. Grant that there will be something take place that will be so unusual to a--a regular service, that all that is in Divine Presence might know that it's Your Presence, the resurrected Lord Jesus. Then we will take new hope and new courage to fight the battle until life is finished. Grant it, Lord.
And forgiveness of our sins, we ask again, in the Name of Thy beloved Son, the Lord Jesus. Amen. May be seated.
It's a privilege to be here again tonight to minister to you dear people in the Name of the Lord. I think our microphone here isn't just right. Sir, twist it. How's that? This way? Oh, I see. I'm a long ways from being a mechanic.
E-2 Adorable Seigneur, c’est avec des coeurs reconnaissants que nous nous inclinons dans Ta Présence pour Te remercier, pour la foi toujours vivante de nos pères, au lieu du cachot, de la flamme et de l’épée. En dépit de tout cela, la grande foi qui a été transmise à nos pères vit encore dans leurs enfants; et nous en sommes très heureux. Maintenant, nous voulons Te prier de nous bénir de façon extraordinaire ce soir. Alors que nous attendons humblement Tes bénédictions sur nous, nous nous recommandons à Toi, ainsi que ce service, au Nom du Seigneur Jésus. Amen. E-2 You know I am glad to be here on this gym floor. There's something about these rooms in this state of Ohio here, and especially in this city, as I understand, it's one of the athletic centers. The basketball center is right here in Middletown. And I like athletics. I was once an athlete myself. I was a professional fighter, as you know.
And I used to come to these floors where we'd have our training, and our main fights, and so forth. And I've never left the ring, but a different ring. I'm fighting the enemy, the devil o--off human souls tonight.
And I'm asking your support, as we together put our hearts and shoulders together to press this battle on. For God is with us, then who can be against us? The great Morning Star is over us, the banner of Christ, and we're bound to conquer.
So there's sickness here tonight, and sin, people who are oppressed of the devil. And it's... We are His, the soldiers of the cross. Let's press the battle now as we pray and study His Word.
E-3 Vous pouvez vous assoir. E-3 I have chosen for a Scripture reading tonight, found in the book of Saint Matthew's Gospel and the 17th chapter. I wish to read just a portion.
And after six days Jesus taketh Peter, James, and John his brother, and bringeth them up into a high mountain apart.
And was there transfigured before them: and his face did shine as the sun, and his raiment as white as the light.
And, behold, there appeared unto them Moses and Elias talking with Him.
Then answered Peter, and said unto Jesus, Lord, it is good for us to be here: if thou will, let us make here three tabernacles; one for thee, one for Moses, and one for Elias.
But while he yet spake, behold, a white cloud overshadowed them: and a voice out of the cloud, which said, This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased; hear ye Him.
And if I should choose for a text, it would be those last three words, "Hear Ye Him."
You might say, "Preacher, isn't that just a kind of a small text for a group of several hundred people, to speak to them?" Yes, it is a small text, but it's a text out of the Word of the eternal God. And it's not so much of how large it is; it's the value it is. Many times we place values upon how the size of anything, the quantity. But it never is quantity; it's quality that should be valued.
E-4 Je suis un peu en retard. J’ai... La police m’a appelé pour une urgence à Saint Louis. E-4 Sometime ago a little friend of mine was searching through an attic in an old building that his mother and father had just moved into with their family. And he was in an... found an old trunk. Looking through some old relics and things that was in this trunk, he run onto a little postage stamp, just about a half inch square. And while looking at this post--postage stamp rather yellow, and he said, "You know, that might be valuable."
So with one thing in mind, a nice cone of ice cream, he took down the street to a friend of his that was a stamp collector. And as he got to the stamp collector, he said, "I have found a stamp. And I wonder if there's any value to this stamp." And the collector at once, throwing his big glass on the stamp, why, he said, "Yes, son, I'll buy that stamp from you."
Said, "How much will you give me for this stamp?"
He was expecting five cents. And the collector said, "I'll give you a dollar bill for that stamp."
Oh, that meant many ice creams, so he said, "It's sold."
And the stamp collector having some sense of value to the stamp, later he sold that stamp for fifty dollars. And little after that it was sold again for five hundred dollars. And the last I heard of that stamp, it was sold for a quarter of a million dollars.
You see, it isn't the size of it. It's what was wrote on the stamp that makes the difference. So that's the way it is with the Word of God. It isn't how much we read. It's the value of the Word. Because it is the expression of the immortal God. Down through the ages many man has read this same Scripture. And it's never failed to serve its purpose.
E-5 Frère Vayle, comme il voulait qu’on le laisse parler un peu ce soir, alors je vais immédiatement partir chez moi après le service, prendre ma femme et mes enfants pour demain, les ramener afin de terminer les services. E-5 If I wrote you a letter, I believe that we are friends enough that you would appreciate it. And if you wrote me one, I would appreciate it. But if your letter was just addressed to me; after I read it, it would not be so valuable or it would not be valuable to anyone else. It would be a letter that was directed to me, or mine letter directed to you. And after it's once read it could be discarded unless you just kept it as a relic.
But, oh, it's not so with the Word of God, because it was not addressed to any certain individual. It was addressed to all of Adam's fallen race, to every mortal being. That's why it's so valuable. Just one word, you can hang on to it with all that's within you and know that it is the truth. Jesus said, "All Scriptures must be fulfilled." He said, "The heavens and earth will pass away, but My Word shall never fail."
E-6 Et maintenant, sans doute que notre cher et bien-aimé frère Vayle vient d’apporter un message vraiment extraordinaire. Et maintenant, je ne voudrais pas essayer d’ajouter quelque chose à ce qu’il a dit, mais juste avant de former la ligne de prière, j’aimerais lire juste un passage des Ecritures et faire quelques observations afin de... J’ai été vraiment dérangé pendant les deux ou trois dernières heures, j’aimerais donc sentir l’Esprit sur moi avant que nous commencions le service. E-6 There was an old darkie one time said, "I had rather be standing on the Word of God than standing in heaven."
And the man said, "How do you figure that, uncle?"
He said, "Because both heaven and earth will pass away, but God's Word shall never pass away."
And how true that is. And I can assure you tonight, and I'll go on record on these tapes, that any Divine promise that God has made, if you'll take the right mental attitowar--attitude towards that promise, God will bring it to pass, regardless of what it is. For God cannot say something one time and something contrary to that at another time, because He's infinite.
E-7 Demain soir, Dieu voulant, j’aimerais prêcher sur le sujet: Le Puissant Conquérant, puisqu’Il a déchiré le voile en deux. Eh bien, j’ai promis de parler sur L’Ecriture sur la Muraille, mais je suis un peu enroué pour prêcher. Ainsi, il me faut simplement m’en abstenir, je pense, en ce moment. Et parce que c’est un sujet un peu long, un sujet de quarante-cinq minutes à une heure, si le Seigneur bénit en enseignant cela. E-7 Now, you and I get smarter, or we should. The human race gets smarter. God cannot get smarter, because He is infinite to begin with. And every time He makes a decision, every time that same crisis arise, He has to make the same decision or He made it wrong when He made the first one.
He cannot back up and say, "I was mistaken," because He's God. And then if He can make a mistake, He's mortal like you and I. So what kind of a hope does that give us? When we read this blessed Word we know it's the truth. Right there we stand on God's Word.
This Scripture reading tonight is rather an unusual text. And I aim to use it rather unusual from the regular approach. But God is unusual. His Word is unusual. He does things sometimes that's unusual, because He's the great Almighty God.
E-8 Je n’ai donc pas attrapé un gros rhume, c’est juste, je pensais il y a quelques instants, ça fait maintenant huit services, huit réveils depuis le premier de l’an, je suis toujours parti. A peine un jour, mais on est toujours en réunions en train de prêcher, parfois deux ou trois fois par jour. Ainsi, c’est ce qui fait que la voix soit un peu faible. E-8 And we notice here that it was such an experience to the apostle Peter, that later when he referred to the experience, he called it "the holy mountain." But I do not believe that he meant the mountain was holy. It wasn't the holy mountain; it was the holy God on the mountain. It isn't the holy church; it's the Holy Ghost in the Church that makes it what it is. It isn't the holy man; it's the Holy Spirit.
And now, we find that our Lord never did anything just at random. Every move He made was ordained of the Father. We--we just go at random. But He said, "I always do those things which pleases the Father." So every move that He made had a meaning, and it was to please God. Oh, I would say here, would it not be wonderful if we could have a testimony like that, that we always do that which pleases God.
E-9 Après ce service, j’ai juste un petit service, un petit moment de repos. Le dimanche de Pâques, c’est mon anniversaire. Et, voyons, je suis né en 1909; cela fait que j’ai vingt-cinq ou quelque chose comme cela, dimanche. Ainsi, je ne suis qu’un jeune garçon dans une vieille maison, mais je... C’est maintenant la première fois que cela est tombé un dimanche de Pâques, un de ces jours. Et puis, je serai à mon petit tabernacle à Jeffersonville, chez moi, pour le service du lever du soleil de Pâques. Puis, immédiatement après, il y aura un service de baptême, et ensuite le message et un service de guérison. E-9 So we find Him here going up to the mount, as we call it, Mount Transfiguration. I always like to look at it in the real sense that it is wrote in, that most all my ministering brethren approaches it, as a type of the second coming of the Lord. And that is true.
But there's not one Scripture in the entire Bible but what will dovetail and connect with the next Scripture. Every bit of it is one great big picture, all the way from the garden of Eden and the way of Calvary, back to the garden again: just one great beautiful picture.
And I do not mean to be sacrilegious by making this mistake, or this statement. And if it's a mistake, God forgive me. But it's like a jigsaw puzzle that you have to... Putting it together, you have to have the Holy Spirit to put it together. Just like on the jigsaw puzzle, you get the picture to one side and look at the picture, and then place it according to the way the picture looks.
E-10 Frère Neville, je suis sûr, a été présenté, notre pasteur, il est assis ici parmi nous ce soir. Eh bien, c’est là le genre de communion que nous avons là à Jeffersonville: Frère Neville est un prédicateur méthodiste de l’université d’Asbury, et moi, je suis un baptiste. Nous avons donc une très bonne communion, n’est-ce pas, Frère Neville? C’est juste. Je suis un baptiste qui a reçu le Saint-Esprit. Frère Neville est un méthodiste qui a reçu le Saint-Esprit. Ainsi, cela fait de nous des frères, et nous communions l’un avec l’autre, pendant que le Sang de Jésus-Christ, le Fils de Dieu, nous purifie de toute iniquité. E-10 And the Scripture is of no private interpretation. It was wrote by the Holy Spirit. And the Holy Spirit is the only One Who can reveal it, for it is hid from the eyes of the wise and prudent, and it's revealed to babes such as will learn. So if you don't watch, if you don't use the mind of the Holy Spirit to put it together, you'll have your scene all mixed up, for instance, like a cow picking grass in the top of a tree. And that's just about the way some of it looks. When we think that we could go to heaven by shaking hands with the preacher, or being baptized in water a certain way, or some little creed to repeat, why it's ridiculous.
Jesus said, "Except a man be borned of water, and of Spirit, he will in no wise enter the Kingdom." So it--it... The picture looks ridiculous, but the only way that we could find it is by receiving the Holy Spirit first in us, then He teaches us the truth and the life. He will never disagree with the Word. He's always on the Word.
So if the spirit in you says that the days of miracles is past, it's not the Holy Spirit. If you believe that Jesus is changed in the years that's gone by, if that spirit in you says that, then it's not the blessed Holy Spirit. It bears record of the Word.
E-11 Nous lisons quelques versets dans la Bible bénie ce soir, dans l’Evangile de Luc, chapitre 2, en commençant par le–le verset 25. [Espace vide sur la bande–N.D.E.]
... voici, il y avait à Jérusalem un homme appelé Siméon... le même était juste et pieux, il attendait la consolation d’Israël, et l’Esprit Saint était sur lui.
Il avait été divinement averti par le Saint-Esprit qu’il ne mourrait point avant d’avoir vu le Christ du Seigneur.
Il vint au temple, poussé par l’Esprit. Et, comme les parents apportaient le... enfant Jésus pour accomplir à son égard ce qu’ordonnait la loi,
il le reçut dans ses bras, bénit Dieu, et dit:
Maintenant, Seigneur, laisse ton serviteur s’en aller en paix, selon ta parole.
Car mes yeux ont vu ton salut,
salut que tu as préparé devant le peuple,
la lumière pour... les nations, et la gloire d’Israël, ton peuple.
Son père et sa mère étaient dans l’admiration des choses qu’on disait de lui.
Siméon le bénit, et dit à Marie, sa mère: Voici, cet enfant est destiné à amener la chute et le relèvement de... en Israël, et à devenir un signe qui provoquera la contradiction,
E-11 And now, as we get on with our scene, we find Jesus taken three man: Peter, James, and John. And He was fixing to do something. And when God does anything, He always makes it before witnesses. He just doesn't do it loosely; He makes a witness. And in the Old Testament and in the New Testament too, three is a witness. So He took Peter, James, and John to be a witness of what God was fixing to do.
I've often thought, when He went into the house of Jairus to raise up her daughter, or his daughter from the dead, we find Him taking Peter, James, and John, those three. And it may just be a little thought of my own, but each of those represented something.
Peter represented faith; and James represented hope; and John represented charity. Hope, faith, and charity, these are the three greatest gifts. And God was manifesting His works through His three great gifts.
E-12 Je voudrais prendre juste quelques instants maintenant afin de sentir l’Esprit de la réunion sur moi, concernant ce sujet: Dieu tient Sa Parole. E-12 And you notice on the mount, there was three come from heaven to witness it, that both heaven and earth would know what God was doing. There was on the mount Moses, Elijah, and Jesus, three heavenly beings to watch this take place.
Of course now, it did mean and did represent the second coming, as we find that it was first they looked up and they saw Moses and Elisha, who is to return in the last days before the coming of the Lord or the taking away of the remnant of the Jewish church to preach the--the three and a half years that's left of Daniel's prophecy to Israel only, after the church has been taken away.
Then they looked back again and saw Jesus only. Now, it meant something else. And there's where we want to get our thoughts placed just now.
E-13 Il y a une chose sur laquelle nous pouvons nous reposer, c’est que Dieu tient chacune de Ses Paroles. Il veille sur Elles jour et nuit pour Les accomplir. Et chaque promesse qu’Il a faite est vraie. Et cela nous donne un tel espoir béni, quand nous savons que ce que nous lisons dans la Parole, Dieu, le Tout-Suffisant, tiendra cette Parole. Pas un iota ni un brin ne faillira. Quelle assurance parfaite, alors que nous lisons là où les autres L’ont pris au Mot! Et de voir que parfois cela a l’air très critique, on a parfois l’impression que Cela va faillir, mais Cela ne peut simplement pas faillir. E-13 God never asked a man to do anything that He wouldn't do Himself. And in the Old Testament, we find out that they had a way when a son was born into a family, he was really an heir as soon as he was born.
But first he had to be proven, or raised, or tutored. Galatians 4, Paul speaks of it. And it was a placing of a son. We find it in Ephesians 1:5, that where we were predestinated to the adoption of sons by Jesus Christ. God with His foreknowledge predestinated it, His children by adoption to Jesus Christ, or by Jesus Christ.
Oh, I just love the Old Testament, for it gives a foreshadow of the New. And all of it together dovetails together to make the great picture.
E-14 Je pense à l’instant même aux enfants hébreux, alors qu’ils entraient dans le feu de la fournaise. On aurait dit que Dieu allait les décevoir, mais Il ne peut faillir. E-14 Now, many times in the King James Version, we run across some strange words. For instance, in--in Saint John 14, it said, "In My Father's house is many mansions." In a house, many mansions? How could a mansion be in a house? Many great mansions in a house, that doesn't seem right. There seems to be something wrong with it.
One of the translators made it more ridiculous than that. He said, "In My Father's apartment house is many apartments." Like we were going up there to rent an apartment. I'm so glad that that'll be over when we pass this scene here.
E-15 Et dans notre passage des Ecritures, Siméon, un vieux sage au temple; et ces hommes avaient de la réputation, et cette réputation consistait à respecter la nation. Un homme, pour assumer les fonctions que Siméon assumait, devait être irrépréhensible, et il devait être dans son bon sens. Il devait être vigilant, érudit et dans un état spirituel parfait, car le sacrificateur était irrépréhensible. Et ce vieil homme, âgé d’environ quatre-vingt-cinq ans, le Saint-Esprit est venu sur lui un jour, et Il lui a révélé qu’il ne mourrait pas avant d’avoir vu le Christ du Seigneur. E-15 But the real true interpretation of the Scripture in the original Greek reads like this: "In My Father's Kingdom is many palaces." But in the days when the translators translated for King James, he was called the father of his domain. And all of his little subjects lived in his house, his domain. That's the reason they could understand it better.
Now, that was very Biblical, because in the Old Testament a father owned a great portion of land and had many servants living on parts of this land, with sheep, and with cattle, and with the agriculture part of his farm. And when a son was born...
Now, remember here's where you Pentecostal people miss the mark. Excuse me for saying that. But just that you might understand. As soon as you were borned again and received the Holy Spirit, you thought that settled it. That was just the beginning.
E-16 Maintenant, pouvez-vous imaginer comment les gens avaient considéré son témoignage? Un vieil homme prêt à mourir, et cependant, il a dit qu’il ne mourrait pas avant d’avoir vu le Christ. David avait attendu Christ. Elie L’avait attendu. Tous les prophètes L’avaient attendu. Les rois, les monarques, les potentats, et les grands hommes d’Israël avaient tous attendu ce Messie. Et on avait dit qu’Il était plus éloigné que jamais. Ils servaient sous la domination de l’Empire romain; leur nation avait été dispersée; l’église s’était refroidie. Et cependant, en dépit de tout cela, ce vieil homme avait un témoignage selon lequel il ne mourrait pas avant d’avoir vu le Christ du Seigneur. Pouvez-vous vous imaginer ce que ses semblables pensaient? E-16 Now, when a child was born in a family, he was an heir certainly, as soon as he was born. But he didn't have any inheritance until he was proven. And then this father would go out, and look around, and get the very best raiser or teacher that he could find, over his child.
Now, he just wouldn't take any kind of a teacher. It must be a real absolutely good teacher, because he loved his child; and he wanted his child to have the best education he could get. He wanted his child raised with the greatest influence of righteousness that could be given, because he was a righteous man himself, and he wanted his child brought up in the same way.
E-17 Je peux simplement les entendre dire: «Le vieil homme a perdu la tête, ou peut-être que son état mental est en train de sombrer puisqu’il est vieux. Ainsi, nous n’allons pas l’excommunier de la confrérie, mais nous allons simplement le laisser s’éclater, puisque nous sommes sûrs que ce n’est pas le temps pour le Messie.» E-17 I was reading a little article the other day in a paper, that where the last flower of real democracy faded and died in one of your Ohio courts the other day, when a Mennonite family was sentenced to two years in prison for not letting their children go to a modern high school. Has this become a place, it's not the freedom of religion anymore? Democracy, we don't have any anymore. It's exactly right. Oh, what a disgrace.
And then the unjust judge tried to justify himself by saying to the father, "Give Caesar what's Caesars."
And the father answered him back and said, "Unto God..."
E-18 Mais Dieu a toujours eu un reste qui s’attendait à Ses promesses. Et grâces soient rendues à Dieu de ce qu’Il les a encore ce soir, des gens qui s’attendent à Ses promesses et qui se reposent sur la même assurance, car cela est révélé par le Saint-Esprit. E-18 They've never had a juvenile delinquency among the Mennonite people. They've never had any rock-and-roll teen-age stuff among the Mennonite people. And if they can produce a crop like that without our modern education, God be with them is my prayer.
I'd rather have my boy in something like that and not even know his ABC's. I'd rather he'd know Christ, and be borned again, and not know the difference between split beans and coffee. Right. We need the old fashion Gospel preached again in the power and the demonstrations of the Holy Ghost. When our nation gets to a place that it robs us of our constitution, it shows that communist has rottened it to the core. Exactly right.
Mennonite, I'm for you. God bless you. Stay with it. I'll pray for you and do all I can.
E-19 Alors que Siméon entrait et sortait du temple, les autres jeunes sacrificateurs disaient: «Eh bien, je pense que le vieil homme est simplement sur le point de craquer.» Mais, cependant, lui savait de quoi il parlait; en effet, il savait Qui avait révélé la chose, et Dieu ne peut rien dire de faux. Il tient Sa Parole. E-19 I was so surprised a few nights ago to raise my shade and look into a YMCA. YM young man, CA, with a bunch of young women over there doing a rock-and-roll. What does that C mean in YMCA? I thought it stood for Christ. If our churches has become that polluted, and our educational system, what's left for us but chaos?
And the church itself has become so degraded, and our places to teach this modern rock-and-roll, Elvis Presley nonsense, and then call yourselves Christians. By your fruits you are known. You know better than that.
Oh, that's what's the matter today. We've adopted a different tutor for the church of the living God, than what God gave us. He looked out the best tutor He could find. And our tutor's not some bishop or some pope, but it's the Holy Spirit was given as a Tutor to the Church to raise it. And you're aware of that.
The Holy Spirit is to raise the Church and to nurture it in honor and respect of the Father and of His Word. What a son God's got now. But we've adopted some man with their theology and some of their man-made creeds, and you see where we've got to? And then you holler about sin, and about communists, and our churches that polluted? Pot can't call kettle black. It's exactly right.
I know that's old fashion preaching, but it'll save you. It'll make you different.
E-20 Ainsi, en ce jour-là, il n’y avait pas de radio, ni de télévision, ni de journaux. Donc, l’unique moyen par lequel ils devaient se passer des messages, c’était de bouche à oreille. Mais, là en Judée, Christ était né. Huit jours après, il y avait une tradition selon laquelle on devait amener les enfants mâles au temple pour la circoncision; et de plus, on devait offrir une offrande pour la purification de la mère, pour sa purification. L’offrande était soit un agneau, soit deux petites tourterelles. Eh bien, l’agneau était pour les riches. Et les tourterelles, c’était l’offrande des pauvres E-20 When I was a little boy we was raised up in the mountains of Kentucky, and it was hard going. We lived in a little old log cabin, no floor on it, an old stump for a table, sawed off, a little old bed in the corner with fence rails around it, laying on a straw tick, and a--a corn shuck pillow. You don't know what hard times is.
And I remember mama used to have to get old bacon skins and render them out to make grease for the corn bread. And it--it wasn't very healthy. It's a wonder we didn't have all kinds of allergies if God hadn't have been there to help us.
E-21 Et il arriva, disons à peu près un matin, un lundi matin, que, oh! il y avait plein de monde au temple. Et une file de femmes se tenaient là, elles étaient toutes alignées avec leurs petits bébés, chaque jour. En effet, Israël comptait environ deux millions d’habitants en ce moment-là, ainsi, vous pouvez vous imaginer combien d’enfants naissaient en un jour ou en une nuit. Donc, le huitième jour, elles devaient se tenir dans cette ligne pour la purification et pour la circoncision des enfants mâles. E-21 But you know what happened? She'd render out this old grease and put it in there, and every Saturday night when us little boys come home from school, we all had to take a dose of castor oil, get fixed up for Monday to go back to school. And I would come to mama, I'd hold my nose, and I'd say, "Mama, I just can't take it." I said, "It makes me sick to even smell it."
And she said, "If it doesn't make you sick, it doesn't do you any good."
That's the way with preaching the Gospel. If it doesn't make you right good and sick, maybe it'll stir up your spiritual gastronomics to think over the things, to get right with God, and get away from this modern nonsense called religion. No wonder the Holy Spirit is grieved.
E-22 Considérons maintenant, étant donné que nous devons nous dépêcher, imaginons-nous que c’est le lundi matin. Et le vieux Siméon, notre personnage de ce soir, Quelque Chose lui a dit de s’asseoir un petit moment. E-22 This tutor had to bring the right message. He could not be a guy wanting a feather in his hat. The father wouldn't have such. He had to bring the right kind of a message to the father, how the child was progressing. And what do you think that tutor would think when he come before the father and would say, "Your son is not doing very well. Oh, he's just a roustabout, renegade sort of a child. He's not concerned." How the father would bow his head in shame.
How the Holy Spirit then must feel, that's been sent to be our Raiser, our Tutor, our Teacher, and bring the message of the church, of the sons of God before the Father. Why, He says, "They have a form of godliness, but deny the power thereof." How that must hurt the Holy Spirit to have to say that. But remember He isn't looking for a straw or a feather in his hat. He tells God the truth about it. It's our Raiser.
E-23 Oh! Vous savez, nous allons très vite; parfois, il nous faut nous asseoir juste un petit moment. Nous courons et disons une petite prière pour moi, maman, papa et les enfants; nous nous levons très vite d’un bond et nous ne restons pas là suffisamment longtemps pour que Dieu nous réponde. C’est nous seuls qui parlons, et nous ne donnons pas à Dieu l’occasion de parler. E-23 And now to you holiness people, Pentecostal, Free Methodist, Nazarenes, Pilgrim Holiness. I remember the time when it was wrong for you women to cut your hair. What happened? Do you know the Bible gives a man a right to get a divorce from his wife when she cuts her hair? The Bible said that a woman that cuts her hair dishonors her husband. That's the truth.
And you get out here with these little old, dirty, nasty, filthy clothes on, called shorts, to mow the grass in the back yard, and call yourself a Christian? How must the Holy Spirit feel before the Father when He has to bring that up? Oh, you say, "I don't wear shorts, Brother Branham. I wear slacks." That's worse. You know it's the truth.
All right. The Bible said that a woman that'll put-on any garment that pertains to a man, it's an abomination in the sight of Him. That's right. That's the Scripture. That's what God said.
E-24 Mais Siméon a simplement attendu; il s’est assis au bureau de l’un des sacrificateurs, il a fermé les portes et il s’est enfermé là à l’intérieur. Et, tout à coup, je peux le voir tendre la main vers le–le petit support... et prendre les Saintes Ecritures. E-24 But you know what's the matter? It's the weakness of your pulpits. They're afraid to tell you the truth. Sometimes it's a meal ticket. I'd rather lay on my belly, and drink branch water, and eat soda crackers, and preach the truth, than to have fried chicken three times a day, than have to... That's right. Just to be truthful, to tell what's truth. You're going to have to answer in the day of the judgment before God for these things. That is right. Oh, what a ridiculous shame.
I can remember when it was wrong for women to paint their face, especially you holiness and Pentecostal people. But something happened. I don't say this for a joke. This is no place for joking. This is the pulpit, the judgment seat.
But there was only one woman in the Bible that ever painted her face, and that was Jezebel. That's right. The Bible said she painted her face. And do you know what God did to her? He fed her to the dogs. That's exactly right. So when you see a woman with painted face, you can say, "It's God's dog meat." That's exactly what God said it was. Now, you know that's true.
E-25 Vous savez, le Saint-Esprit ne se nourrit que de la Parole. Jésus a dit: «L’homme ne vivra pas de pain seulement, mais de toute Parole qui sort de la bouche de Dieu.» C’est ce qui se passe. L’une des choses aujourd’hui qui fait que l’église est dans un état anémique, c’est parce qu’elle ne prend pas son temps pour se nourrir de la Parole. L’Eglise est affamée. E-25 I don't mean to hurt your feelings, but I've got to stand with you in the judgment some of these days to give an account for this Word.
"Oh," you say, "I'm not dog meat." What do you put it on for, to hear the wolf whistle? [Brother Branham whistles--Ed.] Dog meat, exactly what God said it was. And you think it's a wolf whistle. It's a wolf all right.
Well, you wear... You say, "I don't wear them." These little old sexy, dirty clothes, women down the street here with dresses look like they were poured into them. You say, "Brother Branham, you know what? They don't sell nothing else but that." But sister, that's no excuse. They still sell sewing machines. That's right. Certainly it's the truth.
And I want to tell you something to wind this just a minute. Do you know what? At the day of the judgment you might be as pure as a lily to your husband, but you're going to answer to God for committing adultery. The Bible said, Jesus said, "Whosoever looketh upon a woman to lust after her, has committed adultery with her already in his heart." When that sinner looks upon you and lusts after you, though he never touched you, when he answers for adultery, you are guilty of committing it with him. It's what the Bible says.
E-26 Si j’étais un médecin, et qu’un homme très costaud venait vers moi et disait: «Monsieur, je suis malade.» E-26 Now, you can take some of these little two-by-fours if you want to, but that's what God said. That's what Christ said. Now, that's the truth. Oh, God be merciful. What must the great Holy Spirit think when He comes before the Father?
You say, "Why you picking on us women?" All right, men, here you are. Any man that'll let his wife smoke cigarettes and wear them kind of clothes, shows what he's made out of. He's not very much of a man. That's exactly right. True. He don't love her or he'd take a board and blister her with it. You know that's the truth. Now, I don't say that to be smart. I'm telling you the truth. That's right. What must the Holy Spirit think?
E-27 Je dirais: «Quels sont vos symptômes?» E-27 Now, I'm going to put you both together. You that'll stay home on Wednesday night to see some old vulgar play like, "We love Sucy," or something like that, and stay out of prayer meeting, it shows what you're both made out of. That's exactly right. And that's the church.
And on Tuesdays and Wednesdays and so forth, of a morning nine or ten o'clock you'll listen to some immoral person like Arthur Godfrey, with all of his dirty, ornery jokes, instead of a secret place in a room, praying and reading your Bible. That's right. You know that.
And in your house that slandery, dirty, rock-and-roll, boogie woogie stuff of Elvis Presley... There's only one difference between Elvis Presley and Judas Iscariot. Judas got thirty pieces of silver for selling out. Elvis got a few million dollars and a fleet of Cadillacs. That's all the difference.
Selling out his birthrights as a Christian to go in such nonsense as that. And because he stands up and sings a few religious songs, you call that religious? You can't mix oil and water. You know that's the truth.
E-28 Il dirait: «Je suis très faible, c’est à peine si je peux lever les mains.» E-28 What must the Father think? That's right. And the blessed Holy Spirit has to bring this news to the Father, how His sons and daughters are getting along. How must He bow his head.
There's one place in the Scripture where it said the prophet blushed because of the sins of the people when he stood before God. How must the Holy Spirit feel when He stands before God? No wonder we can't have a revival.
No wonder that Billy Graham, Jack Schuller, Oral Roberts, and all of those great ministers of Christ has combed back and forth through this United States, back and forth, and back and forth, and still there's no revival. It's not their fault. It's not God's fault. It's the churches fault for not falling in line with the Bible. That's exactly right. And we're ready for judgment.
E-29 Eh bien, je dirais... je lui exigerais quelques exercices physiques. E-29 Now, remember no matter how much of a child it was, if that child was disobedient, it was a regular renegade, it never did have any inheritance. And you talking about the gifts being sent back to the church. Where could God place His gifts? Do you think God would put His holy oil in an unclean vessel? Certainly not.
And that's what's the matter with church tonight. That's the reason you got so much make belief, and isms, and sensations. You're trying to adopt some sensations for the real thing. Why take a--a substitute, when the Pentecostal skies are full of the real? It's the truth. You know that's true.
E-30 «Oui, d’accord.» E-30 But the Father has to hear that from the Tutor, the Holy Spirit. "Oh, they wouldn't listen to Me." They listen to the man that said, 'The days of miracles is past.' They listen to the man that said, 'Oh, you just join the church. It'll be all right. We're a great denomination that's lived for years.'" And the Holy Spirit trying to get His message to you all the time.
"I don't have to listen to them little nitwit preachers. I'll do what I want to." Go right ahead. That shows what's in you. No...
A fellow said to me sometime ago, said, "I don't care what you say, what anything says; I don't believe in Divine healing."
I said, "Of course not. It wasn't sent for unbelievers. It was only sent to those who believe. It's believers that receive it, not unbelievers. It wasn't meant for them. It was sent to condemn them. Remember, the same waters that drowned the world, saved Noah." Right.
And the same Holy Spirit, and the same old fashion Gospel that will take the church home someday in the rapture, will condemn and bring judgment to the unbeliever. That's exactly right. There we stand. God in His mercy...
E-31 Et je dirais: «Eh bien, monsieur, mangez-vous régulièrement?» E-31 Now, what if the picture changes. And the son is a correct son. How he likes to be about the father's business. How he loves to do the things that the father likes for him to do. Oh, how the Ho--the tutor would come to the father and say, "Sir, oh, I bring you great news. Your boy, he's... (Excuse the expression in my typing), but he's just a chip off the old block. (We would say.) He's just like his daddy."
Well, that's the way the Holy Spirit wants to bring it when you believe all of God's Word, when you accept the whole full Gospel, when you believe in everything God wrote it's the truth. God wants you to believe it that way.
Then how the father must swell his chest out, say, "Yes, that's my boy." And what happened then? Later on, there come a time when that father adopted that child into the family. Or to you clergymen there, the placing of a son is what I'm speaking of. He adopted his own child or placed him positionally in his family. Now, he was just a boy to begin with. He--he... They had to find out what his character was.
That's what God has been trying to do when He rained the Holy Ghost down on you all about forty years ago, when you had the old days, when you had prayer meetings all night long, when you wept, and cried, and prayed, and agonized for sinners. And today you have to beg them to come to the altar to pray with a penitent sinner. What happened?
E-32 «Oh! dirait-il, j’ai mangé un demi-biscuit avant-hier.» E-32 The Holy Ghost said He only seal those who wept and sighed for the abomination that was did in the city. Who would He seal in this city tonight? Who lays on their face day and night crying for the sins in the city? Can you put your finger on one? See, the storm's about over. And that is right. But here we are.
Now, if he was an obedient child, he loved his father, no matter what any of the other boys said on the next farm, he knew what his father wanted. He could tell from the way he'd built and what he had did, that what he--what he wanted.
And a man that's a son of God reads the Bible and see what God was yesterday, He's the same today. He believes Him to be the same in principle, in power, everything that He ever was, the great Jehovah is still the same. The Bible said. Hebrews 13:8. "Jesus Christ the same yesterday, today, and forever." That's a true son believes that.
E-33 «Eh bien, dirais-je, vous avez simplement faim. Vous avez besoin de force, et il vous faut manger.» E-33 Then when he proved to be a true son, here's what the father did: He took him out into a public place in the street. And then he took this son, and set him up, and he clothed him with a robe, a special robe for this special occasion. And then there was a ceremony read. And this father adopted his own son into his family. And then anything that that son did was answered by the father. The son's name was just as good on the check as his father's was, because he was positionally placed in that family.
And that's what it is. When we receive the Holy Ghost, it just isn't to jump-and-down and shout with. It isn't just to speak with tongues or run over the floor. It isn't to organize a group and say, "We got it, and the rest of you haven't." It's to work with love and humility as Christ come to do with. "This will all men know you are My disciples, when you have love one for another."
E-34 C’est ça le problème de l’église; on lit juste l’Ecriture, un petit verset le dimanche matin. Nous devons avoir notre pensée plongée dans Sa Parole chaque minute dont nous disposons! Prenez beaucoup de temps, et mettez les autres choses de côté pour lire cette Parole. «L’homme ne vivra pas de pain seulement, mais de toute Parole qui sort de la bouche de Dieu.» E-34 And how can we expect honor from God when we're expecting honor one from another. "When oh, I might be the state presbyter, if I just hold good to the tradition. I might someday be the bishop." How can you believe God when you have--have, you respect one another in that--that line? How can you do it? The Bible said you can't.
But, "Oh, me and my group we got it, and we ain't going to have nothing to do with that revival down there at that schoolhouse. We're not cooperating, so I won't go." That shows what you are. Where the carcass is, the eagles will gather.
I'm preaching on the eagles in a few days, Lord willing. Where the carcass is, the eagles will gather. It's eagle food. Eagles love eagle food. Sheep love sheep food. And scavengers love scavenger's food. Buzzards eat buzzards food. And if you love the things of the world, that shows the love of God is not even in you.
E-35 Et il a pris le Rouleau, peut-être les Ecrits d’Esaïe, et il s’est mis à lire 9.6. Et je peux le voir pendant qu’il se met à lire. Et cela dit quelque chose comme ceci: «Un Enfant nous est né, un Fils nous est donné, et la domination reposera sur Ses épaules; on L’appellera Conseiller, Prince de la paix, Dieu puissant, et Père éternel.» E-35 And the biggest hypocrite there is in the world is a crow. A dove and a crow, they set on the same pole, perhaps, in the ark. Now, the dove can only eat one kind of food, because a dove is one bird who does not have a gall. It can't digest rotten things.
And a real borned again saint of God doesn't have anything to do with the things of the world, 'cause he hasn't got any gall anymore. He doesn't go around fussing with a chip on his shoulder, wanting to debate and argue about something.
But an old crow can set on an old dead carcass and eat for two hours and fly right out in the field and eat wheat with the dove. But a dove can't eat wheat and then eat the carcass. See the hypocrite? That's where the church has got. It's exactly right. What the Father must think...
E-36 Et je peux voir le prophète, alors qu’il... ou plutôt le sacrificateur, alors qu’il disait: «Oh! Je me demande de qui Il parlait.» Souvenez-vous, Siméon a la promesse. E-36 Now, notice. When there come the time of adoption, this son received all of his rights. Now, there's where God wants His children, to a place that He can take you one by one, take you out before the public and minister something to you that's spectacular, something that one of His gifts that He wants to give His Church. Oh, there's all kinds of gifts that God has for His Church.
But how can the Father give us gifts when we're acting the way we're acting? See, He makes it known, the whole world, everybody will see this gift manifested if God adopts you or places you positionally into His family.
E-37 Et c’est à ce moment-là dans la salle... que le Messie est entré dans la salle. Si Dieu a fait la promesse à Siméon, Dieu devait tenir cette promesse envers Siméon. E-37 Now, then you have the Word of God, the authority of God. And then as God shows you what to do, you're led by the Spirit and you do the things that's pleasing to God.
Now, Jesus was being adopted on the day of Mount Transfiguration. God was adopting His own Son into His family. Now, He took Peter, James, and John, and He took Moses, Elisha, and Jesus. And He brought them up to the top of the mountain, and there you notice, He was transfigured before them. What was it? Put into a public place, up high on a mountain. Can you see the similarity?
And then when He did, what did He do? He was transfigured. And the Bible said that His raiment shine like the sun in its strength. That robe that the father in the Old Testament put-on his son for the day of adoption. God put His robe of immortality upon His Son in the day of adoption.
E-38 Et elles s’alignent. Et je remarque alors qu’elles s’alignent, oh! il y a des dames portant leurs petits bébés, des dames riches; les petits bébés mâles portaient de petits habits bleus brodés, de petits chaussons et de petits bonnets, et les fillettes en petits habits roses. Et elles avaient de petits agneaux blancs et laineux comme offrande à offrir. Et elles causaient les unes avec les autres comme le font les dames. E-38 Well, when the supernatural is done, man gets all excited. And usually there's a mixed multitude goes out. When Moses did the supernatural down in Egypt, a mixed multitude went with them: Korah. And it caused trouble in the wilderness. But finally the earth swallowed them up. The supernatural had been done, the unconverted heart went with it.
That's what's happened today. The supernatural has been done. The Holy Spirit has returned back to the church in its fullness of its power. And then when the supernatural is being done on some, others go with it just to ride on the bandwagon. They've never been converted. Their life proves it.
And then Peter got all excited too. He said, "Lord, it's a good thing to be here in this revival. Let us build some denominations. Let us build three tabernacles. Let's have the Methodist, Baptist, Presbyterian, Pentecostal, Assemblies of God, Oneness, Twoness, Threeness. to all you got. Let us just make us some denominations. Oh, the Holy Ghost has fallen. We'll call ourself the group. We got the light." What a mistake you made.
E-39 Et tout au fond dans la ligne, je vois un tableau étrange: Une jeune fille, ne dépassant pas dix-huit ans, se tient là avec un petit Bébé dans ses bras. Mais Il ne porte pas de petits chaussons bleus. Il était enveloppé dans un lange. E-39 Now, notice. He got all excited. And he said, "Let's build three tabernacles. Let's build a tabernacle for Moses. All those that wants to quit eating meat, and keep the sabbath days holy, and so forth, we'll build a tabernacle for those. And then we'll build a tabernacle for those who wants to worship with the prophets and so forth."
But before he could get it out of his mouth, there was a voice spoke from heaven and said, "This is My beloved Son; hear ye Him." That's right. I'm glad He said that.
Let's look what Moses represented. Moses represented the law. No one can be saved by the law. The Bible said you can't. The law had no salvation. It was a policeman that put us in jail, but it didn't have nothing to bring us out. It couldn't pay our bond. It couldn't pay our fine. So it was the policeman that put us in the jail, the law was. I'm so glad that He said what He did.
I don't want to go in by the law, for no flesh can be saved by the law. You can keep the commandments as much as you want to, and you'll go to hell like a martin to its box. There's no salvation in the law at all.
E-40 Eh bien, si je comprends ce qu’est un lange, c’est ce que les gens mettaient autour d’un boeuf alors qu’ils labouraient. Et Lui n’avait pas d’habits à Sa naissance. Et qui sommes-nous alors? Mais le Roi de Gloire a dû venir dans une telle condition comme cela: non pas dans une belle chambre d’hôpital, mais dans une étable; et il n’y avait pas d’habits à Lui mettre. Et puis nous, nous nous plaignons. E-40 Well then, look at what did Elijah represent? Elijah represented the justice of God. Elisha was a prophet who had a commission from God. He went up and set down on the mountain, and the king said, Ahab the backslidden one, he said, "Go up and take fifty men and go get him." So they come up and Elisha stood up with the commission of God. And he said, "If I be a man of God, let fire fall from the heaven and consume you." And down come the fire and consumed them. Would you want to stand there?
Well the king said, "Perhaps a thunder storm passed by at that time, and that was just one of the acts of nature. We'll send another fifty up." And when another fifty come up, Elisha stood up and said, "If I be a man of God, let fire fall from heaven and consume you." And another fifty was burnt up. That's justice. God never let me have God's justice.
I don't want His law. It puts me in jail. I don't want His justice. It condemns me. I want mercy. God knows we all need mercy. I want His mercy. What did Jesus represent? His mercy, His love. If you're without love, hear ye Him. If the barrel's empty at home, hear ye Him. If the cruse has run dry, hear ye Him. If you've got a broken heart, hear ye Him. If you need joy in your soul, hear ye Him. If you need forgiveness of your sins, hear ye Him. If you need healing for your body, hear ye Him.
E-41 Et voici, Il portait des langes. Pas seulement cela, mais je peux entendre les femmes riches dire: «Dites donc, ne restez pas à côté de cette fille. N’ayez rien à faire avec elle, car cet Enfant est né hors des liens du mariage. C’est un Enfant illégitime.» E-41 He represents all that God was. The Fulness of the Godhead bodily dwelled in Him. Hear ye Him. Justice, mercy met and paid the debt. God said, "This is My beloved Son; hear ye Him." Methodist, your church is all right, but hear ye Him. Pentecost, your church is all right, hear ye Him. You're shouting, wonderful, but hear ye Him. There's speaking in tongues, wonderful, but hear ye Him. Your denomination? Wonderful, but hear ye Him. You can have all those things and still turn a deaf ear to Him: Hear ye Him.
What the world's looking for today is for something genuine. We've danced, we've shouted, and told lies on our neighbors. We have spoke in tongues like pouring peas on a dry cowhide, and went out and fussed about the next man's doings, unjustly. We have made fun. You've joined the church and made fun of somebody shouting in the Spirit. Talk, malice, greed, hatred, all those things are in the church.
E-42 C’est pratiquement la même chose qu’ils disent aujourd’hui d’un véritable chrétien qui ne veut pas coopérer avec certaines de leurs religions faites de main d’homme. Ils disent qu’ils sont nés hors des liens sacrés du mariage. Mais Marie savait à qui cet Enfant appartenait; elle connaissait la raison de cette naissance. E-42 And you know what the world's hungry for? The world wants to see something genuine. That's what's the matter with these conversions that they're so called. They're not real conversions. It's intellectual. There's a intellectual knowledge of Christ. But a borned again experience gives the real Christ.
America is people who have to be entertained. They've got too much television in them. They want entertainment. They don't want the old fashion Gospel. They say, "We can go over here and it isn't so rough. We can do what we want to." Go ahead. But, "My sheep hear My voice." You know that's true.
E-43 Et chaque fils ou chaque fille de Dieu né de nouveau, même si on doit vous taxer de mauvais noms, comme fanatique, ou saint exalté, ou quelque chose comme cela, mais si vous êtes vraiment né de l’Esprit de Dieu, ce que le reste du monde pense importe peu. Les gens pourraient dire que vous n’êtes peut-être pas brillant ou quelque chose comme cela. E-43 Oh, how God wants to bless the church. How oft would He have hovered you as the hen does her brood, but you would not. You listened to men leaders instead of the Holy Spirit Leader. You listened to men teachers instead of God's Teacher, the Holy Ghost, Who would teach you behavior, make you behave yourself nice, make you be ladylike, make you the salt of the earth.
The salt creates a thirst. And men will thirst to be like you if you'll really live the Christian life. You can't do it in yourself; you've got to have Christ in you to do it. The world is wanting something genuine. That's the reason they see people that claim to be something and going out acting like the rest of the world.
That's what caused communism to rise in Russia on account of the Catholic church (that's exactly right), claiming to be something, and had no more than acted and done just like the world, no more than any other lodge: not only Catholics, but Protestant just as bad.
E-44 Mais Marie savait ce que... à qui ce Bébé appartenait, ainsi elle ne les écoutait tout simplement pas. Elle les a laissées dire ce qu’elles voulaient. Elle Le tapotait à la joue avec son doigt, pendant que sa petite bouche édentée exprimait un sourire. Il n’était peut-être pas habillé comme les autres. E-44 And it's come down home to the Pentecostals, acting, and dressing, fashioning, looking, talkings, blaspheming, making fun, indifferent. That's rough, but it's good for you. It's the truth. But that's the reason the world can't see nothing genuine. When the people comes to a place that they'll forget all their little differences, and the love of God will shed abroad in our heart by the real Teacher, the Holy Ghost, you'll become salty, and the world will want to be like you.
You create a creation around you. You've seen people you couldn't stand to be around, yet they were nice people. They create that within themselves. You've seen people you love to be with, because they create that atmosphere around them. Your spirit's your soul. You can't hide it; you can't make believe. That's what's the matter today. There is too much make belief in Christianity.
E-45 Mais, ô Dieu, j’aimerais prendre Sa place. E-45 There's three classes of people: unbelievers, make believers, and real believers. And that's the way the church sets today. You don't have to be a make believer or an unbeliever; you can be a real believer. And that's what the world wants to see.
That's what God wants to see. That's what He says, "You are a city that sets on a hill, a candle that cannot be put out. You're the salt of the earth. You're the light of the world." And then acting like the world, living like the world, taking sides with the world, going to the world, doing worldly things. How can you expect God to ever put the adoption on the church? But they want to see the real.
E-46 Et Il était là. Vous voyez, le véritable Esprit de Dieu n’a jamais été le bienvenu dans ce monde, et Il ne le sera jamais. Il est toujours en quelque sorte rejeté, comme s’Il est un petit truc mystérieux, ou quelque chose comme cela. E-46 Here's something that happened not long ago. As you all know, I'm a hunter. I was a game warden for years. I've hunted around the world, Africa, India, all over the mountains. My mother's a half Indian. My conversion never took it from me. I love the woods. That's where I found God, in nature, going out in the woods, and see the little flowers. You can't hide it. Let it die. A log can fall over it and bury that little seed in there. And it'll rot and the pulp run out of it. When springtime comes, that little seed of life will work its way around that log and stick its little head up and praise God.
You can't hide real life, not over a bushel. Real life shows itself. It can't kill it. It'll live again just as sure as anything. The frost can bite the little flower, and it bow its head. They have a funeral procession. The fall rains cry and bury the little thing. It rots; the bulb goes out; the petals are gone; the seed gone, bursted open; the pulp's run out; but somewhere in there is a little germ of life that no science can find. Just let the sun go to shine and warm, the sunrise, it'll live again.
E-47 Eh bien, si le Messie était dans le temple, et que Siméon avait la promesse, alors le Saint-Esprit était tenu de conduire Siméon vers la Promesse. Béni soit Son Nom! Et lui, tout à coup, pendant qu’il lisait dans les Ecritures, je peux entendre le Saint-Esprit dire: «Siméon, mets ta Bible de côté pendant quelques minutes et suis-Moi; il y a une réunion en cours; j’aimerais que tu y assistes; ça pourrait ne pas s’agir de ta dénomination, mais il se passe quelque chose; Je vais te montrer Quelque Chose.» E-47 If God made a way for a flower to live again, how much more has he made a way for a man to live again, that's borned in His image. But you got to have life before you can live again. You can live right now; you don't have to die to receive it. You have to die to yourself. Then you won't have to impersonate nothing, you got the genuine thing.
I've watched in wild animals. I faced lions, standing looking right at me, walk up and take his picture. I'm not afraid of them. I love them. They know it. Don't try to bluff them. They know different. They know better than some people does.
E-48 Eh bien, les hommes de Dieu sont conduits par l’Esprit de Dieu. Dieu conduit Ses enfants par Son Esprit. Lorsque Dieu fait la promesse d’un don, Dieu en parle à Ses enfants, parce que le–le don est destiné à l’Eglise, et Christ a été envoyé à l’Eglise. E-48 One time I was hunting in the north woods with a friend of mine, and he was one of the best hunters I ever hunted with. You didn't have to worry about him; he wasn't going to get lost. You didn't have to tie him on to you. He was a real hunter, and a good shot. But he was the most wicked man I ever seen. He loved to shoot little fawns just to make me feel bad.
Now, it's all right to shoot a fawn. I'm not trying to belittle, sister, if your husband brings in a fawn sometime. That's... If the law permits that, that's all right, but not shoot a whole bunch of them. The little animal's all right, the fawn, if the law permits it.
It's not wrong to kill a--a little animal. Abraham killed a calf, and God eat it. It's exactly right. So it's not wrong. But to go and just murder them, that's what's wrong is to murder them.
E-49 Et Siméon avait la promesse. Et le Saint-Esprit... Remarquez, le voici venir là, sans savoir exactement où il allait, mais il était juste en route. C’est ainsi que les véritables chrétiens sont conduits. Si Dieu a dit de faire quelque chose, allez de l’avant et faites-le. E-49 And--and Burt just loved to murder them just to be mean. And I said, "Burt, how can you be such a good hunter and be so mean?"
He said, "Oh, you chicken hearted preachers."
I said, "I'm not chicken hearted, but I have a respect for God's nature." And I said, "I may be a hunter, but I'm not a killer."
And he said, "Oh, get next to yourself, Billy. Come on, let's go hunting." And he just loved to shoot those little fellows, and watch them fall, and then look at me and laugh.
And one year I went up there to go hunting. And he'd invented a little old whistle. And he could take that little whistle and go just like a little baby deer crying for its mammy. And he'd whistle that little whistle, and I said, "Burt, you're not going to use that."
He said, "Oh, go on, Billy. When you ever going to get next to yourself? You'd be a good hunter if you wasn't so chicken hearted."
E-50 Là dans le Sud, il y avait une fois un–un vieux Noir qui aimait vraiment le Seigneur, et il croyait toute la Parole. Et son patron lui a dit une fois, il a dit: «Que se passerait-il si Dieu disait quelque chose au sujet de...», Ou plutôt, il a dit: «Pourquoi–pourquoi portes-tu cette Bible?», d’abord. E-50 We went hunting that day, and there was a little snow on the ground, about six inches, and we'd went all up across the Carl Notch, and down over to the Washington Mountain, and come back over towards Adam. And we was getting down along noontime; we had not even seen a track in the snow. And we stooped down there at a little opening; it was about nearly noontime.
And I thought Burt had stooped down to take his lunch out. We would have some lunch and hot chocolate. And I was trailing along behind him. We were going to separate in the afternoon and take two different ways coming back. We was going to find some tracks first, then ever who found a track, we'd take off.
E-51 Il a dit: «Patron, je La crois.» E-51 Then he stooped down, and I seen him looking back into his pocket, and here he come out with that little whistle. And he give it a little squeak of a cry, like a little baby fawn, and when he did, just across the opening a big mother doe raised up. Now, a doe is a mother deer. And I could see her big brown eyes and the veins in her face, she was so close.
She raised up. Now, that's unusual for a deer at that time of day in that country. Raised up and begin to look around. What was the matter? Though it was scary for her, yet there was a baby in trouble, and she was a mother. She raised up; she looked around. And old Burt looked around at me with that real sheepish look in his face. I thought, "Oh, Burt, you won't do that."
And he squealed it again. And the mother deer walked right out into the open. That's very unusual for them to walk out in the open in hunting season. She was standing out there. She wasn't a hypocrite. She wasn't putting nothing on. She had something real. She was a mother, and a baby was in trouble. Regardless of how danger it was, she never thought of the danger. It was the baby that was in trouble. And there was something inside of her. She was a mother by birth. She heard the baby cry. She got out in the open.
E-52 Il a dit: «Tu ne sais pas lire, a-t-il dit; eh bien, pourquoi La portes-tu?» E-52 And I seen Burt throw a shell up into that chamber of that .30-06. I thought, "Oh, my!" And I seen him level the gun down, those cross hairs of that scope right across her heart. I thought, "Oh..." He was a dead shot. I thought, "Just in a moment he will blow her heart plumb through her." I thought, "How can you do it, Burt? How can you be so cruel hearted?" That mother out there looking for her baby in trouble.
And when he let the bolt down on the rifle, the deer spooked and looked. It saw the hunter, and the gun aimed. But that didn't stop her. She quivered. She knew that something was going to happen, but she was a mother. Her baby was in trouble. She was watching for the baby. I thought, "Burt, how can you be so cold hearted?"
E-53 Il a dit: «Je La porte parce que je La crois de la couverture à la couverture.» Et il a dit: «Je crois aussi la couverture, a-t-il dit, parce que quelqu’un m’a dit qu’il y est écrit ‘Sainte Bible’. Et je sais qu’Elle ne peut pas faillir, car C’est la promesse de Dieu.» E-53 I seen that gun level; I turned my head. I thought, "O God, don't let him do it. How can he blow that precious loyal heart plumb out of that dear mother deer? How can he do it?" I waited. The gun never went off. I waited a little longer. The gun still didn't go off. I looked around, and the gun barrel was going like this.
He looked around to me and the tears running down his cheeks. He threw the gun on the ground and grabbed me by the legs. He said, "Billy, I've had enough of it. I can't go any farther. Lead me to that Jesus that you love so well." What was it? He seen something real. He seen something not put-on. He seen something that was genuine.
That's what the world's looking for today. It's looking for not something put-on. It's looking not for, "I'm--I'm a Methodist. I'm a Presbyterian." It's looking for something real. God's got it, something real. Oh, wouldn't you love to have the love of God in your heart in the same measure for Christ, that that old mother deer had for that baby? God's got it for you. "This is My beloved Son; hear ye Him."
E-54 Il a dit: «Crois-tu qu’Il tiendra toutes ces promesses?» E-54 Each night when you see Him here making the crippled walk and so forth and the things He's doing, discerning the thoughts of the people, and doing the things that He did when He was here on earth, that's God's beloved Son. Hear ye Him.
Let us bow our heads just a moment. Quietly on the organ if you will, sister. Real quietly... I'm going to ask you a question. Please be sincere at this minute. I wonder in here tonight, how many even church members or sinners that has never accepted Christ... It's often said, "I--I wished I could be real Christian. I wished I had something in me..."
You've tried. You've joined different churches. You've been baptized maybe different ways. But you got your ups-and-downs. Look like you just--you just can't stay on the mountain. You go in, out, backslide, go back. There's something that you just don't have.
Would you like to have a real love for God, just as much love for Christ as that old mother deer had for her baby, that could face death, or regardless of what persecution, or what people thought, you could still stand in the faith and give a witness for the glory of God?
E-55 Il a dit: «Très certainement!» E-55 Friend of mine, creature of God, fellow citizens, if you're in that condition tonight, won't you please just now as I ask you, will you just raise up your hand to God and say, "God, give me love in my heart for Christ like that deer had for the baby, that I might display Christ before people, that would cause them to come to Jesus, just as that mother deer displayed her love for her baby. Make me a real. I don't want to impersonate. I want something real. God, give it to me."
Will you raise your hands? God bless you. That's right. All over the building, it's just... You couldn't numerate the hands. "Though I'm a church member, Brother Branham, but honestly, I--I'm ashamed. The sins and things that you been preaching about tonight, I'm guilty. But by the grace of God from this night on, God, You give me something real. I want it. I'll raise my hand to You, God. I... By this I mean that... You see my hand."
God bless you, young lady, you just keep waving your hand there. God sees you. God bless you over here, lady. No doubt but a lot of them are mothers. God bless you, brother. Yes. All around, up in the balconies to my left, up in there: God bless you. That's right. All along the lines there.
Balconies to the right, would you raise your hand? God bless you, sir. God knows you. And God bless you here in the middle of the aisle. Over here to the balconies to my right, the Lord bless you all along there. Many of you, young and old with your hands up.
E-56 Il a dit: «Et si Dieu te disait de traverser d’un bond ce mur de pierres? Que ferais-tu?» E-56 The center aisle to the left, would you raise your hands now that you believe, that you'd like to take Christ tonight, and He be so real to you, so real that God would say, "This is My son. This is My daughter. Oh, I'm so pleased in them. The way they act and the way they do, I'm pleased with it."
Would you want that kind of a kind of an experience that the world would say, "There's really a Christian woman. There's really a Christian man."? You can have it. It's right here.
The bal... The lower floor here and to my right, would you raise your hand all down along here, the Lord bless you. God bless you. God bless you, and you, and you all back through here. God be merciful to you.
E-57 Il a dit: «Je le traverserais.» E-57 Now, with your heads bowed just a moment, I'm going to ask, is there a sinner here that's never been borned again, don't know what Christ is, never had an experience at all with Christ, you'd like to raise your hand, say, "God, be merciful to me. I now will accept Christ." God bless you. God bless you.
Someone else? A sinner friend? God bless you up in the balcony. The young lady weeping there, God bless you. Don't be ashamed of that, sister. That's wonderful. God bless you over here, the hand, the young man, the young lady down here also. The man there with the brown coat on, God bless you.
Sinner friend, raise your hand to Christ, won't you? This may be your last opportunity. Young man setting right here in front, God bless you, sir. Someone else say, "I now accept Christ as my Saviour."
E-58 Il a dit: «Comment pourrais-tu le traverser s’il n’y a pas de trou là-dedans?» E-58 You say, "Brother Branham, raising my hand means anything?" God bless you, honey boy here. Would... "Does that mean anything?" Certainly, it's between death and Life if you mean it. What did the Bible say? "He that heareth My words, and believeth on Him that sent Me, hath Everlasting Life, and shall not come to the judgment, but's passed from death unto Life."
If you haven't never known Christ, and never knowed an experience of sweet peace and love from the Saviour, would you just raise your hand before we pray? Another sinner somewhere, put up your hand, will you? Sinner friend, I plead with you now. And someday the Holy Spirit that's here will be your... God bless you, young man in the back. God sees your hand, certainly.
E-59 Il a dit: «Si Dieu me disait de sauter, Il créerait un trou là dès que j’y arriverai.» C’est vrai. Dieu tient Sa promesse! E-59 What do you do when you raise your hand? You defy every law of science. Gravitation holds your hand down. But when you raise your hand, it shows that a spirit in you has made a decision, and you've put up your hand. Something said you're wrong. You say, "Yes, I'm wrong. I now raise my hand to my Creator. Have mercy on me, O God." See what God will do for you.
Would you raise your hand, some other sinner? God bless you back there. That's right, young lady. Another, please, just before closing for prayer. God bless you, lady setting here. That's wonderful.
Oh, there's been fifteen or twenty sinners raise their hand, and maybe four or five hundred church members and backsliders has put their hands up. Here's another over here. God bless you, lady. God bless you, sir. God bless... That's right, sinner friend. That's good.
E-60 Siméon est arrivé, regardant tout autour dans la salle. Il ne savait exactement pas où aller, mais il marchait. Dieu avait fait la promesse, et c’était à Dieu de tenir la promesse. Si Dieu vous a promis la guérison, peu importe comment vous vous sentez, continuez simplement d’avancer. Il le fera, juste à l’heure. Il l’a fait pour les enfants hébreux. Il le fait pour toutes Ses promesses. E-60 Just another few before we close? I like to see you put your hand up. God bless you, young man. I just felt there was somebody else that should have done it. Just... God bless you. That... This may be the last... God bless you, young lady. God bless you, young lady back there, the teen-age type.
You're making the greatest decision you ever made, sinner friend, when you come to Jesus. He's got... You don't want to just... I...?... to join a church. You must do that. But, oh, get Him first. "This is My beloved Son," said God, "hear ye Him." Meet Him.
Oh, you'll make a real star in that church. You'll lead other young people to Christ. And you'll lead other old people to Christ. Certainly, for you'll be about the Father's business with a heart full of love. No matter what the persecution, the cross is, you'll stand and be happy to bear it, because Jesus bore it for you in the beginning. Is that all now, that desires to come to Christ?
E-61 Le voici venir, parcourant la salle, sans savoir où il allait. Tout à coup, il a vu cette longue file de femmes, et cette jeune fille timide et rougissante qui se tenait là en compagnie de son mari, d’âge moyen, avec quatre enfants; il la regardait, alors qu’elle tenait ce Bébé, emmailloté; et le Saint-Esprit a dit: «Vas-y Siméon.» E-61 How many here has not received the Holy Ghost since you have believed, and you want God to give you that to make you a real gallant soldier? How many's in the building, raise your hands? Oh, just look. Seventy percent. Let us pray now. Be real sincere. Not... You're coming to Christ. You're coming to Him in your need. Doesn't mean...
I believe in emotion. I believe in shouting. I believe in praising God. I think everything has breath ought to praise God. It's what the Bible said. But now, coming to Him, you must come quietly, sanely, honorably, laying yourself at His feet, looking up into His face, and saying, "God be merciful to me. And give unto me, O Lord." After that is done, that's the time then for your rejoicing and praising. Let us pray, each one now.
E-62 Il n’avait pas interrogé le Seigneur. Il s’est simplement mis à marcher. Pourquoi? Quelqu’un aurait posé des questions, mais souvenez-vous, avant ce moment-là, il avait parlé au Saint-Esprit; et le Saint-Esprit était sur lui; et lorsque le Saint-Esprit vient sur un homme, il ne pose plus de questions, il va simplement accomplir ce que l’Esprit dit de faire. En effet, il connaissait les Ecritures, et c’était le temps pour qu’Elles s’accomplissent; ainsi, il était en ordre avec les Ecritures, et il était en ordre en tout point de vue. E-62 Dear God, many hands for many things, yes, I suppose over a thousand hands in need tonight of salvation, in one manner or other has raised their hands to Thee. Thou has seen them each and every one. Though I have scolded them with the Gospel, Lord, it was not to be harsh. Thou knowest my heart. It would be better to weep for them.
But, O God, Your Scriptures are so true, and they cut like a two-edged sword to the marrow of the bone, and a discerner of the thoughts of the mind. And, Lord, we pray now that You'll take each of those sinner boys, girls, men, and women, take them into Thy Kingdom just now in lovingkindness.
We know that You could not, any ways receive them unless they made up their mind. And they could not make up their mind until You called. For Thou hast said in the Word, "No man can come to Me, except My Father draws him first. And all that comes to Me, I'll give them Everlasting Life, and will raise him up at the last day."
E-63 Et il longe la ligne jusqu’à ce qu’il arrive à ce tableau pitoyable. Pouvez-vous l’imaginer? Le Créateur dans le bâtiment même qu’Il avait construit, et même pas assez d’habits pour paraître honorable; on devait prendre le lange tiré du coup d’un boeuf. E-63 Take the backsliders back tonight, Lord. Fill with the new birth, the Holy Spirit, these who have raised their hands. God be merciful. Create in them, Lord, a birth that changes from a church creed to a real service of God. And may they have a real love in their heart to display as a Christian, like the old mother deer that we spoke of tonight had to display a mother's love, and her being an animal. Grant it, Lord.
As that deer led that cruel hearted man, because he seen something real, led that cruel hearted man to a loving sweet saint now, passed from death unto Life right there on that snow bank, O God, help us to do that. Will you, Lord?
Help us to make our lives so sweet and so full of the Spirit, so gentle, and kind, and sweet that the whole world would long and would see Jesus. It is written that, "We are written epistles of God read of all men." And we know our character hasn't been just right, so forgive us, Lord. Take us tonight as Your loving children.
E-64 Et Siméon est descendu là. Aussitôt qu’il a regardé ce Bébé en face, il a tendu les bras pour toucher les bras de cette jeune mère et il a pris le petit Enfant, les larmes lui coulant sur sa barbe blanche, il L’a soulevé et a dit: «Seigneur, laisse maintenant Ton serviteur s’en aller en paix, tout est en ordre maintenant; car mes yeux ont vu Ton salut.» E-64 Now, I present them to You. They are the fruits of this message tonight. And now, You are giving them to Jesus as love gifts, for they are love gifts from the Father to the Son. No man can pluck them from the hand.
God, may they live sweet humble lives, join some good church now, become a real loyal member, receive Christian baptism, and be filled with the Spirit, and become Your servants. May if I never see them or shake their hands in this earth, may I do it in another land when we set down at that great wedding supper.
I'm thinking of it, Lord. When I look across the table and see those ones, I say, "Seem like I ought to know you."
"Oh, yes, Brother Branham, I was the one at Middletown that night. Oh, I'm so glad to be here."
Then tears of joy will run down our cheeks, and the King will come out in all of His robes of and glory, and will wipe all tears from our eyes, and say, "Don't cry, children. You're all home now. Enter into the joys of the Lord, that's been prepared for you since the foundation of the world." Grant that to be our lot, Lord. Until then keep us healthy, happy, spiritually filled with Your Spirit that we might serve Thee. In the Name of Thy Son, Who we gladly hear, in Jesus' Name. Amen.
E-65 Qu’était-ce? Ce dont tous les autres se moquaient, ce dont tous les autres se raillaient, Siméon a reconnu Cela par le Saint-Esprit comme étant la promesse de Dieu. Vous n’avez pas à être aveugle pour voir cela, ou savoir ce dont je parle. Ce que le monde taxe de folie, c’est le plan du salut de Dieu pour amener l’Eglise à la Gloire. E-65 Would you give us a little chord, "My Faith Looks Up To Thee."? How many loves those old fashion songs? Oh, how many feels just like you're all scoured out? Don't the Gospel do something to you? Just the reading of the Word, just scours us out.
Let's all sing this glorious old hymn of the church now before the healing service.
My faith looks up to Thee,
Thou Lamb of Calvary,
Saviour divine;
Now hear me while I pray,
Take all my guilt away,
And let me from this day be wholly Thine!
Let us sing, all together now.
My faith looks up to Thee,
Thou Lamb of Calvary,
Saviour divine;
Now hear me while I pray,
Take all my guilt away,
Or let me ever stray
From Thee aside.
Let us hum it.
While life's dark maze I tread,
And griefs around me spread, (Let's raise your hands to Him now.)
Be Thou my Guide;
Bid darkness turn to day,
Wipe sorrow's tears away,
Nor let me ever stray
From Thee aside.
E-66 «Laisse Ton serviteur s’en aller en paix, car mes yeux ont vu Ton salut.» Et il a dit à Marie, il a dit: «Cet Enfant a été envoyé (à toi, pour te transpercer le coeur) afin que les pensées de plusieurs soient dévoilées, soient manifestées.» E-66 Lord God, receive us, Lord, as Your worshipping children. Many souls have just come to You, Lord. They're refreshening back there in the blessings of a new experience. They've passed from death unto Life.
And now, I pray Thee, Father, that You will help us now as we humble our hearts in Thy Presence, that You will let these newborn babies know that You're Jesus, that it was You that spoke to them, though they know it in the way of faith, believing it now. But make it real. May You come to the platform and just do like You would when You were here many years ago in the form of--of the flesh. But now You're in our flesh. You said, "A little while and the world will see Me no more (the unbeliever), and yet ye shall see Me (the believer), for I'll be with you, even in you, to the end of the age." Grant it, Lord. We love You with all our hearts, Lord. And we worship Thee in the Word, and in the Spirit, and in the song.
Now, heal our sick people, Lord. Take sickness out of our midst. God, give these people faith tonight like they have never had before. Grant it, Lord.
E-67 Et remarquez, à vous, mes amis juifs, j’en ai un que je viens de rencontrer aujourd’hui, qui est assis ici sur le siège de devant, ou plutôt juste derrière frère Kidd, un Juif russe. J’éprouve de la sympathie pour Israël; en effet, ça ne mettra pas du temps maintenant que leur jour va se manifester. Le soleil va se lever. La vieille étoile de David à six branches flotte au-dessus de Jérusalem ce soir, le plus vieux drapeau du monde; et c’est la première fois qu’ils sont devenus une nation depuis 2500 ans. Le figuier est en train de bourgeonner, les jours des Gentils sont terminés. Oui, oui, juste au dessus. E-67 Now, I'm pray that You'll help me. Use my eyes, and mouth, lips, all that I am, Lord. I'm unworthy. These my brothers and sisters are unworthy. And we realize that, but we're submitting ourselves to You. And by Your grace we're looking for You to fulfill Your pro...
[Blank.spot.on.tape--Ed.]... tion. He never did work completely through an organization. He works through men, individuals. And every man that ever raised up was independent from organizations. Look through the Scriptures; search the history, and find if that's right or not. Every time the organization church was against the moving of the Spirit, every time.
Search the Scriptures; search the history; find out. Through Moody, Sankey, Finney, Knox, Calvin, any of them you wish to, men of God who is raised up, has been that way. You have to stand alone. The prophets in the Bible when they was raised up contrary to their belief, but God went right ahead with His message anyhow.
E-68 Oh! combien j’aimerais rester là-dessus jusqu’à minuit! Le jour où ils sont devenus une nation, la même heure où ils sont devenus une nation, je ne le savais pas, l’Ange du Seigneur était là derrière en train de confirmer pour moi ce ministère, à la même heure; je ne le savais pas. E-68 Now, I am not a healer. All can bear record of that. I have no way of healing people. There is... [Blank.spot.on.tape--Ed.]
Speak the Word, Lord. If that would be sufficient, but God's good. He has set in the church, gifts: first, apostles or missionaries, both the same: Apostles means "one sent." Missionary means "one sent." Apostles, prophets, teachers, evangelists, pastors, they're all predestinated gifts of God. Gifts and callings are without repentance. They're placed in the church to bring the church together, hold it together for the glory of God.
E-69 Je suis parti récemment au Caire. Les Juifs cherchent des signes, ils ont dit: «Si c’est le Messie, que je Le voie accomplir le signe de Sa résurrection. Nous croirons cela.» E-69 Now, each day we give out a hundred cards, and call from place, then another. The reason we give... Did you see there's about two thousand people here tonight with their hands up to be prayed... [Blank.spot.on.tape--Ed.]... prophet stumbles the people. I don't claim to be a prophet. I claim to be His servant. If I be His servant, a true witness, God's got to vindicate His Word and say it's right. If I'm not a true witness, then God will not have anything to do with an error. How many knows that? [Blank.spot.on.tape--Ed.]
She's home tonight praying for her preacher boy. I got three little children at home, a little girl: Rebekah, and one, Sarah, little boy Joseph. I'd love to be with them. I don't get to see them very much.
But you say, "What are you doing, Brother Branham?" I'm waiting for Him. He knows you; I don't.
E-70 Mais le Saint-Esprit a dit: «Pas maintenant.» Alors, je me suis retourné et je suis reparti à Mars Hill, puis j’ai continué jusqu’au Vatican. Oh! Nous sommes à la fin. E-70 If the audience can still hear my voice. The lady seems to be moving from me and she's all nervous about something. She's very much upset. She's suffering with a nervous condition. That's correct. If that's right, raise up your hand. You believe? You said you would.
Now, you said, "That was a guess, Brother Branham." Watch, just talk to her a little more and see. I don't know what was wrong with her now. The only way I know it, is by my tapes. See? That was some voice that told the truth. It wasn't mine. It's Something using my voice. Do you understand? The Spirit of God... Each one of you's a spirit. Now, you believe. Let's talk to the woman just a little more.
E-71 Et remarquez ce qui s’est passé. Il a dit: «C’est ça le Signe. Cet Enfant a été envoyé pour la chute et le relèvement d’Israël; la chute et le relèvement. Et on parlera en mal de ce Signe. On dira du mal de ce Signe.» E-71 Whatever it was, lady, I don't know now, but it was the truth. He's always truth. He's the very Fountain of Truth. Yes, I see the lady again. It's turning dark around her. She's nervous, worried about something. It's a nervous condition that she's suffering with. Then she has a growth. That's a lump, and that's on your breast. That's on your right breast. That's correct.
And then, you're interested in some... I see a man up here before me. And he's looking to you. He's calling you "mother." It's your boy, and he has something wrong with his back. And it's dark around the boy. He once was a Christian, but he's backslid. You're not from this city. You're from another city called Waverly, Ohio. That's THUS SAITH THE LORD.
You be the judge. Was those things true, whatever He said? If that's right wave your hand to the audience so... What is it? It's something that was back somewhere else. She be the judge. She knows, and you know that has to come from some supernatural power. Are you like the... Are you a modern Pharisee that says, "It's of the devil." If you do, you get a devils reward. If you believe it's God, you get God's reward. What do you think? It was God? Then you have His reward. Go, and God be with you, for you will receive what you've asked for.
E-72 Remarquez. Oh! Les autres bavarderaient, disant: «Salut, Docteur en droit Jones. Voudriez-vous venir prendre du poulet avec nous au souper?» «Oh! Rabbi Levinski, comment allez-vous?» E-72 The Lord God bless you, lady. I do not know you. We're strangers to each other. If that's right, would you raise up your hand for the people? Been in my--been in my meetings twice before, 'fore I come to the city, although I don't know you. Your first time in the prayer line or anything? All right. Now, be real reverent.
Now, I do not know you. But God does know you. And He's just as willing to help you. And if I could help you and would not do it, I'd be an awful person. I'm not, wouldn't be fit to stand by this pulpit. I'd be an impostor. God forbid that. I want to be His servant. But you're...
If God will reveal to me what you want from Him, will you believe me as His servant? Then surely if He will let me know that by a Divine gift to prove His resurrection to you, He's wanting to show to this entire group His power, His, that He is not dead. He's alive.
E-73 Mais, là derrière au coin, de l’autre côté du temple, une vieille prophétesse aveugle était assise là; elle était âgée de quatre-vingt-quatre ans. Elle était une prophétesse. Et elle restait au temple et priait. A ce même instant, le Saint-Esprit est venu sur elle; la voici venir, aveugle, se frayant un chemin à travers les gens qui avaient une bonne vue, mais elle était conduite par l’Esprit. Elle se déplaçait à travers les ave... les... tous ceux qui étaient bien habillés, qui avaient une bonne vue, et elle est passée à travers eux. Elle voyait mieux qu’eux, car elle était conduite par l’Esprit. Elle a traversé la salle jusqu’à ce qu’elle arrive auprès de l’Enfant, et là, elle a rendu gloire à Dieu à cause de Lui. E-73 You're here to be prayed for. You're extremely nervous. And then you've got a sore on your body that you want me to pray for. I cannot see the sore, but do you believe God will tell me where it's at? It's on your left leg. That is true. Then you also have something wrong with your back, you want me to pray for.
Then I see somebody appear that you have been praying for for some time, in your room by the side of a bed recently, where there was a drapery like hanging down. That's right. And that's an elderly person, real elderly. Some like your father. And his trouble is in the--is a bronchial condition, real bad. And he's not here. He's in another state, ano... Looks like Oklahoma to me. That's exactly where it is, at Tulsa. That's exactly right. Amen.
Do you believe now? Then go on your road and rejoice, and send the handkerchief to your loved one, and be made well. Amen.
If thou canst believe. Oh, He is the all sufficient Jehovah God. Now, be reverent.
E-74 Mon ami, ce même Saint-Esprit est ici ce soir. Il n’y a pas deux Saint-Esprit, il n’y en a qu’un Seul. Et vous avez lu dans la Bible là où Jésus-Christ est le même hier, aujourd’hui et éternellement. La promesse est pour vous et pour vos enfants. Vous avez cru en Lui pour recevoir la guérison divine. E-74 [Blank.spot.on.tape--Ed.] places, and maybe our first time meeting. Have you seen me before? You've saw me before. All right. But I don't know you. So the audience will know that, sister (See?), would you just raise up your hand? I do not know you, have nothing, no more than... We're just meeting. You've saw me some... [Blank.spot.on.tape--Ed.]
There's a black shadow over the woman that's to kill her. I see her in a doctor's office. And he's got the blouse that you were wearing, down. And it's a cancer on the breast. And he wants to take your breast off. And I see you shaking your head, and resenting it, for you wanted to put your trust in God for your healing.
You're not from this city. You're from a place called Cleveland, Ohio. Your name is Marian Napa. You can go on your road, and rejoice with all your heart, and believe God, and you shall receive as you have believed it. You'll just take His word for it and believe.
E-75 Et ce même Saint-Esprit en qui vous avez cru pendant toutes ces années vous a conduits à travers le pays, à travers les amoncellements de neige, à travers le brouillard, dans les coins et dans les rues, jusqu’à ce que finalement nous sommes entrés ce soir dans la Présence du même Saint-Esprit qui a fait les promesses ce soir pour accomplir tout ce qu’Il a promis, puisque Dieu tient quand même Sa promesse. Il accomplira une oeuvre. Il montrera un signe. Il est le même hier, aujourd’hui et éternellement. Croyez-vous cela? E-75 Have faith in God. Come right here. Would you hold her, brother? All right, sister dear. God be merciful. Perhaps those poor old wrinkled hands has done a many days work. That I do not know. But God does know. Oh, if I could help you, mother, I'd do it. I can't help you, but as your brother in the Lord Jesus, if this our... Many ministers, they are preachers who can preach the Word. I'm not a preacher. I have no education.
[Blank.spot.on.tape--Ed.]... nervous and you're weak. And then the reason that you're walking kinda slow and crippling along, is because a stiffness that's been set in in your limb, just like a muscular condition that's making you stiff in your limbs. That's THUS SAITH THE LORD.
I see something else that's predominant to that. It's a desire that's on your heart. Do you believe God can reveal the secrets of the heart? Did not the Bible say, didn't Daniel say to the king that, "The God of heaven reveals the secrets of the heart."
You're all sad about something. And that's for a boy, your boy, your son. And your son has had a breakdown, a nervous breakdown, and he's in a hospital. And that is in another city, and that city is Cincinnati, Ohio. And you're interested in him, because he's shadowed too. He's a sinner, and you're praying for his soul. That's THUS SAITH THE LORD. That is true.
E-76 Oh! J’aurais souhaité que nous ayons juste un peu plus de temps, mais nous n’en avons pas. Inclinons la tête juste un moment pour la prière. Combien ici présents ce soir croient que vous avez été divinement conduits à l’auditorium de cette école, que le même Saint-Esprit vous a conduits ici? C’est bien. Je me demande s’il y en a ici ce soir qui ne se sentent pas si bien dans leur âme. Vous sentez comme si Jésus doit apparaître ce soir, vous vous sentez un peu indigne de vous tenir dans Sa Présence; et vous aimeriez qu’Il se souvienne de vous maintenant et qu’Il pardonne vos péchés. Voudriez-vous lever la main? Oh! Oh! la la! C’est impossible de les compter. E-76 Do you believe you receive what you ask for? Does the Bible say, "These signs shall follow them that believe; if they lay their hands on the sick, they shall recover."? Do you believe that? Let us pray.
Lord God, this poor mother, and I ask that in Jesus' Name that Thou will bless her, Lord, with Thy blessings. Give unto her, this dear old woman, the desire of her heart, I pray, for the glory of God. Amen. God...
E-77 Ami pécheur, je me demande ce soir, quoique vous soyez un pécheur, que vous n’ayez jamais fait de confession, mais vous croyez réellement avant de Le voir accomplir quelque chose, vous croyez que c’est le Saint-Esprit qui vous a conduit ici ce soir. Voudriez-vous lever la main pour réclamer la miséricorde? Que Dieu vous bénisse. Que Dieu vous bénisse, vous, vous, vous. Que Dieu vous bénisse, madame. Vous, madame. Vous. C’est bien. E-77 [Blank.spot.on.tape--Ed.]... glasses on, that's praying. You had your eyes up in the air, sir, a praying. You were asking God, "Let this man call me, and I touch Your garment." That's right, sir. You were praying that. If God will reveal to me what your trouble is, will you believe me as His servant?
You got trouble with your head. You can't even work. If all those things that I've said is right, raise up your hand. I do not know you, do I? But you're healed now. Go on back. Your faith touched something. It was the Son of God. [Blank.spot.on.tape--Ed.]
Here It comes. Can't you see that Light, mystic Light moving there, yellowish, green, amber looking color? It settle down to the man. There he is. You are suffering, sir. You was setting there praying. And you're suffering with a trouble in your chest and in your stomach. That is right. You're not from this city, not even from this state: from Virginia. If you believe the Lord God, you can go home and be well now. Your faith touched Him.
E-78 En haut au balcon à droite? Oh! Que Dieu vous bénisse partout là. C’est ça. Huit, dix. E-78 [Blank.spot.on.tape--Ed.]...?... with her head down, praying. Do you believe me to be His servant, lady? You was praying when I was talking to that man, "Lord, let me be next. That right? You believe that that throat trouble has left you? It has: swallow.
[Blank.spot.on.tape--Ed.]... has been operated on. I see him in a room for an operation. And it's something in the side. It's appendix and stomach affair. That is right. And you... That won't heal up. There's something wrong. It keeps swelling, that operation, like a rupture from it. It won't hold together.
Do you know He believe--believe that He knows where you're from? You're not from this city. That operation wasn't. You're from a city called Mansfield, Ohio. Return back. It'll get well. Don't doubt. Believe the Lord God...?... [Blank.spot.on.tape--Ed.]
E-79 Là en haut au deuxième balcon, levez la main et dites... Oui, que Dieu vous bénisse, madame. Que Dieu vous bénisse, là derrière. C’est bien. E-79 Got trouble with your arms? You got arthritis too, haven't you? Uh-huh. You believe God knows who you are? Your name's Flossie. Your last name is McGowen. You're from a place called Miamisburg, Ohio. That's your husband setting by you. His name's Frank. What do you think about it? God will heal you too, you believe, sir?
What do you just raised up your head there, next to the man that's got heart trouble. Do you believe God will heal you? What about the one setting next there, you believe, lady? You believe He will heal that arthritis? Then you can go home and be well. Just have faith, don't doubt. [Blank.spot.on.tape--Ed.]
E-80 Aux balcons jusque derrière, voudriez-vous lever la main? Que Dieu vous bénisse, monsieur. Que Dieu vous bénisse. Qu’Il vous bénisse là-haut, là au-dessus, vous qui portez un pull-over rouge, oui, qu’Il vous bénisse. Au balcon... E-80 If God will reveal this woman's condition, how many of you will with one accord will say, "That'll be sufficient." You just keep them coming, they just... Well, you... It just wears you down. You just... I... You get so weak till I look out over the audience, and it just looks like one great big milky mess up there. What it is, it's your faith. I can't hardly tell which is which. It's just a pulling.
You're believing, if you would just accept it. There's only one thing. That's a little shadow hangs over you. And that's darkness. That's unbelief. If that little shadow would ever break, and you'd go beyond that in your faith, there would not be a feeble person in our midst. This doesn't heal people. This only brings you to a realization that the Healer is here.
E-81 Au deuxième balcon à ma gauche, que Dieu vous bénisse là tout en haut. Dieu voit votre main. E-81 Our time is way past. I think we're supposed to close this auditorium before this time. The people has been nice.
Lady, be the judge. I don't know you. I've never seen you. If God will reveal what's your trouble, will you believe me? You're nervous. That's what you want prayed for, extremely nervous, mental nervousness. You're one of those kinds that's always crossing bridges 'fore you get to them, building up things that never happened; yet you're a Christian believer. That's right.
I don't know you. You believe He knows you? You believe He could tell me who you are? Would you believe? All right, Dorothy, you can have what you ask for. Your last name is Glascoe. Go on your road and be healed.
If thou canst believe, all things are possible. Do you believe with all your heart? Do you believe that God's Word is true? Now, Brother Vayle or the boy, one's tap--patting me on the back. That's means that I've had enough.
E-82 Au balcon inférieur à gauche, levez la main. E-82 Look. Surely you couldn't disbelieve anymore. Listen to me as your brother. I have told you the Gospel truth, and Christ has confirmed that to be the truth. Here I'll tell you the truth. Every one of you is already healed. Jesus did that for you nineteen hundred years ago. He's trying to make you believe it. Do you believe it? Then lay your hands on each other and pray the way you do in your church. Pray for one another. The Bible said, "These signs shall follow them." I'll pray and cast out this black spirit.
Oh, Satan, you see that you're lost. You're deceiving the people. Thou devil, come out of the people. Thou unbelief, Satan, we cast you out. In the Name of Jesus Christ, leave this audience. Come out of the people.
Now, see you're free to give God praise. You're every one healed. In the Name of the...
E-83 Dites: «Que Dieu soit miséricordieux envers moi (alors que vous levez la main), je crois. Je crois que le Saint-Esprit m’a conduit.» Que Dieu vous bénisse, monsieur. Il se pourrait qu’il faille beaucoup de courage pour faire cela, monsieur, mais c’est la plus grande chose que vous ayez jamais faite.
E-84 Dans la salle principale à ma gauche, voudriez-vous lever la main vers Christ? Dites simplement: «Seigneur Dieu, sois miséricordieux envers moi; je crois que je suis divinement conduit ici ce soir par le Saint-Esprit.» Que Dieu vous bénisse. Dans la salle principale à droite? Que Dieu vous bénisse. C’est bien.
E-85 Eh bien, avant de faire un appel à l’autel, formons la ligne de prière. Mais prions d’abord afin que Dieu bénisse ces gens.
E-86 Combien aimeraient avoir juste une communion un peu plus intime avec Lui, afin que vous sentiez l’Esprit vous conduire comme Il avait conduit Siméon, et qu’Il vous amène enfin à Son sein? Voudriez-vous lever la main? Oh! Juste... je pense qu’il y a deux mille ou plus, trois mille. Prions. Maintenant, implorez-Le simplement à votre propre façon.
E-87 Seigneur Dieu, Tu es notre Dieu. Nous sommes très contents que Tu sois l’Unique et Véritable Dieu vivant.
E-88 Il y a beaucoup de dieux sur la terre aujourd’hui. L’un d’entre eux, c’est le dieu du plaisir; l’autre, c’est le dieu de la chair. Les gens font de la plupart de tout plaisir du monde un dieu. Et il y a de faux dieux, mais ils ne parlent pas ni ne peuvent parler. Ils ne peuvent pas penser. Ils ne peuvent pas répondre. Ils ne peuvent être adorés que par ceux qui marchent dans l’ignorance du véritable Dieu vivant.
E-89 Nous avons le privilège ce soir, nous qui sommes passés de la mort à la Vie, de savoir que notre Dieu vit. Et Il n’est ni sourd ni muet. Sa main n’est pas trop courte pour qu’Il puisse l’étendre et nous accorder toutes les petites bénédictions que nous désirons; car Il tient Sa promesse. Il est un Dieu qui peut parler, un Dieu qui peut répondre, et un Dieu qui tient Sa Parole.
E-90 Maintenant, nous Te demandons ce soir, Dieu bien-aimé, de bénir ceux qui ont levé la main en tant que pécheurs. Certains peuvent être... Oh! Je ne saurais pas, Père, estimer le nombre, car je ne les connais pas, mais Toi, Tu les connais tous.
E-91 Et peut-être que c’est la première fois qu’ils aient jamais été à l’une des réunions, mais ils sont convaincus maintenant même par la Parole que le Saint-Esprit les a conduits. Sauve-les, Seigneur.
E-92 Et je prie pour ceux qui aimeraient être remplis de Ton amour au point qu’ils ne manqueront pas la conduite du Saint-Esprit, au moment où Il les attire. Car les jours sont sombres, et les hommes sont en train de courir de long en large pour entendre la Parole de Dieu, comme le prophète a annoncé qu’ils feraient, mais ils ne L’entendront pas. Nous sommes très reconnaissants cependant pour une petite fissure dans le dépôt de Dieu.
E-93 Et nous Te prions maintenant de Te manifester dans Ta puissance de résurrection, devant Ton Eglise. Sanctifie mon coeur, mon âme, et mon esprit. Et sanctifie le coeur, l’âme et l’esprit de l’assistance, afin qu’ensemble nous puissions bénéficier de la communion de notre Adorable Seigneur Jésus. Et puissions-nous donc, avec les mains fortes de la foi, L’embrasser et nous apprêter pour Sa Venue, et comme Siméon dans le temple, dire: «Seigneur, laisse Ton serviteur s’en aller maintenant en paix, car nous avons vu le signe de Sa résurrection, et nous désirons ardemment Le voir venir.» Accorde-le, Seigneur, car nous le demandons au Nom de Jésus, Ton Tendre Fils. [Espace vide sur la bande–N.D.E.]
E-94 Maintenant, souvenez-vous, je suis en train d’être enregistré. Il n’y a pas de médicament qui déclare... qui guérit votre corps. Un médicament maintient l’endroit propre pendant que Dieu opère la guérison. Un médecin peut ôter l’objet qui obstrue, mais qu’en est-il de l’entaille qu’il a faite sur vous en ôtant cela? Qui guérit cela? La guérison, c’est le développement des cellules. Prenez-moi au mot: Il n’y a pas de puissance de guérison dans le démon. Le prédicateur qui dirait cela montre qu’il ne connaît pas la Bible, ni son Dieu. Jésus a dit: «Satan ne peut pas chasser Satan.» Psaume 103.3 déclare: «Je suis l’Eternel qui guérit toutes tes maladies.» Est-ce juste?
E-95 Satan ne peut pas guérir. Si Satan guérit, il peut créer, et alors, c’est un créateur; alors, c’est un dieu. S’il est un créateur, il peut se construire un royaume, il peut se créer un peuple. Ce n’est pas pour me singulariser, mais je suis certainement en désaccord avec docteur DeHaan, un merveilleux enseignant, sur la semence du serpent aussi. De penser que... ou plutôt Josèphe, l’un ou l’autre, qui a dit que les fils de Dieu sont entrés dans la chair. Peut-être que nous pouvons aborder cela avant de quitter. Cela n’existe pas. Satan ne peut pas faire cela, sinon alors il serait un créateur. S’il est un créateur, c’est qu’il est un dieu; il peut se créer une terre, il peut se créer un univers, il peut se créer un peuple, il n’a rien à faire avec Dieu. Mais il lui faut pervertir ce que Dieu a créé. Et l’injustice, c’est–l’injustice, c’est la justice pervertie.
E-96 Billy, as-tu là tous ceux que j’ai appelés dans la ligne? Léo, occupe-toi d’eux là derrière, maintenant.
E-97 Combien n’ont pas de cartes de prière (Levez la main) et aimeraient que Dieu les guérisse? [Espace vide sur la bande–N.D.E.]
E-98 Brave ami, frère et soeur Kidd, assis ici, ici même sur le siège de devant. Et de plus, ce jeune frère juif ici présent, Joseph, avec qui j’étais ce matin. Frère Neville, frère et soeur Wood assis juste ici, vers le milieu.
E-99 Frère Wood était un témoin de Jéhovah. Ils avaient un garçon infirme dont les jambes étaient recroquevillées à cause de la polio. Et au cours de la réunion, le Saint-Esprit a parlé, à une distance supérieure à la longueur de cette salle. Il a dit: «L’homme assis là derrière...» Et Il lui a dit qui il était et tout à son sujet. Le garçon est guéri. Il ne distingue même pas la jambe dont il était infirme. Est-ce juste, Frère et Soeur Wood? Levez la main si c’est ça. Vous y êtes!
E-100 Nous avons de glorieux témoignages pour le Seigneur. Nous n’avons simplement pas le temps de le faire.
E-101 Très bien. Maintenant, soyez vraiment très respectueux. Priez maintenant. Eh bien, les instants qui suivent... [Espace vide sur la bande–N.D.E.]
E-102 ... Juif et tout d’abord, un infidèle, et ensuite il était converti au Seigneur avec douceur. Croyez-vous que c’est la vérité? Croyez-vous que Jésus est le Messie? Assurément. Amen. Que Dieu vous bénisse.
E-103 Maintenant, c’est possible que ceci soit votre première fois. Voici ce que j’espère amener en allant un jour auprès de votre peuple en Israël.
E-104 En effet, vous dites: «Frère Branham, vous semblez être très sûr de vous.» Je le suis parce que je sais qu’Il est ici, et Il a fait la promesse, pas moi. Ce n’est pas à moi de tenir ma promesse; c’est à Lui de tenir Sa promesse. Mettez-Le simplement à l’épreuve.
E-105 Eh bien, si le Seigneur Jésus accomplit et fait la même chose qu’Il avait faite dans Saint Jean, chapitre 4, entre l’Homme et la femme, serez-vous tous heureux de reconnaître que Jésus est ressuscité d’entre les morts et qu’Il est dans l’assemblée des Gentils ce soir, manifestant Son miracle et Son prodige, juste avant qu’Il en finisse avec les Gentils! Allez-vous croire cela? [Espace vide sur la bande–N.D.E.]
E-106 ... n’est pas de cet Etat, ni de cette ville; elle vient d’une autre ville et elle est du Kentucky. Et la ville d’où vous venez, c’est une ville appelée Brooksville, dans le Kentucky. Votre prénom, c’est Ella. Votre nom de famille, c’est Todd. Vous êtes ici parce que vous souffrez de la nervosité, et vous souffrez du coeur, et vous faites de l’hypertension; en effet, je vois le médecin vous mettre quelque chose autour du bras. Pas seulement cela, mais je vous vois avec un garçon, essayant de le guider dans la maison. Le garçon, c’est votre fils, et il souffre d’une maladie mentale. C’est AINSI DIT LE SEIGNEUR DIEU. [Espace vide sur la bande–N.D.E.]... Quelque Chose ici qui vous connaît. Croyez-vous qu’Il vous a accordé votre requête? De tout votre coeur? Partez alors et recevez cela. Vous pouvez avoir tout ce que vous demandez, si vous vous mettez à croire. [Espace vide sur la bande–N.D.E.]
E-107 Bonsoir, monsieur. Nous sommes inconnus l’un à l’autre, je suppose. Si c’est le cas, levons la main. Maintenant, voici un cas comme quand Philippe est allé trouver Nathanaël. Il s’agit d’un homme. Si le Seigneur Dieu me révèle votre maladie, ou quelque chose de ce genre, allez-vous croire et accepter cela?
E-108 Votre grand problème, monsieur, c’est la nervosité. Cette nervosité a complètement dérangé votre estomac. Et puis, vous avez mal au dos et à la tête. C’est vrai. [Espace vide sur la bande–N.D.E.] Vous venez d’une ville appelée Hamilton, dans l’Ohio. Vous vous appelez monsieur Parker. C’est juste. Votre prénom, c’est Harding; monsieur Harding Parker. Retournez chez vous, Jésus-Christ vous a guéri.
E-109 Maintenant, soyez en bonne santé, au Nom du Seigneur Jésus.
E-110 Nous sommes inconnus l’un à l’autre. Le Seigneur Dieu dans la Présence duquel nous nous tenons maintenant nous connaît tous deux. Si le Seigneur Dieu me révèle ce pour quoi vous êtes ici, allez-vous croire en Lui?
E-111 D’abord, vous souffrez de la nervosité et c’est... Vous avez une–une tumeur au niveau du cou. En plus de cela... Voyez, je ne pouvais pas voir cela. Cela se trouve sous votre jupe. Eh bien, afin que vous sachiez que je suis serviteur du Seigneur, vous souffrez aussi du coeur. C’est vrai. Et vous vous préoccupez au sujet de quelqu’un d’autre pour qui vous priez, et il s’agit de votre fils. Et ce fils, vous ne savez pas ce qui cloche chez lui, le médecin non plus. Mais il tombe très malade, très malade. Les médecins veulent faire l’ablation des amygdales, mais vous êtes un peu sceptique à ce sujet; en effet, réellement, ce sont des crises nerveuses qui en sont la cause. N’ayez pas peur, il va s’en remettre. Partez.
E-112 Et au Nom du Seigneur Jésus, puisse-t-Il vous accorder cela.
E-113 Nous sommes inconnus l’un à l’autre. Le Seigneur Dieu vous connaît certainement. Vous n’êtes pas de cette contrée. Vous êtes originaire du Kentucky. Et vous souffrez de l’estomac. Vous souffrez aussi du coeur. Et vous souffrez des glandes tyroïdes, c’est comme de petites tumeurs au niveau de la gorge. Croyez-vous la Parole du Seigneur? Croyez-vous que vous vous tenez dans Sa Présence? Alors, acceptez-Le comme votre Guérisseur, et poursuivez votre route, et soyez guéri, au Nom du Seigneur Jésus.
E-114 Nous sommes inconnus l’un à l’autre. Je ne vous connais pas. Vous ne venez pas non plus de cette contrée. Vous venez du Michigan. Et vous n’êtes pas ici pour vous-même. Vous êtes ici pour quelqu’un d’autre, il s’agit d’un homme. C’est votre neveu et il est dans le Michigan. Et il vient de subir une intervention chirurgicale; et cette intervention chirurgicale concernait un caillot de sang. Et les médecins ont opéré à cause du caillot de sang, et cela l’a pratiquement rendu invalide et vous voulez que je prie pour lui. C’est AINSI DIT LE SEIGNEUR. Ne doutez pas, il va s’en sortir. Croyez de tout votre coeur.
E-115 Venez. Croyez-vous que je suis Son serviteur? Je vous suis inconnu. Dieu vous connaît; moi, je ne vous connais pas. Vous souffrez de nervosité. Cette nervosité a été causée par une irritation de glandes femelles. C’est tout à fait vrai. Afin que vous sachiez que je suis un serviteur du Seigneur et que ce n’est pas moi qui parle, quoique ça ne soit pas... ma voix. Vous aussi, vous avez un fils au sujet duquel vous êtes préoccupée. Ce fils a subi une intervention chirurgicale. C’était sur la mastoïde. Et on s’apprête à opérer de nouveau. Placez ce mouchoir sur lui, et ne doutez pas, et il va se rétablir.
E-116 Croyez-vous? Ayez foi en Dieu. Ne doutez pas. «Si tu crois.»
E-117 Que pensez-vous, vous assis ici sur le siège ici? L’homme qui me regarde là, portant des lunettes, dont la femme est en train de passer. Croyez-vous que je suis Son serviteur? Croyez-vous que Dieu peut me révéler votre maladie? Si nous sommes inconnus l’un à l’autre, levez la main. Très bien. Vous pouvez vous remettre de votre arthrite maintenant. Voyez?
E-118 J’aimerais que l’assistance regarde de ce côté et qu’elle croie.
E-119 L’homme assis là à côté de vous, je vois un lit d’hôpital ou quelque chose qui se déplace en haut, pas de l’homme assis à côté de vous. Il y a un lit blanc sur lequel il a été opéré. C’était dans son estomac. C’est juste, monsieur. Vous qui êtes assis à côté de lui, c’est votre femme qui est assise à côté de vous. En effet, je vous vois en train de venir ensemble. C’est juste. Et elle souffre du coeur. C’est tout à fait juste. Imposez-vous les mains l’un à l’autre là, le mari et la femme.
E-120 Ô Seigneur Dieu, le démon a pensé qu’il pouvait s’en tirer avec cela, mais je réprimande le démon.
E-121 Sors d’eux, au Nom du Seigneur Jésus.
E-122 Tenez, juste par ici. Voici une dame. Elle est en prière. Ne voyez-vous pas cet Esprit, cette Lumière suspendue au-dessus de cette femme? Elle est en prière et elle est... elle souffre d’une maladie gynécologique, elle souffre du coeur, elle a des vertiges... Vous n’avez pas la personne appropriée là, un instant. Tenez, attendez une minute. Son nom, c’est Pauline Shepherd. Levez-vous, mademoiselle Shepherd, et soyez guérie au Nom du Seigneur Jésus.
E-123 Oh! Pouvez-vous douter de Lui?
E-124 Là derrière, dans la rangée de gauche, il y a une dame assise là en train de me regarder. Elle souffre de l’anémie. Croyez-vous, soeur, que le Seigneur Dieu vous guérit de cette anémie au sujet de laquelle vous êtes en prière? Très bien, levez les mains. Voilà!
E-125 Là derrière vers le fond, afin que vous sachiez, juste derrière vous se trouve une dame qui souffre des intestins. Levez-vous.
E-126 Très bien. La dame qui se trouve là de l’autre côté est en train de souffrir, là derrière vers le fond, elle souffre de la gastrite. Levez-vous, madame, là derrière, et recevez votre guérison, vous qui portez un petit chapeau avec une plume sur le côté, quelque chose comme cela. Vous êtes guérie. Jésus-Christ vous rétablit.
E-127 Je défie cette assistance, dans le Beau et Aimable Nom du Seigneur Jésus.
E-128 Que pensez-vous, vous qui êtes assise ici, jeune dame? Vous souffrez du coeur et de l’épilepsie. Croyez-vous que le Seigneur Dieu va vous rétablir? Si c’est le cas, levez la main. Très bien, vous pouvez recevoir cela, la petite rousse. Croyez cela!
E-129 Et ici, qu’en est-il d’ici? Regardez cette dame assise ici en train de prier, la tête baissée, la main levée, portant une petite veste rouge. Croyez-vous que je suis Son prophète? Vous avez mal au cou et à la mâchoire. Cela vous a quitté maintenant. Vous pouvez rentrer chez vous et être en bonne santé.
E-130 Croyez au Seigneur Jésus-Christ. Combien d’entre vous...?
E-131 Qu’en est-il de vous là sur la chaise roulante? Vous tous, voulez-vous croire Cela?
E-132 Qu’en est-il de vous autres? Allez-vous croire cela? Placez vos mains les uns sur les autres, et vous verrez le Royaume de Dieu venir sur vous. C’est le Saint-Esprit qui vous a conduits ici. Levez-vous maintenant, et glorifiez Dieu et louez-Le.
E-133 Seigneur Dieu, Créateur des cieux et de la terre, envoie Ton Esprit, et guéris tout ce groupe.
E-134 Satan, tu es battu à plates coutures, chassé, au Nom du Seigneur Jésus.

