Questions Et Réponses
361-1 One
said in the Old Testament, "I was happy when they said unto us, 'Let's
go to the house of the Lord.'"
And now, it's indeed a hot evening. And to you visitors that's with us,
you can see why Indiana's hard to live down here around in this--this
swamp. I tell you; it's only ninety-three at that, ninety-three. So you
see, when you get down around one hundred and twenty like it is in
Louisiana and Arizona, you can realize what it is then, how you really
get in. If that--that was here, we'd just perish; that would be all.
But it's good to be here to put in this time of worship.
After I went home this morning, I just felt real, real good about... I
believe that many were healed this morning that--that don't realize it,
maybe, to this time, but they'll get well; because the Word of the Lord
was precious this morning to our hearts.
I was just... When I started to leave, it looked like this walls were
almost breathing with the--kind of inflating with the Holy Spirit so in
here. And I was so happy for that.
361-4 I was hearing Brother Smith, my friend, pray just a few moments ago, the pastor of the Church of God, Anderson. And Brother Smith has a little tract; I don't guess we give them out here at the Tabernacle. If any of you haven't got that little tract, you read it. That's astounding little tract; it's absolutely the Scriptural truth. And I taken a many of them to Chicago and different places to distribute them, because they are really a truthful, wonderful tract. And I know they were wrote from a heart that's loyal and loves God: no selfish motive behind Brother Smith, just all Christian. So we are happy to be associated tonight with people of that caliber.
361-5 I believe I see my good friend, Brother Borders here from--from up in California. And he was--done a great job for me just recently--for the Lord--up in the--there--beginning the San Jose meeting together. I hope you'll do as good a job on the next one coming, Brother Borders. And I like Brother Borders, because I find in him a meek, gentle spirit. And I--I think that's a great price. I think a man that has that type of spirit ought to be very happy.
362-6 There's
so many others in here, that I just can't numerate who they are. I see
Brother Collins back there, our brother, and--then other ministers, and
our good friend Brother Sothmann, his family, from northern
Saskatchewan. And I know Brother Evans is here; I haven't seen him as
yet, but I seen his family, and--from down in--in Georgia. And there's
Brother Palmer there and--from down in Georgia, and--and Brother West,
I believe, from Alabama or Georgia. Where you from, Brother West? I...
It's... Oh, Huntsville. And then... Oh, were just happy to see all you
in here.
And now, Brother Lyle, back there, Wood, from the--up in northern
Indiana, and his loved ones... And I think Brother Charlie's here, my
old partner--hunting partner from down in Kentucky (second the best
squirrel hunter in Kentucky, second the best squirrel hunter. He'll
make me pay for that. All right.) and his wife and family. And to all
of you, Christian greeting.
A little brother here, I can't think of his name--here, different ones,
but you all know that I sure appreciate you coming out tonight to
worship with us at the Tabernacle.
362-9 And now, tonight is an unusual night at the Tabernacle, because it's question and answer night. And that usually comes about once every year or two. And the reason I do that, is to keep in mind what's on the people's mind, so that I'll know just what their questions is. Have everybody just throw a question in, and then answer it from the platform...
362-10 Now, in
this I didn't get... I thought it would be very strong, but I got just
a very few questions. So it won't take us long to answer them. I was
thinking I'd get a whole tray full, but just a very few and very
simple. But some of them pertain to doctrine.
And in this doctrine I'll have to answer the question of the people not
knowing who they were (because many didn't put their names on the
question); and therefore, I'll have to answer it according to the
doctrine that we stand for at the Tabernacle. And by doing that... And
if it happens to kinda cross up a little wire on some of our visiting
brethren or sisters, we wouldn't have that done for nothing. We don't
believe in anyone fussing over just little Scriptural points. We
believe that Christ died to save us all, and we're all saved through
His Blood.
363-12 But as a church and as a--a peoples, a congregation, we have to have a doctrine that we stand for in order to be a--a church. And this doctrine that we stand for, is the best of our knowledge to the Word of God, the Truth of God. Now, you have a perfect right to look at it a different way if you wish to. And therefore, if I...
363-13 Someone
asking questions here... Couple of them are rather steep. And I'd
a--answer them now just the best that I know.
Now, here's the way I try to handle a question. A question... If a
person can take just one Scripture and could almost make It say
anything you want It to say... But the Scripture, every Scripture is
the Truth. And It's so perfect, until the infinite God Who spoke the
Scripture, It's so perfect that It never has an ending. So therefore,
It will travel from Genesis to Revelation, the same thing. It'll never
vary. And then, if the Bible is the inspired Word of God, It'll never
cross Itself up no place. It'll go all the way through the Scripture.
Now, many times... As I was rather a little rude this morning in
preaching Samson and Delilah and a church in worldliness, but I don't
mean to be rude, but I mean to be honest, just as honest as I--my
convictions is.
363-16 Now, in
the Scriptures, Them being the infallible Word of God, I believe that
there's only one thing that can in--rightly interpret the Scripture,
that is, the Holy Spirit. I believe that's the... And the Holy Spirit
Who wrote the Scriptures, and said They are of no private
interpretation... Therefore, if it'll run all the way through the
Scriptures, It must be the same Holy Spirit then, all the way through
to interpret It.
But now, many peoples in their churches and their faiths, have
differences, little something that they hold on to that might be just a
little contrary. If they are, just do it like I do when I'm eating
cherry pie, I never eat the seed. When I hit a seed, I just throw the
seed out and continue eating pie. So that's what you do.
363-18 I see
our Sister Wooten has her little baby standing there. If he's hot,
sister, and you don't have a seat, I wonder if one of our brethren
couldn't take a seat from the inside and set it back there by the fan
so Sister can have a cool place to set down. We'd be glad to do that,
I'm sure, any of these brothers... The fan back there, sister,
right--blowing this way and there's a seat. If you want to use it, you
just go right ahead.
Now, any of you brethren that wish to take off your coats, just go
right ahead, make yourself feel well and happy.
364-20 Now, I'm going to ask the body, that if they will pray for me. This next week I have to go to California, all the way over there, for one night of service: just one night to preach at the Christian Business Men's International Convention. But they've advertised it, and we're expecting many thousands of people to be there. And I would not want to disappoint them. And I told them I would come if I didn't be in Australia at this time, which I was scheduled to be. So pray for us.
364-21 And any
of you dear pilgrims of this earth that's on your vacation from your
daily task and would like to be in one of the meetings, there will be a
three days' service at Cleveland, Tennessee, the Church of God. I think
that's the Pentecostal Church of God, Tomlinson move. Brother
Littlefield, David Littlefield, is pastor, a very fine Christian
gentleman. He's a Yankee from the north, from Bangor, Maine, but a real
Christian, fine brother.
And so, if you're in your journey and would like to come up, perhaps
Monday night will be the dedication of the huge big tabernacle that
they've built. And then, Tuesday and Wednesday night of next week, the
Lord willing--not this coming week, the following week--will be healing
services, which will be 6th, 7th, and 8th.
Now, before we open the Word, I would like if we'd bow our heads just a
moment for prayer.
364-23 Lord
God, precious Father of us all, Who brought again the Lord Jesus from
the dead and has presented Him to us in the form of the Holy Spirit,
after being crucified, died, buried, rose on the third day, and
ascended into glory, where now setting at the right hand of the Majesty
on high, ever living to make intercession, a High Priest that can be
touched by the feeling of our infirmities, and knows even the tiniest
sparrow that would fall to the street, how could He ever pass by the
loyalty of His children setting tonight in this hot building just to
hear the Word. I'm sure, Lord God, if we didn't even ask, that You
would pour out Your blessings upon them for their gallantry of standing
by their post of duty tonight.
There are visitors here, Lord; we pray for them and their churches.
There are ordained ministers of the Gospel, ordained of God, setting
present, who's far more sufficient to answer these questions than I.
And I pray, Lord God, that You'll let the Holy Spirit come to us
tonight and give us the right things to say, that would bring joy
unspeakable and full of glory to our hearts as we set together in
heavenly places in Christ Jesus, studying the Scriptures without
prejudice, without any ill feelings, but only to know what is truth and
to worship the truth. Grant it, Lord.
365-25 We
would ask to bless our dear pastor, Brother Neville, who's stood
gallantly at the post of duty year after year through the hot and cold
to herd and to pasture the sheep of the flock that gathers here. Pray
that Your Spirit be upon him, help him. And bless all that's connected
with the Tabernacle. And soon, Lord, if it be Your will, we expect a
lovely, big tabernacle standing here on the corner where we can have a
school, that we might school young ministers and send them to the four
corners of the earth to earnestly contend for the faith that was once
delivered to the saints.
Lord, we're getting old, myself, and soon I must pass the Bible back
into the hands of someone else. Help us, Lord, in this effort. Answer
our questions tonight by the Holy Spirit, as we trust in Him, for we
ask it in the Name of Jesus Thy Son. Amen.
365-27 Now, I
know it's awfully hot, but I never like to pass by a question until I
think I have did justly before God to answer it. Now, we don't have
very many; I never counted them, just a--a very few. But it could be
that we might not get to all of them, but we want to if possible. I'm
going to ask this little girl in pink setting here... Come here, honey.
I believe that's Brother Beeler's little girl. I want you to take these
questions down there and just mix them up, you know what I mean, just
cross one over the other one like this, you know, so, then bring them
back to me. See? So that I won't mix anybody's questions, you know,
thinking I just answered one, and didn't get to the other one; I
wouldn't want that. Just let the little girl just mix it up together,
and then we'll just take the ones right off the top and answer them as
we come.
Now, if there would be (Thank you, sweetheart)--if there would happen
to be a question in somebody's mind, I want to say, that I'd be glad if
after I've answered your question and it doesn't seem satisfying, then
you just raise your hands and answer. For I also have here the Greek,
Hebrew--both Greek and Hebrew in the original lexicon, for information
of the words (You see?), 'cause some of them are asking words: the
Hebrew and the Greek also.
366-29 And now, the Lord help us as we answer. And let me clearly state it... (Can you hear me good in the back, raise up your hands if you can. That's good.) Let me clearly state now, that in answering these questions, it's not for any prejudice, but everyone remembers that in the Tabernacle if it comes into doctrine, we have to answer it according to our convictions here, not to cross up your ideas, but to--to bring our convictions. And sometimes we nail it down pretty tight. So remember, it's only to make it sure to the worshippers.
366-Q-75 75.
Now, the first one on top. Oh, yes, this is a little question. It's not
a question, it's a... Well, it is a question. It's someone who would
like a private interview with me the first of the week.
Now, that interview, I'll tell you how we do that. It used to be that
we just at random caught catch can, who first, this, that, but we got a
system to that. And therefore, there's many people who come into the
prayer lines, that maybe pass through a fast line, or have a
proposition that don't know what to do about it, and then they want to
hear from the Lord. Now, they have a perfect right to that; that's what
this prophetic gift was given for, is for that, that purpose alone.
366-31 In the
Bible if they wanted to know anything, they went down to the prophets,
and they prayed and sang hymns until God answered. Why, He's not a God
that would feed one group and starve another group to death. He's the
same yesterday, today, and forever. And therefore, that's what it's for.
On these private interviews, when we take a case, I never leave it
until I hear from God one way or the other. They come slow. If it takes
six months or a year, we stay right with it till we have THUS SAITH THE
LORD. See? And therefore, they come slow, and there's thousands
a-calling, but we...
The other day I had a man in there for the--I believe it would been
months after months this man had sought for the baptism of the Holy
Spirit: a Baptist. But we didn't turn him loose, just let him come, and
finally by the grace of God on a private interview... Just walked in:
he'd always wanted to see a vision what was the matter, and the vision
struck, and he received the Holy Ghost setting right in his chair.
367-34 Then
a--a Catholic, recently converted, come down from Chicago the other
day, which has been on private interviews, trying to get in for at
least two years; but on his first interview, fifteen minutes in the
room, the Lord showed a vision, the reason and all, revealed the whole
thing, what he had to do before he received the Holy Ghost. See, that's
what it's for.
Now, if anyone at anytime... When calls come in and they want to see or
have those interviews, if they'll call, BUtler 2-1519, the office can
post you just exactly when the interview can be. And then, state what
your interview is for, so they'll know how much time to allot it. Then
that makes it just, and every person... Then if that amount of time
doesn't suffice, then we come back to that case again. It's put right
on record, and we keep it until we hear from God by a vision or some
way that God speaks. So that's how our interviews are kept.
367-36 Therefore
(See?), when I'm out, the people think sometime, "Brother Branham, you
don't see the people enough." You can't see the people and be with God
at the same time. See? I got somebody in view, and I'm--I'm in the cave
or somewhere else praying, and--and...
I want to see what this says. [Brother
Branham reads the note to himself--Ed.] "In a
couple of days was up and out and..." What say? Oh, yes. Oh, yes, yes
this was a man (Gene just put it up here.) that... A man came down from
Chicago the other day, that the doctor wanted to cut his heart out and
cut it open to see what was the matter on the inside. And the Holy
Spirit revealed just exactly what it was, and he didn't need to be cut
open; he was healed. So you see, that means lots. And to show you how
slow it come, I waited myself for an answer from God for a vision for
fifteen years. God's... And then another come and won't have to wait
three minutes. See? It just... God answers in His own time. We don't
control It; It controls us.
368-Q-76 Now,
the second question laying on top is...
76. Brother Bill, can the Lord do effective work through me in a
congregation where they do not believe in the spiritual gifts?
No name on it, but the person wants to know if the Lord can work with
them as they are officiated in a congregation that does not believe in
spiritual gifts. I doubt it very much. I'm very much in doubt, dear
friend, that the Lord could efficiently work through you, because you
are linked up among unbelievers, and the Bible said, "Yoke yourself not
up with unbelievers, but come out from among them, and be ye separated,
saith the Lord, then I will receive you." I believe if you live in a
city where there is a church that does believe in signs and spiritual
gifts, and you have them things working on you, I would go to that
church where they believed it.
And then I might say another thing, as I have--usually give--want to
give a Scripture. You probably, dear friend, tried your very best to
try to get these people to believe, tried to make them believe, and
they simply won't do it, perhaps. Then I'm going to give you a
Scripture that I believe that the Lord Jesus would be pleased with us
368-41 If
you've tried, if you've talked to the pastor, if you've talked to
different ones and they completely ignore it and do not believe it,
here's what Jesus said in Matthew 7:6 about such.
not that which is holy unto the dogs, neither cast... your pearls
before swine, lest they trample them under their feet, and turn... and
rend you.
So I do not believe that I would be affiliated with a congregation who
did not believe in the full Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ, to believe
that He was the same yesterday, today, and ever. When I set in a
congregation and see Him working and doing just as He said He would do,
I believe I'd feel exactly as--justified in telling people to come out
from among such and find you a--a good church who preaches all the
Scriptures and believes Them.
368-Q-77 Now,
the next question is:
77. Is it true that you are not saved unless you have received the Holy
There could take about a good five hour discussion on that. When you
accept Christ as your Saviour and are then ready for baptism in water,
you have not yet been converted; you're only believing unto repentance.
"Conversion" means "to be changed."
369-44 Now, to make this efficient, Jesus said to Peter who had also followed Him for three and a half years... And in the Book of Matthew the 10th chapter Jesus gave Peter power against unclean spirits, to go out and cast them out, to heal the sick, and to preach the Gospel. He had power to do this. And in St. John 17:17 Jesus sanctified Peter through the Truth, said the Word was the Truth, and He was the Word. And then at--before Pentecost He said, "After you are converted, then strengthen your brethren." You are only taking steps to conversion as you believe and are acting.
369-46 Now, I know many of you, my Baptist and Presbyterian friends, disagree with that, because you go back to this Scripture... Now, here's where I say I have to nail it down. See? You go back to the Scripture: Abraham (Romans 4) believed God, and it was imputed unto him or imparted unto him for righteousness. Abraham believed God, and God imputed it to him for righteousness upon the basis of his faith to believe. But to prove to Abraham, He gave him (the impution, that he was imputed from his sins, then He had--and parted him from his sin), because he had believed, He gave him a sign. And there's where you, my dear Presbyterian and Baptist friends, fail to see it. See? He gave him the seal of circumcision as a witness, as a proof, that He had received his faith in Him. And that's why Paul in Acts 19 said to those Baptist brethren, who had Apollos as their pastor, believing the Gospel as John had preached It, "Have you received the Holy Ghost since you believed?" You see, they had believed but had not yet been converted.
369-46 Now, we take the wrong in the word of conversion today. We say that a man that's converted is a man that's stopped drinking and everything and goes to church, or joins the church. He might join the church, but that's no sign he's converted. He isn't converted until his old life is dead, and he is buried in Christ, and is risen with Him in the resurrection of newness of life, when the Holy Spirit has created in him a living hope of Eternal Life which only comes through the Holy Ghost. See?
369-47 Now,
now, I knowed that great Scripture; I use It myself--I've got It
written here: St. John the 5th chapter, 24th verse. It's a pet
Scripture to me. For Jesus said this: "Verily, verily, I say unto you,
'He that believeth on Me has Eternal Life.'" Let me read it, so that
I'll get It just perfectly right. St. John 5, and I want you to listen
close now as we go into this Scripture, 5 and the 24th verse.
verily, I say unto you, He that heareth my words, and believeth on him
that sent me, has everlasting life, and shall not come into
condemnation; but is passed from death unto life.
"He that believeth on Me..." Now, the Scripture says that no man can
say Jesus is the Christ only by the Holy Ghost. So you cannot believe
that Jesus is the Christ until you have received the baptism of the
Holy Ghost. You're only testifying or saying what the Scripture says,
saying what the pastor says, saying what mother says, or some good
preacher says. But you don't know it yourself until He has witnessed
His resurrection to you. No man can call Jesus the Christ until by the
Holy Ghost.
370-49 Therefore, the question is, that a man is saved, I believe, if he's looking towards Calvary, and dies in that estate. Certainly, I believe he'll be saved; I believe he'd go through if he had not the opportunity before. But depends on... You go back to the dying thief at the cross. But remember, that was his first and last chance. You got one tonight. Don't wait till that time, 'cause it might not be that way with you. You might not have a deathbed confession. I tell you; they're all right, but they're too much of a chance to take a chance on. Don't you wait for deathbed; you let this be your deathbed right now, that you die out now and be borned again of the Holy Spirit.
370-Q-78 Now, on
this next question... Now, if there's a question on that just raise
your hand. I'd be glad to do the best I can.
78. Can you find anywhere the apostles took communion after Pentecost?
Did Paul mean people do not discern the Word? Holy Ghost was the only
way to worship God?
If you take wine and crackers, sickness and sleep fall on you?
Now, here is maybe a place that I believe the dear person that asked
this is no doubt deeply and sincerely in this, what they're asking, or
they wouldn't ask it. And I--my brother or sister, whoever it was, I
answer it just as deeply and sincerely as you a--answered it--or asked
371-51 I want
you now to turn with me unto the Book of Acts the 2nd chapter, and with
the--we begin with the 42nd verse. The 2nd chapter of the Acts, and
we'll begin, as I said, with the 42nd verse.
Now remember, I do not believe that I could say just exactly where the
Scripture says that Paul took the communion, and Peter then reached
over and taken it; but when they're talking of the congregation, that
was in whole, everybody. And I do not believe that Paul would preach
something and tell others to do, that he would not do. So in the Acts
we find this:
they continually steadfast in the apostles' doctrine... fellowship,... (Watch.
They continued, the whole church, the body.)...
continually steadfast in the apostles' doctrine and in fellowship,... (and,
conjunction there. See?)... and in breaking of bread,... (That's the
communion.)... and in prayers.
371-53 The
apostles, who was the preachers... They continuedly steadfast in their
doctrine of breaking of bread (communion), and in fellowship, and in
prayer. Then if that cuts out communion from the apostles, it also cuts
out prayer from the apostles. See? Now, let's just read on. See?
fear came upon every soul: and many wonders and signs were done by the
all the believers were together, and had all things common;
they sold their possessions and goods, and parted them to every man, as
every man had need.
they, continuing daily in one accord in the temple,... (That's
apostles and all.)... breaking bread... (communion
every time they met)...
371-54 That
was a doctrine of the apostles and of the early church, that every time
they came together they taken communion, every time. Now, I know you
Christian people who go to the Christian Church (the Campbellite
church, as we know it, as... Because there's two of them. One's the
Church of Christ, and the other one the Campbellite Church.), you say,
"We take it every Sunday morning. We got the Scriptures on it." You
have a better Scripture on it than the Branham Tabernacle does. The
Branham Tabernacle takes it once a month. But the Scripture is, "as oft
as you come together." That's right. That's every time.
they, continued daily in one accord in the temple,... breaking bread
from house to house, did eat their meat with gladness and singleness of
See, each time the apostles, holding these prayer groups, meetings in
the temple, house to house, every time they met, they broke bread,
taken the communion.
372-56 Now,
Paul, in I Corinthians we'll--we could also read the 11th chapter,
where we use here for a communion... I might read it so it might be
able to help you, I Corinthians the 11th chapter. Listen at Paul
speaking now, 23rd verse.
I have received of the Lord that which I also delivered unto you, That
the Lord Jesus the same night... he was betrayed took bread:
when he had gave thanks, he brake it, and said, Take, and eat: this is
my body, which is broken for you: do this in remembrance of me.
the same manner also he took the cup, and when he had supped, saying,... (the cup
now)... This is the cup of the new testament in my blood:
this do... as oft as you drink it, in remembrance of me.
as oft as you eat this bread, and drink this cup, you do shew forth the
Lord's death till he comes.
See? It's a communion. I do realize and do agree that the--the body of
the Lord, the living Word is Christ Himself. But these are symbols just
like baptism, and footwash, and other ordinances of the church. But
communion is absolutely essential for the bread, now, bread and wine.
372-58 Wherefore
whosoever shall eat this bread, and drink this cup of the Lord,
Now, the question was asked here: "You taking--you taking wine and
crackers, sickness and sleep on you." See, that... I believe that the
question is, that the only worship there is, is in the Holy Spirit,
worshipping in the Holy Spirit. That is exactly the truth. You have to
worship... All worship's in the Holy Spirit, and Paul's trying to say
here, that you must be in the Holy Spirit before you do this or you eat
and drink damnation to yourself (See?), before you do this, before the
order's carried out.
373-59 Now, to
back that up, I got a writing here of Josephus, where he claimed that
the early Christians after the death of--of Jesus, that they were
considered cannibals, because they took the body of the Lord and eat
it. And they thought they had dug it up, and had took it out, and was
cutting it up by pieces, and eating it: which they were taking the
communion. See?
Now, watch, why this Scripture--how Paul says here.
let a man examine himself, and so let him eat of the bread,...
Eat of the bread... Now, I know Jesus is the Bread of Life; that's
true. But this is a symbol just like baptism. Baptism doesn't save you;
baptism is only a sign that you're witnessing to the congregation that
you believe in the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. It
doesn't save you. Water will not save. It's your faith that saves you.
But baptism is an order, and it must be carried out, 'cause God can't
say be baptized, and then turn around and say it doesn't need to be
done. He cannot issue taking communion, and turn around, and say there
no need to taken it. You've got to do it. It's an order forever with
373-61 For he
that eateth and drinketh unworthily, eateth and drinketh damnation to
himself, not discerning the Lord's body.
Now, you see there? Comes right back to the Christian that's trying to
take communion, that's not in Christ, not fellowshipping in the Spirit;
he isn't worthy of taking it. And when he does take this communion,
he's eating and drinking damnation to himself, if he's going out
smoking, lying, stealing, committing adultery, or something like that,
or not living a Christian life. And people see the kind of life he's
living, and then coming in, taking this order of the death and--and
body of Christ, taking into him a symbol that--that he has received
Christ the Word in his heart, and taking this symbol in there behind
it. He said he eats and drinks damnation to himself, not discerning the
Lord's body.
373-62 Now,
just in a few minutes I'm going to get to that same question, if we get
to it, because it's the same order of the blasphemy of the Holy Ghost.
See? Because you are professing something and playing the part of
hypocrite with it, when you should not be doing it. All right. Let me
finish this then (See?), and then we'll stop.
this cause many are sick and weakly among you, and many sleep.
if we would judge ourself, we should not be judged.
when we are judged, we're chastened of the Lord, that we should not be
condemned with the world.
my brethren, when you come together to eat, tarry one for the other. (Now,
if any man eat--any man hunger...
374-63 Don't
come in... because in another Scripture here, they were bringing in
meat, and so much drink, and stuff like that, till they were making the
Lord's house just a--a place of--of a feast, and getting drunk at the
Lord's table. You remember that in the Book of Corinthians here. They
got drunk at the Lord's table. But Paul said here:
if any man hunger, let him eat at home; that you come not together unto
condemnation. And the rest I'll set in order when I come. (See?)
374-64 Now
therefore, I believe that the eating of the cracker... Now, I do not
believe that kosher bread should be substituted for a cracker. I
believe that it should be a holy unleavened bread, the type of the
unleavened bread that was made in Egypt. And I believe that the Blood
should not be grape juice, but it should be wine. Grape juice sours and
spoils as it gets old. But wine gets better and stronger as it gets
old; it never loses its strength. And the Blood of Christ doesn't sour
and spoil; as it gets older, it gets stronger and better as the days
goes by to the believer. And it is a literal wine and bread. Communion
bread should be made by people who's dedicated themselves and
consecrated themselves to God.
I went to a church once where they taken this old loaf bread, where
sinners cursing and carrying on, and filth, and cut up that old bread
and stuck it out there with some kind of a juice to drink. To me that
was--that was ridiculous. I believe it should be just exactly the way
the Scripture said it should be and not vary one speck from the
Scriptures, stay right with It.
375-Q-79 79.
Question? Now, Brother Branham, is it true that Satan was once in
heaven and was cast out, he and his angels come down to earth, or is it
a vision like John saw on the Isle of Patmos? Why I ask this, is, I was
told that it was a vision.
John saw it as a vision, but it was a literal happening. If you'll turn
to Isaiah 14:12...
Now, these go slow, but to me, they're--they are lessons. And it's
something that... Maybe you think, "Well, I don't have no need of that
now." You just don't know how that Holy Spirit feeds on the Word of
God. It's got to have the Word to--to feed on, because the Holy Spirit
feeds only, and only on the Word of God. You believe that? The Bible
said so. "Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every Word that
proceedeth out of the mouth of God." All right.
The 14th chapter of Isaiah, and I believe here now we're going to begin
at the 12th verse. Let's read now about Lucifer.
art thou falling from heaven, O Lucifer,... (fallen
from heaven)... son of the morning!... (an angelic
being from the heaven)
art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! how art
thou cut down to the ground, which didst walk--weaken the nations!
thou did say in thine heart, I will ascend into heaven, and I will
exalt my throne above the stars of God: I will set also upon the mount
of the congregation, in the side of the north:
will ascend above the highest of the clouds; I will be like the most
So you see it wasn't a vision. Absolutely, Lucifer was cast out of
375-68 Now,
let's turn to the New Testament to Luke 10:18, just a minute, and see
what Jesus said. In the Book of Luke, you that have your Bibles now,
that's trying to get on these questions, Luke 10:18:
he said unto them,... (Jesus
speaking.)... I beheld Satan as lightning falling from
See, Satan was the original archangel of God. He once dwelt in the
heaven. He once was the greatest person in the heavens outside of God.
He was God's right-hand man to fellowship, and he got puffed up in his
376-70 And
isn't that just the way that people get today? Let God just bless a
fellow and put a little confidence in him, and he gets to be a
know-it-all. He gets to be... He's got to start an organization, or
he's got to do something that's different. "Why art thou fallen from
heaven, O Lucifer."
It's... God has a hard time trying to get somebody that He can deal
with, that'll stay humble, and meek, and stay in the place until God
calls him to do something (you believe that? See?), a man that God can
bless and he'll still keep hisself a man, not be an angel or a god. As
soon as man gets blessed and has a little something given to him, he
wants to become a god; he wants to become a--a angel. He wants to
become some great person. "What I do, what... Me and me and mine..."
all that. That's the wrong attitude. God's hunting for somebody who He
could bless and pour out the blessings, and--and more He blessed, the
littler the man will become.
And you'll never get more of God until you become nothing. You've got
to belittle yourself. He that will exalt himself, God will bring abase.
He that will humble himself, God will exalt. You've got to get little
before you can get big. And you'll never be big in your own self;
you'll only be as big as God will be big in you. See?
376-73 So
Lucifer is on earth today trying to work in the church to accomplish
the same purpose that he started before the foundation of the world.
Lucifer was kicked out of heaven. All right.
I believe there's another thing on here, Ezekiel the 28th chapter, the
12th verse. Let's see what that says in Ezekiel 28:12. And I'm sure
that by studying this, and looking into it, seeing what THUS SAITH THE
LORD, then we know whether he really fell from heaven or whether he was
just a vision: 28 and 12. All right. I believe that's what I got wrote
down, 28:12. All right. Here we start.
Now, this is a great thing here; I wish we just had time to preach on
just a little (See?), for it's really something.
376-75 Now, as
I just got to basing up to this, that Lucifer in heaven tried to exalt
himself and even be just a little higher than his Boss. And he betrayed
Michael, and made hisself a great kingdom in the north, and come down.
Now, and he and his angels was cast out. The person that asked of
ju--of the Revelation... That's on Revelations 12, on the Isle of
But now notice this here at the 12th verse, and watch how he sets in
the kingdom of men.
How many people here understand that the devil controls every nation
under heaven? The devil controls the United States. The devil is
government of the United States. The devil is the government of
Germany. He's the government of every nation under heavens. The devil
controls every nation. The Bible says he does. Read Matthew the 4th
chapter, when Satan took Jesus up to the top of the mountain, and
showed Him the kingdoms of the world, and claimed them to be his, and
said, "I'll give them to you if you'll worship me."
Jesus never said, "You lied, Satan." He knowed they belonged to him.
But over in the Book of Revelation, said, "Rejoice, you heavens and you
earth, for the kingdoms of this world have become the kingdoms of our
Lord and of His Christ. And He shall reign on earth."
Jesus knowed that in the millennium that all the governments and
kingdoms will be broke down, and He'll be God and Ruler over all of
them. He knowed He fell heir to all of it; so therefore, He told Satan,
"Get thee behind Me, Satan," for He knew what He had to do.
377-77 Now,
listen to this, the Spirit of the Lord on this prophet Ezekiel,
speaking, not to this king, but to the spirit in the king. Watch this
You remember this morning when I showed you how in the Scriptures that
the church got off the wrong track by taking man's organizations: same
thing, Israel got off the track by denouncing God as their King and
wanted Saul for a king. And when their real King come, Jesus, they
didn't know Him, because His--His preaching and His teaching was so
much different from the earthly kings, till they didn't know Him. And
today when the King of the church, the Holy Spirit, when He's here, and
He comes into the church to make the people to be regenerated, to give
them new birth, it's so different from these organizations and
denominations till they say, "Aw, that looks like holy-rollers to me."
377-79 It ain't what it looks to you; it's what God's Word says about it. Look on the day of Pentecost, what'd that look like? Look at other times when they received the Holy Ghost; what'd it look like? Women and men, the virgin Mary, and all of them, staggering like drunk men, just reeling, screaming, stammering lips, and other tongues, carrying on like a bunch of idiots. But they were dying to themselves, and the Holy Ghost was coming into them. And they set the known world afire. What we need today is men who'll die out to themselves, and rot out to themself, and burn every bridge behind, and surrender everything to Christ.
378-80 Watch
the Holy Spirit speaking now to the Devil in this king. Look who this
fellow was that's governing this king,
You remember what I said this morning, my wife said about the woman up
there, all them bunch of women with them dirty-looking, vulgar clothes
on? See? Said, "They must not have their right mind. A woman that's got
her right mind wouldn't expose herself like that."
I said, "Honey, she's just an American; that's all. That's custom here.
They'll do it, because it's a custom." See, they go by their
intellectuals. But your intellectuals, if you go by your head, you're
controlled by the Devil. The Devil took a man's head. God takes a man's
heart. The Devil makes you look at something you can see. You say,
"Well, that's right, that's right: reason, reason it out." But the
Bible lets us cast down reasonings, and by faith we believe things that
we do not see. That's what God does when He comes upon the human heart.
378-82 In the garden of Eden the Devil took the man's head; God took his heart. And that's the throne of God, where God dwells in the human heart. And now, if it's intellectually... Sure, then a man or a woman that's borned of God will act like the Kingdom they're from. Hallelujah. That would make me shout. Why? Because when you know that you've passed from death unto Life, because you hate sin, and you love God; and you'll stand regardless if you die or don't die... You'll stand that it's wrong, and call wrong wrong, and walk upright before God. It shows that your Spirit, the Life that's in you is from another place, where it's holy, and pure, and virgin, and undefiled.
378-83 And you
say, "Divine healing?" Sure. My Spirit come from a place where the
Divine Healer is. We're from a land of Divine healing. Amen.
Say, "You believe that God is." Sure, it's from the land where God is.
And we're pilgrims and strangers like Abraham and Isaac. When just
the--the overshadowing of the Holy Spirit hit them, they went through
the land and confessed that they were pilgrims and strangers. They were
seeking a city whose Builder and Maker was God. And now, after we've
got the Evidence of it living in us, how much more should we be
pilgrims and strangers, walking through the world, turning our head
from the evil things, because we are of another nation, another people.
379-85 Now,
watch the evil controls of this world now, as we read from Ezekiel
of man, take up a lamentation unto the king of Tyrus, and say unto him,
Thus saith the Lord GOD;... (Now,
watch; He's speaking to the spirit in the king. See?)...
Thus saith the Lord GOD; Thou sealest up the sun, full of wisdom,...
perfect in beauty. (Satan, see
there how Satan was the most beautiful of the archangels?)
hast been in Eden...
Now, you know the King of Tyrus at that time could not have been in
Eden, for it was four thousand years before that. See? "Thou has been
in Eden," who's He talking to? He's talking to Satan in that king.
Hallelujah. Brother, I feel religious. When...
379-87 And
then, what's these people going to do that blasphemes and makes fun of
people under the demonstration of the Holy Ghost? When they make fun of
those people they are blaspheming the Holy Ghost which is absolutely
unpardonable. You're not talking of that man; you're talking to the
Spirit that's moving in that man. We ought to honor one another, and
love one another, and exhort one another, talk good of each other.
That's what we should do.
Now, listen to this. All right.
Thou sealest up the sun, full of wisdom,... perfect in beauty.
was... in Eden, the garden of God; even precious stones was thy
covering, sardius, topaz,... diamond,... beryl,... onyx,... jasper,...
sapphire,... emerald,... carbuncle,... gold:... workmanship of the
tablets... of the pipes was prepared in thee in the day that thou was
380-88 There's
Lucifer. He once dwelt in Eden. Now, we're going to come back to that
question in a minute, Lucifer in Eden, because we've got the seed of
the serpent down here somewhere which is a very ticklish thing. I
thought I'd just hold that till about last.
But he was, and the devil was kicked out of heaven. And the very
purpose that he tried to purpose in heaven, he came right down here on
the earth and's trying his best to fulfill that what he purposed. He
goes to the kings and to the rulers, and when he can get them, then he
comes right down to the church and gets the people--or gets the
preacher. Then from the preacher, he goes right into the congregation
and get in the congregation under the same influence, the same devil
doing the same things. "You know, you're a Presbyterian; you'll never
be a holy-roller. You are this, that, or the other; you couldn't afford
to disgrace yourself to be amongst them. Why, you know better than to
set in one of them little old tabernacles or missions on the street.
Why, them people's off at their head." No, they're not. No, they're
not; they're just on at their heart; that's all. They're not off at
their head; they're just controlled by their heart. God lives in their
heart, and they are peculiar people, a royal priesthood, offering
spiritual sacrifice; that's the fruits of their lips giving praise to
God, whether they feel like it or not. "At times I do not see Him,"
said the song writer, "I trust and give Him praise."
380-90 Say,
"Well, I'd go to church, and I'd praise the Lord if I felt like it."
Well now, a priest is to make a sacrifice. And you, the congregation,
are high priests of God to make a spiritual sacrifice; that's the
fruits of your lips giving praise to God.
You go down and say, "Well, if I felt like it, I'd go over and testify
to somebody." Well, do it anyhow. If you're a high priest, brother,
it's burning in your heart, whether you feel like doing it or not. Go
do it anyhow, because you've got to make a sacrifice, something that's
hard to do. Go do it anyhow; you're a spiritual priesthood, a royal
people, giving praise to God, because God lives in this heart.
380-92 Now, if
you are of Satan, you feel that you're just a little better than that
class of people. Now, how you going to know which one's right? Take it
by the Scriptures. If a man's borned of God, he believes every Word God
wrote, and says He's just as great today as He ever was, and He never
changes; and He's just the same yesterday, today, and forever. If he's
filled with the Holy Ghost, he got the same Holy Ghost He give on the
day of Pentecost, and makes him act the same way and do the same
things. If he's born of the Spirit of God, Mark 16, Jesus said, "These
signs shall follow them that believe." It's true.
So he says, "I'm a believer," and them signs don't follow, then he's a
make-believer, not a believer.
381-93 There's three classes of people: a believer, a make-believer, and a unbeliever. And that's the only three classes there is. A lot of make-believers; there's a lot of real believers; and there's a lot of unbelievers. But if you're a real believer, Jesus said, "These signs shall follow them that believe: In My Name they shall cast out devils, speak with new tongues. If they should step on a snake (Brother Evans) it would not harm them. If they lay their hands on the sick, they shall recover." Oh, that's just as true as God's Word's true. We've got no business taking anything away from That. The Bible said he that'll take away or add to this Word, the same will be taken out of the Book of Life for him. God is so perfect, that every word must be perfect and must run from Genesis to Revelations the same: every word, every commandment of God. Now, you can make It say something here and twist It up over here.
381-94 I was
setting one day under a tree with Brother Charlie up there and Brother
Wood here; we were hunting down in Kentucky. We were hunting with a
rifle. And I... Brother Charlie and Brother Wood had shot their sights
in that morning. At about 50 yards they was hitting a spot about that
big around, big as the squirrel. They said, "That's all right."
And I went out there... I'd been driving tacks at 50 yards. And I
missed the squirrel's eye and hit him down on the cheek. I said,
"That's not right; my rifle's out." And then I worried all day long.
The next evening I went in early. I shot boxes of shells. I'd... It'd
hit a little bit, half inch to the right. Why, it'd hit the squirrel in
the head anyhow.
381-96 So
Charlie and them, the next morning was up there, and the rifles just
a-buzzing, just hitting squirrels, and me setting behind a tree just
rubbing my hands, saying, "Oh, what's the matter with my rifle?" I got
so ashamed of myself, till I got down on my knees; I said, "Lord God, I
don't know what's the matter with me. Why did You make me a little
nervous worry wart? Why would I be this? There's them fellows up there
shooting squirrels just as hard as they can shoot. They got a mess of
squirrels already; and here I'm setting behind a tree, rubbing my
hands, and wondering, 'My--my tra--a--gun's not driving a tack at fifty
yards.'" I cried, set there by the side of a log.
And then the Holy Spirit came, not in a Voice, but in the revelation,
said, "I made you that way for a purpose."
382-97 Why? I
can't take the Bible saying something here, like the church says, "The
Holy Ghost was for just that group back there." The church says so; and
the Scripture says, "Whosoever will." I can't make that hit the target.
I can't make Calvinism--just believe on the Lord and you got eternal
security--and Arminianism, "That if I just touch not, handle not, taste
not, I--I'd like to do it, but I can't do it."... Arminianism is too
far away from Calvinism, and they both are wrong. I've got to see
where... They both got Scriptures, but it's got to hit the target. Now,
if God said one thing in this Bible, it's got to hit the target; it's
got to make every ring in that Bible come right straight down to that
bull's-eye. It's got to do it, because It's God's Word; and He's
infinite, and He can't change. Amen. I love that, 'cause then you can
rest perfectly satisfied that It's God's eternal Word. Therefore, I try
to study It from different Scriptures to make It, see what It would
say. All right.
382-99 Satan
was literally cast out of heaven by Michael the Archangel and God. And
he was cast to the earth, come to the earth, got into the serpent,
deceived Eve, and then has got into men, women, all down through the
age on the same thing he started at the beginning: a great big kingdom,
prettier than the other fellow's, be governor over all, know-it-all.
"Our denomination is the biggest; it's--predo--it's--a--it's
predominant over the others."
You've heard them say, "Why, we have so many hundred preachers in our
organization. We got the biggest churches there is in the city." The
only one thing that spells is S-a-t-o-n to me. That's right. That means
the Devil to me. When you get men that'll break up and organize, and
break up brotherhood, and say they'll have nothing to do with the
little church...
382-101 I've
never seen a person too low yet, or I've never seen a person too far in
sin yet; I've never seen one--a woman too stooped or a man too stooped,
but what I would go to him, and put my arms around him, and bring him
out of that if I can. I've never seen a bunch of holy-rollers, or
whatever you want to call them, rooting, and jumping, and hollering, or
whatever they might do, but what I'd get right in there and root, and
jump, and holler with them to glorify God (That's exactly right.)
whether he's black, yellow, brown, white, or whatever he might be. Yes,
The Holy Ghost comes on one level; that's you meet God's requirement.
If you ever get It, you'll come on God's level and not your own
thoughts about It. Satan tries to make it classical, some great
something, some big something, intellectual. You have to cast down that
reasoning and believe what the Word says about it. Amen.
383-Q-80 Now,
here is another one; let's see what it is. All right.
80. Please explain the parable of the five virgins. Does a Christian
Now, the parable of the five virgins--or the ten virgins it is; please
excuse me. The ten virgins is found in Matthew 25:1. Ten virgins went
out to meet the bridegroom (Now notice.), and five of them were wise
and had oil in their lamps; five were unwise and did not have oil in
their lamps. While they slumbered, the cry--cry come, "Go meet the
bridegroom." And the ones that had oil in their lamps, trimmed their
lamps, the fire was a-burning, and they went out to meet the
bridegroom. The others come to buy oil, and they told them to go and
get from--oil from those who sold it. While they were going, the bride
come and the--bri--and the white--the wise virgin went in, and the
sleeping virgin was cast out.
383-104 This is going to hurt, really hurt, but I've just got to say it. I never asked the question; I'm just responsible for answering it. Now, this comes so close to home, brother, so close, till I hope that it helps instead of hurts. Usually you have to hurt... As mama used to say when she give me a whipping, she said, "It--it has to hurt before it does you good." Well, that--that is right. See? I couldn't see it then, but I--I see it now.
383-105 Look,
the... All ten of them that went out were virgins. Now, there were ten
virgins went to meet the Lord. Now, the word "virgin" means "sanctified
(Does anybody know that?), holy, pure, sanctified." There were ten of
them that went out to meet the Lord.
Now remember, they had been falling asleep in one watch, two watch,
three watch, on till the seventh watch. But these really went to meet
the Lord. And remember, as they went, the Lord came. That was the
coming of the Lord's time. Not who was in the watch...
Jesus spoke where that some fell in the first watch, and some in the
second watch, and some in... But at the coming of the Lord they all
wakened down. But on this case, it was the last watch, because they
went out, ten of them, to meet the Lord. And five smoked out their
lamps, and took no oil; five had oil.
384-108 Now
remember, oil in the Bible is a symbol of what? Can anybody say? [Congregation
replies, "Holy Ghost"--Ed.] Holy
Ghost. Then you could be clean, and pure, and sanctified without having
the Holy Ghost. Cleansing is what you are clean...
Now watch. I'm going to take like this bottle. And it's laying out here
in the chicken yard, and it's all full of filth. I pick it up; that's
justification: "I'm going to use this sinner." And the next thing I do
if I'm going to use it, I'll have to cleanse it. And then, if I cleanse
it, what do I do to it? Sanctify it. The word "sanctify" made--means
"clean," same thing as holy. "Holy na..." Yeah, "holy" is a Hebrew
word, "sanctify" is a Greek word. The word "sanctify" means "clean and
set aside for service." But then, "blessed are they that hunger and
thirst for righteousness for they shall be filled," then they're put in
384-110 The
vessels... The tabernacle of the Old Testament, the altar sanctified
the vessels, and they were set aside for service. When they were
filled, they were in service.
Now, there's where you dear, precious Nazarenes and so forth, left the
mark. See? We all... Why are you failing? Why did Pentecost run off and
leave you? Because you refused to walk in the Light. That's exactly
right. See? That's exactly. The first altar I ever knelt at was at a
precious, old Nazarene altar down here. God bless them, good, holy,
clean church, but you're so legalistic that you go, "You must do this,
and you must do that. You must do this," and don't realize it's the
grace of God and you're called by election. It's not he that willeth or
him that runneth, but it's God that showeth mercy. See? God
predestinated the church before the foundation of the world (We got a
question on that in a few minutes. See?), predestinated the church
before the foundation of the world.
385-112 You
cannot, taking thought, add one cubit to your statue. "No man can come
to Me except My Father draws him first." See? See, it was God that did
the calling, God that did the pulling, God that set the church. Now,
now, you say, "Brother Branham, that's pure Calvinism." No, it isn't.
Now, wait. I don't believe that God takes a man up and just says,
"Here, I'm going to pick you up and..."
All these Baptists and Presbyterians say, "Well, I believe on the Lord,
I don't have--don't condemn my conscience." No wonder, you haven't got
nothing to condemn. They say, "Well, dancing don't hurt me. Drinking a
little sociable drink wouldn't hurt me." Because there's nothing in
there to hurt. "Telling dirty jokes wouldn't bother me." Because why?
There's nothing in there it'll hurt.
385-114 But I don't serve the Lord because I think He'd send me to hell if I didn't; I serve Him because I love Him. I serve Him because there's something in me. If you go out and say, "Well, I have to quit doing this because my church don't believe in it," you're just playing the part of a hypocrite. That's right. But if you do it because that it--you love it, and--and it's a contribution to God, and something in your heart making the love of God so greater to you than these things, now you're on the right line. But if I didn't drink, smoke, chew, cuss, do nothing else, I'd still go to hell. Sure. I joined all the churches, was baptized, and had my name on all the books, and played a good part, and lived a good life: "Except a man be borned again, he can't even see the Kingdom of God." That's right.
385-115 Now, these virgins, ten of them slowed up. What stumped the Nazarene people was this: Because the Pentecostals took the initial evidence of the Holy Ghost is speaking in tongues. They got them down at the altar and made them say something or another over and over till they spoke in tongues. A real, true Pentecostal wouldn't go for that. The devil had a lot of things in your Nazarene church too. See? And he's got a whole lot of things in the Pentecostal church, but as far as the baptism of the Holy Ghost, that's the truth. That's exactly the truth.
385-116 There's
a lot of them, I know. I've heard people speak with tongues. I can't
judge; I wasn't sent to judge. I've heard a whole lot of it, sounded
like sounding brass and tinkling cymbals. But I know there's a real
Holy Ghost that speaks with tongues. And I know that's right. Yes, sir.
But they seen the people come in and say, "Glory to God, I got It."
Well then, that's the same thing... Now, don't call that Pentecostal
because they jumped up-and-down, and spoke in tongues, and you seen
them out there with somebody else's wife or somebody else's husband.
You say, "Is that the Holy Ghost?" You Nazarenes shouted all over the
floor and done the same thing. You said you had It when you shouted.
See? There's no way at all that you can prove it un--by--but by your
life you live. "By their fruits you shall know them." That's the way it
is. The godly life and Christ working with you confirming the Word,
signs and wonders a-following with a godly life, that's the real thing.
Now, you can have a lot of signs and not the life. You can impersonate
the life without the signs, but when you see them both together, then
that's it. That's the one.
Now, and then, remember, the Bride... Now, I might finish this if
you've got just a few minutes time, go on it.
386-119 Look, a
woman is going to cut off a dress. She's got a large piece of goods.
(Let's call it what? Calico, gingham, or something another, some kind
of a name that you got. Let's say it's silk.) And she's got a pattern.
And she looks over this big piece of goods. Now, it's up to her where
she lays this pattern. Is that right? She can choose it from any part
of this goods, and the whole goods is sanctified; it's clean.
See, it's election, God's election. So what does He do? God takes by
election and places this pattern of Christ anywhere He wants to on the
goods. Then it's cut out. The rest of the goods is just as holy as this
part was holy, but by choice God made His choice before the foundation
of the world. Didn't Paul say in Corinthians--Corinthians 8--I mean,
Romans 8, that, "Can the Potter--can the clay say to the Potter, why
makest me thus?" Can God Who is just, when He could say to Esau or
Jacob before either boy was borned or done right or wrong, "I hate Esau
and love Jacob"? It's because that by foreknowledge He'd knowed what
Esau was and what Jacob was. He knows what's in man. Before the
foundation of the world He knowed, He...
386-120 If you
could explain the word of "infinite"... Why, the word "infinite"... I
say there's been a hundred billion tons of gnats in the world (That
wouldn't start it), a hundred billion tons of gnats in the world, and
each one of them has batted their eyes a hundred trillion billion
times. And not one of them ever batted their eye but what God know it
before the foundation of the world. That's infinite. That's something
on the word of infinite. See?
He is infinite. So before the foundation of the world He knowed just
exactly what you'd do. And He sent Christ, not just to be... If
somebody, "Well, if I'll just quit my meanness and follow Him," or
something like that, that isn't it. He knowed who would be saved, so He
sent Christ to save that what He foresaw would be saved. That's exactly
387-122 Now,
the church itself has eternal security. If you're in the church, you're
secured with the church. But when you go out of the church, you're not
secured. See? Now, you stay in the church.
How do you get in the church? Joining hands, writing your name on a
book? By one Spirit we're all baptized into one body; that's the
church. How? Through Holy Ghost baptism we are sealed in the body of
Christ. How long? Until the day of your redemption. Ephesians 4:30,
"Grieve not the Holy Spirit of God whereby you are sealed until the day
of your redemption": sealed away until the day of your redemption. Now.
Certainly, certainly, that's the Holy Spirit.
387-124 And
now, that church was taken up, and the remnant of the woman's seed who
keep the commandments of God and have faith in Jesus Christ (See?), not
the bride, the remnant of the woman's seed... Then the dragon spurted
water out of his mouth to make war with the remnant of the seed. That's
when the Protestant church under the Federation of Churches, which is
the image to the beast, which is now being formed... And there'll be a
boycott upon all churches like this.
Like we're in a great tax gathering right here now, a dispute, trying
to say that we're not a church, and we got Constitutional rights to say
that we are a church. As long as the Constitution stands there, no
amendment to that, then we absolutely have the rights, just as much
right as anybody. Our forefathers stood for that. But what have we
done? We've broke every Constitutional law that they can break, and
soon the Federation of Churches, which all the churches and
denominations are invited into, and the Devil's got in and making
worldliness and everything in local church members and so forth like
that, and great congregations, and class, and society, when the little
old church is still down yonder being borned again in a mess like any
birth is, still paying the price, still getting down and dying out,
acting the same way they did when they first got born at the day of
Pentecost, same kind of a church down there... They'll be closed and
shut out under the Federation of Churches. It'll be a boycott like a
union or something. You'll either come in or you'll go out.
388-126 The mark of the beast is on today, and the--the Seal of God is the Holy Spirit. To reject It is the mark of the beast. Ever who sees the Holy Ghost, that you're supposed to receive It, and don't do it, automatically you take the mark of the beast; because there's only two classes to exist: all that didn't have the Seal of God had the mark of the beast. So to receive the Seal of God is to receive the Holy Ghost. To reject It is to have the mark of the beast. There's the whole thing. That's exactly right.
388-127 Now,
the Bride went up, the remnant left here. And she is the one who come
in the second resurrection. "Blessed and holy is he that has part in
the first resurrection, on which the second death has no power." That's
right. The second resurrection will be the white throne judgment, then
the church... "Don't you know," said Paul, "go amongst the unbelievers
and the lawyers and so forth when the saints shall judge the earth."
These matters should be judged before the church, not before the unjust
magistrates and so forth, but before the church our matters should.
There you take one another to the law. And God pity a man that'll take
a Christian to law. That's right. Paul even dared them to do it.
Now, that's the Bride, and there goes the sleeping virgin, a left on
earth. The wise virgin goes into heaven with oil in her lamp.
I know we could spend a lot of time on that, but I got--I'm going to
hurry to get through this.
388-129 Do
Christians sin?
Absolutely no. There is no Scripture where a Christian sins. He cannot
sin. I know there's a resentment to that. Well, we'll just go to I John
3 and see what the Scripture says. A Christian does not sin.
Did you ever see a black white bird or a white black bird? Did you ever
see a drunk sober man? No. You never did see a sinner saint either.
There's no such a thing.
Now, if this gets just a little touchy, you just put a lot of balm in,
you know, and it'll--it'll cure up just in a little bit now.
389-132 Now,
the Scriptures is our absolutely, infallible proofs of what we are
speaking of. I John 3rd chapter and the 9th verse. All right, listen to
that committeth sin is of the devil; for the devil sinned from the
beginning. For this purpose the Son of God was made manifest, that he
might destroy the works of the devil.
Listen, are you ready? Got your jackets on, the armor all buckled up?
Listen close, 'cause this is shocking.
is borned of God does not commit sin;... (How's
that?)... for his seed... (His seed:
God's)... remaineth in him:... (the man)...
and he cannot sin, because he's borned of God.
this the children of God are made manifest, and the children of the
devil: whosoever does not righteousness is not of God, neither... that
loveth not his brother.
How can you have denominations and draw barriers and things like that,
and say you're borned of God? No such a thing. It's a mock of
the--Satan. That's right. But a man that's borned of God cannot sin;
it's impossible for him to sin.
389-133 Watch. Just let me take this crucifix just a minute if it'll come off of there. Who was the sin offering? Jesus Christ. How do we get in Christ? Who died for us? Christ. What did He die for? Our sins. He took my punishment. Is that right? And then how do I get into Him? By one Spirit we are all baptized into one body. And when in this body, we're covered by the Blood and free from the judgments. He cannot sin, because there's a Blood sacrifice laying for him day and night. Hallelujah. He can't sin. He has no desire to sin. If he does it--if he does do something wrong, he don't mean to do it. The Bible said in Hebrews the 10th chapter, "For if we sin willfully after we have received the knowledge of the truth (and He is the Truth), there remaineth no more sacrifice for sin. He that despised Moses' law, died under two or three witness, how much more sorer punishment suppose, though worthy, who's trod the Blood of Jesus Christ under his feet and counted the Blood of the covenant wherewith he was sanctified with an unholy thing, and done despite to the works of grace."
390-134 For by
one Spirit we are all baptized into one body and are free from sin, and
we cannot sin. There is an Atonement waiting for us. And if there's
still desire in your heart to sin, you have never been baptized into
that body, because you are dead and your life is hid in Christ through
God and sealed by the Holy Ghost. Christians don't sin. They make
mistakes, but they don't sin. Amen. That's the reason they don't, for
he cannot sin.
How can I have a... If I go down through the city here, and the mayor
of the city says, "Mr. Branham, I know that you make sick calls.
There's speed limits. The highest speed limit in the city is about
thirty miles an hour. But I'm giving you permission to run ninety if
you want to, 'cause I have faith in you that you wouldn't do it unless
you had emergency call or somebody dying yonder in a wreck. And I'll
give you permission, as the mayor of this city, that you can run any
red light, do whatever you want to, just go right on." How could a
little two-bit officer ever arrest me out here making forty miles an
hour in a thirty mile zone? He can't. I cannot break any speed laws in
this city, because why? I'm above the speed laws. Amen. I hope you see
390-136 And when we are dead, and God has recognized our repentance, He's recognized our baptism, He's recognized the Blood of His own Son, which by faith has been applied, He recognizes His fore-ordination, and knowed that I'd do it, and has recognized me in Christ, dead... And Christ died in my place when He was slain before the foundation of the world. My name was put on His Book as a Christian. Hallelujah. Christ died my death. Christ is my Sacrifice. God could not impute to me sin anymore. He's give me the Seal of the Holy Ghost as a witness that I've passed from death unto Life. Whew. That does it.
390-137 Then they that are borned of God does not commit sin, for he cannot sin. In the Old Testament each year there was a remembered of sin. But Christ, by one sacrifice He has perfected forever the worshipper. "The--the worshipper once purged (Hebrews 10)--the worshipper once purged has no more conscience of sin." So you take these people that run in the church and jump up-and-down, and shout, and speak with tongues, and act just exactly like a Christian, and run out, and the next year they got to come back again, next week. They've never come anywhere to begin with. They're only impersonating, for the Bible said that the Holy Spirit seals us into Christ until the day of our redemption. Hallelujah. That's what makes me rest assured, 'cause God promised it.
391-138 No more
sin, the sin question's settled. That's the reason sin looks so dirty
to a Christian. That's why women out here with these shorts on look so
dirty to a Christian. That's why vulgarity; that's a lot of dirty
things; that's why smoking, drinking, gambling, all these uncensored
programs on television, all that stuff seems filth. Why? You're of a
different Kingdom. You're borned into the Kingdom of God and sealed by
the Holy Ghost until the day of your redemption.
He that's borned of God commits no sin, for he can't sin. The seed of
God is in him, and he cannot sin. As long as that Holy Ghost is in
there, He takes every desire of sin away from you. Amen. You can't sin;
there's no more desire.
We could take a long time on that, but let's hurry. We ain't going to
get through them, I'm afraid.
391-Q-81 81. Why
do churches who baptize in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost
and admit women preachers to preach, why do they have so much power and
That's a ticklish thing. Now, I know that I'm speaking to people
that'll different with this, but as a Christian I must say it. There is
no Scriptural authority in the Bible for water baptism in the name of
Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. There never was one person ever baptized
in the Bible in the name of Father, Son, Holy Ghost. That is a Catholic
tradition taught in the sixth century.
Sprinkling never was in the Bible, for people to be sprinkled or
poured, but immersed. If you want to know that, I got both Greek and
Hebrew here on it.
391-142 And on the day of Pentecost, Peter required that man must repent and be baptized in the Name of Jesus Christ for the remission of their sin. And Father, Son, and Holy Ghost is no name. Father, Son, and Holy Ghost... Matthew 28:19 said "Go ye therefore, teach all nations, baptizing them into the Name," not into the names, in the Name, singular of... Not in the name of the Father, name of the Son, name of the Holy Ghost, but in the Name of Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. Father's not a name; Son's not a name; Holy Ghost is not a name. They're titles that belong to a Name.
392-143 Now,
ten days later Peter said, "Repent, every one of you and be baptized in
the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ." Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, see
how the extreme Trinitarian idea... See, they try to make three gods
out of that. There's no three gods. I'd like to read that to you out of
the original Greek here. The only way they were baptized in Jesus' Name
was, and the Bible said in the original Greek, was to make them
recognize that He was God.
Father, Son, and Holy Ghost is offices of one God. He was the Father;
He was the Son; He is the Holy Ghost. It's three offices or three
dispensations, the Fatherhood, the Sonship, and the Holy Ghost
dispensation. But Father, Son, and Holy Ghost has one Name, the Lord
Jesus Christ.
Every person from that day on was baptized in the Name of Jesus Christ,
and they found some that was baptized in no Name at all, and the
original Greek said right here and both the Hebrew, that the baptism in
the Name of Jesus is for the forgiveness of sins, both Greek and
Hebrew. Remish--"remit" means, "to forgive," of course. If I remit
anything, is to take it away, to remit it--"take it away."
392-146 But
there is no Scripture in the Bible... And Paul the apostle passed
through and found some Baptist brethren, Acts 19. They were having a
great time; they were shouting; they were having great joy and great
things; and they were preaching, had joy in the camp.
Aquila and Priscilla in the 18th chapter had visited these people,
Apollos; they were Baptists. And Paul went to them, and he said, "Have
ye received the Holy Ghost since you have believed?"
And they said, "We know not whether there be any Holy Ghost."
He said, "How was you baptized?" I know in the King James it says "unto
what"; in the original it said "unto how." "What or how was you
They said, "We've been baptized by the same man that baptized Jesus,
John." Paul said, "That won't work no more. You got to be baptized over
again." And when they heard this, they come back into the water and was
rebaptized in the Name of Jesus Christ. Paul laid his hands upon them,
and the Holy Ghost came on them. Now, if that--if Father, Son, and Holy
Ghost, says here, and the Lord Jesus Christ, says here, I can't hit
both targets. It's got to be right.
393-150 Now,
Matthew 28:19, that's the last chapter and the last verse in Matthew.
If you read a love story, and it said, "John and Mary lived happy ever
after," who is John and Mary? Go back to the first of the book; find
out who they are. See who John and Mary was that lived happy ever
after. If Jesus said, "Go baptize in the Name of the Father, Son, Holy
Ghost," and Father's no name, Son's no name, and Holy Ghost is no name,
then what was He talking about? Who is Father, Son, and Holy Ghost? Go
back to the first of it and read. I'll quote after the genealogies of
Jesus Christ, 1st chapter, 18th verse:
the birth of Jesus Christ was on this wise:...
Now watch real close. That post, we're going to call it Father, this
pulpit, Son, this, the Holy Ghost. Now, Who is the Father of Jesus
Christ? God is. Do you all admit that? God's the Father of Jesus
Christ. That's God the Father. This is God the Son. That's God the Holy
the birth of Jesus Christ... on this wise:... (Matthew
1:18)... When... his Mary--mother Mary was espoused to
Joseph, before they came together, she was found with a child of the... [Congregation
says "Holy Ghost."--Ed.] (I thought
God was His Father; I thought He said God was His Father. Then how can
God and the Holy Ghost both be His Father, if they're two different
peoples, two different persons, personalities, anyway you want to place
it? They've got to be the same self Person, or He had two spiritual
birth of Jesus Christ was on this wise: When... his mother Mary...
espoused to Joseph, before she came together, she was found with a
child...(not of God
the Father, but of)... the Holy Ghost.
this was all done, that it might be fulfilled as spoken of the Lord by
the prophet, saying,
a virgin shall conceive, and bear a child,... (See?)...
and they shall call his name Emmanuel, which is by interpretation, God
with us.
394-151 And His
Name was called what? Jesus. All right. Father, Son, Holy Ghost, now,
Father and the Holy Ghost is the self same Spirit. What is Ghost? It's
the Spirit of God. And when it was, He came on the baptism of Jesus and
dwelt in Him, "This is My beloved Son in Whom I'm well pleased to dwell
in." He came down and dwelled in Jesus, and that made Him Emmanuel on
earth. So what was the Name of the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost? [Congregation
answers, "Jesus Christ." --Ed.] Certainly
it was.
So Peter had the same revelation. Now, we got our sights trained in.
We're hitting the bull's-eye. Let's see if the disciples used that kind
of a shooting. Every time they come together, every time a baptism was
mentioned, they had to be baptized in the Name of Jesus Christ, for He
said, "There's not another name given under heaven among men whereby
you must be saved." It's a false conception of the devil and is no
Scripture at all for such. That's right.
394-153 And
now, I hope that didn't hurt, but it's truth. See? It's truth, brother.
You can't make that... You can't hit Father, Son, Holy Ghost one place
and Jesus in the other, when nobody was ever baptized in the name of
Father, Son, Holy Ghost. Every person in the Bible was baptized in the
Name of Jesus, and those that wasn't baptized that way had to come and
be baptized over again before they could even get the Holy Ghost. They
might act like they got a lot of power. You've got to follow God's
infinite plan. That's exactly right. All right.
Father, Son, and Holy Ghost is wrong. Now, for women preachers, anyone
knows that's wrong. If you don't know no more than that. I wished I had
time to read that from the Greek here, what it said. Said, "If your
women want to know anything, let them ask their husbands, because it's
shameful and disgraceful for a woman to even speak in the church. The
Greek says that--I mean, the Hebrew. "As also saith the law, let them
be in silent with all subjections to the pastor (See?), for it's sinful
and disgraceful for a woman to speak in the church." My, anyone ought
to know that. And now... Which all the way through the Scriptures, and
Timothy, and different Scriptures, I have it wrote down here, it's
truth. All right.
395-155 Now,
then why do they have power? You say, "Why does that do?" Look,
brother, let me ask you, or sister, ever who it is that's asking this
question, look. I have seen some of the most powerful meetings amongst
the Mohammedans, screaming, jumping, take a knife and run it right
straight through the heart like this, and pour water through it in the
back, walk through fire with their bare feet, everything else like
that, lay on beds of spikes, and--and take a sword and stick it right
in their mouth and run it right smack down like that--you can take it
yourself and draw it back out, and blood on it and everything else.
Don't talk about them things. See? That isn't truth; that isn't
vindicating anything. See? Jesus said...
Let me read the Scriptures I got wrote out here to you, Matthew
7:21-23: "Many will come to Me in that day... Not all that saith,
'Lord, Lord,' will enter into the Kingdom, but they that do the will of
My Father which is in heaven shall enter in. For many shall come to Me
in that day and say, 'Lord, have not I preached in Your Name. Have not
I cast out devils, and prophesied, and done all these other things.'
He'll say, 'Depart from Me, you workers of iniquity, I didn't even know
you.'" See?
395-156 So
don't... See? Truth can only come one way, brother. Now, I'm not saying
that the people who baptize people in the Name of Jesus Christ is all
going to hell. I don't say that. God is the Judge; let Him do whatever
He wishes to, but there is no legal Scriptures in the Bible for anybody
to be baptized in the name of Father, Son, and Holy Ghost.
Paul commanded everyone that was baptized any other way than the Name
of Jesus to come and be baptized over again in the Name of Jesus, and
said, "If a angel from heaven come and preached any other doctrine
(Gal. 1:8), let him be accursed." And Paul said, "As I have said
before, so say I again, if an angel from heaven would preach anything
else to you, let him be accursed."
395-158 Now,
that cannot... You cannot make a target hit here and a target hit
there. Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, say, "Let them go, they're all
right." And Jesus Name, let that go and say, "They're all right."
There's got to be something that's got to hit right. God's not a author
of confusion.
And you run that through the Bible anywhere you want to, and you'll
find out that it's a false baptism. Then go back to history, and down
in the sixth century when great Agtobus, I believe it was, that
baptized or one of the... I wouldn't say it was Agtobus; I forget what
his name was that baptized... If you want to get it in the--the
"Ante-Nicene Fathers" before the Ante-Nicene meeting, 325 A.D. they
were still baptizing in the Name of the Lord Jesus. And when the
Catholic church come into power, they picked up the name of Father,
Son, and Holy Ghost. Never one time from that back, was anybody ever
baptized in the name of Father, Son, Holy Ghost. It's a Catholic
396-160 Luther brought a lot of it out with him. Wesley brought the rest of it. And we still go to it. And the Catholic catechism, what's called "Faith of Our Fathers," I believe it is, on page 144, I think it is, he said--they said, "Will any Protestants be saved?" Said, "Perhaps some of them. They claim to live by the Bible, but they still take the Catholic teaching." Said, "The Bible, the early Catholics, baptized in the name of the Father--in the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ, but we, taking the solemnity from that and place it upon the Father, Son, Holy Ghost, and the Protestants recognize it." Said, "Maybe some of them will be saved." Not by that they won't. All right.
396-Q-82 82. Is
there more than one world?
Yes, there's worlds of worlds, Hebrews the 1st chapter the 2nd verse,
Hebrews the 11th chapter and the 3rd verse. There's worlds of worlds.
God created the worlds, w-o-r-l-d-s, worlds.
396-Q-83 83. Is
there more than one heaven?
Yes. In I--in II Corinthians 12:3 Paul said he knew a man that was
caught up into the third heaven. And over in Revelations and so forth,
there's more than that. I'm just going to have to hurry, 'cause
it's--it's right now past time for me to close. Would it be all right
if I'd just read the rest of these off and just (All right.)
396-Q-84 84.
Will a babe in Christ go up in the rapture?
Absolutely, if he's a babe he's born again. No matter how young he is,
he'll go up anyhow. You see?
396-Q-85 85. Why
should Christ appear to me as I was about to take the sacraments?
Well, no doubt your heart was just in tune and you was coming sacredly
up to God to do it; and that's why He appeared to you. See, that'd be
the only reason I know. I couldn't say no more than--than what that...
Let's see.
397-Q-86 86. If
we were saved before the... (Oh, oh. We don't want to stop here do we?)
If we were saved before the foundation of the world--were we?
Yes, sir. Revelations 13:8 said that you were saved and your name was
put in the Lamb's Book of Life before the world was ever created. And
Ephesians 1:4 and 5... Let me just read that; it won't take but just a
minute and just so you see that I'm not just--just quoting it;
I'm--I'm... All right, here we are; let's read this.
be the God and Father... (Ephesians
the 1st chapter the 3rd verse.)
be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us with
all spiritual blessings in heavenly places in Christ Jesus:
According... (Listen.)...
According as he has chosen us in him before the foundation of the
world, that we should be holy and without blame before Him... (As Christ
died for us, of course.)
predestinated us unto the adoption of children by Jesus Christ to
Himself, according to His own good will.
Now, in the Book of Revelations... I got that here; let me get it right
quick, so you--you see that I just never just coated it. I want to
quote it. Revelations the 13:8, listen at this just quickly.
all that dwelt upon the earth whose names--upon the earth shall worship
him, whose names were not written in the book of life of the Lamb slain
before the foundation of the world. (That's
when it was. All right.)
397-Q-87 87.
Were--were we spirits then?
No, we were not even nothing then, but in God's mind we were. And He
spoke it and it materialized. Jesus was slain before... How many knows
that the Bible teaches that Jesus Christ was the Lamb slain before the
foundation of the world. Why? God spoke it, and when He spoke it, it
was as good as finished. And when He saw me, He saw you before the
foundation of the world, we were only figurative in His mind. Then when
we come to the world, we were both man and woman, male and female. He
separated the feminish spirit from the man and made a woman out of it
and left the masculine spirit in a man.
When you see a woman acting like a man, there's something wrong. You
see a man acting sissy like a woman, there's something wrong.
And then He took from the man's side a rib and made a helpmate out of
him, and they two are one.
398-170 But
before the foundation of the world our names... When the Lamb was
slain, our names were put on the Book, when in God's own mind He
foresaw us and predestinated us by His foreknowledge before the
foundation of the world. Oh, brother, if that wouldn't make the church
get up and run through the aisles? Think of it. You who are born again,
before the foundation of the world, God put your name on the Lamb's
Book of Life. Christ died and sent the Holy Ghost here to call you to
Eternal Life. You have received It; He sealed you. You're there till
the day of your redemption. Hallelujah.
Talk about holding on. It isn't, do I hold on; it's, did He hold on. It
isn't what I done; it's what He done. It isn't, "I quit smoking; I quit
lying; I quit stealing." It's He died for me. And He took my spirit out
of me and converted me into a new creature. Now, the next question
right below that is... Quickly now so we get it.
398-Q-88 88.
What difference is it between body, soul, and spirit?
The body is the flesh that you look at that must rot. It was born by
sexual desire of father and mother. It must rot. It's no good.
Therefore in the new birth, in the resurrection when--when you're
brought forth again in a new body, it'll be God's creative power
that'll speak like He did to Adam and you'll come forth.
398-Q-89 89.
Would you please explain your theory that Eve conceived Cain of the
I never said that; I said Eve conceived Cain of the serpent.
In Genesis 4, once--1st verse, clearly states that Adam knew his wife
Eve, and she conceived, and bare Cain, and said, "I have gotten a man
from God."
Absolutely. All life has to come from God. John Dillinger come from
God. Adolf Hitler come from God. Every... George--George Whitfield come
from God, and so did Bob Ingersoll. Every person come from God.
But what I said is this: And I want someone to just tear it down. See?
The Bible said that He would put (in Genesis 3:8). I... The... When the
question was asked when Eve had been--something had happened to her,
she met the serpent... Now the serpent was not a snake; he was a beast,
the most subtle of everything in the field. There was nothing...
399-175 Today
science is looking for a bone of some animal that connects man and
monkey together. The closest they got is a chimpanzee. They can't find
a bone. They'll never, because it's a serpent. It's a revelation of God.
Watch. The serpent was a--like a prehistoric man, something next to
God--or next to man. And that's the only thing. If any other animal
would've happened to--Satan would've got on them, the seed would not
have mixed with the woman. You can't mix a human seed with any kind of
an animal seed. It won't work. But this animal that will mix the seed
is complete; it's extinct. God turned him to a snake. But remember
Said, "Why did you hide? Why did you cover yourself with fig leaves?"
Then they begin to pass the buck as the army is. "Well," Adam said,
"the woman that You give me enticed me to take of the fruit."
And the woman said, "The serpent beguiled me." Now, what does "beguile"
mean? "She--he beguiled me."
And God said, "I'll put enmity between your seed and the serpent's
seed." Seed, the serpent had a literal seed, and it come through Cain.
399-178 Through
Cain come all the smart, educated people down to the antediluvian
flood. And behind that come Abel who was killed, and Seth was raised up
in his place to represent the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus.
And from him come the humble people, sheepherders and so forth, but the
God-fearing people. And Jesus said the children of this world are
wiser, smarter, than the children of the Kingdom. That's right.
We can't compare with them. Don't try to put yourself up to be like
them. Humble yourself before God. Don't desire to be smart and wise;
just desire to know Jesus and let it alone, for there lays the seed of
the serpent today. And people are glorying because scientists, and
smart men, and educated, and great scholars belong to their churches.
I'd rather have a man that really knowed God if he didn't know his
a-b-c's to belong to my church (right) as long as he's the seed of
400-180 The
woman's Seed, the woman's Seed which was Christ... Mary brought forth
the Christ. And the serpent's seed which was Cain come down to Judas
Iscariot. There was both Jesus and Judas incarnate right there: God and
the devil. On the cross of Calvary there was four people dying. There
was a thief on each side of Jesus, and Judas hung himself on a sycamore
tree, which is a cross: "Cursed is he that hangeth on a tree."
There was one thief said, "If Thou be the Son of God, take us down."
The other one said, "Lord, we do justly; we getting punished; but
You've done nothing. Remember me when You come into Your Kingdom."
Jesus said, "Today shalt thou be with Me in paradise."
There was the--Jesus, the Gospel Preacher, preaching on the cross.
There was Satan going back to hell, taking with him the seed of the
serpent, the unbeliever. There was God going back to heaven taking with
Him a repented sinner, the seed of the woman. Certainly.
It was not the seed of the devil; it was the seed of the serpent. And
the serpent had a seed; the Bible said it had a seed. And it still
exists today, the seed of the serpent, so much...
Now, you can ask me another question on that. If we just had time, I
got all the words for you, and...
400-Q-90 90.
Will you please explain what it means by, "Sinneth not" in I John 5:18?
My, we're right at it, I believe here. Maybe it... Got it; turned right
straight to it. Maybe the Lord wanted me to read it. All right, I John,
know that whosoever is borned of God sinneth not;...
Certainly not. I just went through that. He can't sin; he's borned of
God. "Sinneth not," he can't sin; the seed remains in him. Another
Scripture you might refer to here would be Romans 4:8, 4 and 5-8 where
God--David spoke over there years ago and said, "Blessed is the man who
God will not impute sin to (See?), 'cause he does not sin."
401-Q-91 Now,
we've got one more and then that's all. Let's see.
91. Brother Bill, what is the difference between fornications and
adultery, Matthew 19:9?
Jesus said in Matthew 19:9, "Whosoever putteth away his wife and
marries another, except it be for the cause of fornications, commits
adultery." The difference between fornications and adultery, the word
could be applied either way. But to make it clear what he was talking
of there, that--a woman that's unmarried cannot commit adultery,
because she has no husband to commit adultery against. It's
uncleanliness for her. She has to confess that to her husband before
they are married if she's did that. If not and her husband finds it out
later, he has a right to put her away, because she took a false vow.
For the Bible said, "Be it well..." or ritual says. "Be it well known
to you (I have it in mine) if any couples are joined otherwise than
God's Word does allow, their marriage is not lawful. I will require and
will charge you both as you'll surely answer in the day of judgment
when the secrets of all hearts shall be disclosed, if either of you
know any impediment why you should not be lawful joined together, do
you now confess it." There you are. See?
So fornication is what a girl, when she lives unclean, that's
fornication, 'cause she has no husband. But when she's married, and
then when she lives like that, she commits adultery against her husband.
40-187 A woman
come not long ago, and she said, "Oh, I've confessed all that." She was
nervous, and had a breakdown, and said, "I confessed all that to God."
I said, "You have to confess it to your husband. It wasn't God that you
committed adultery against; it was your husband." That's right.
And if a man marries a woman and she has lived unclean before she
marries him, and then she comes to him, if they've been married ever so
long, and then she comes to him and says, "Honey, I want to tell you
something. I did run out with another man; I never told you," Jesus
said he has a right to put her away and marry another, because they're
not married in the beginning, 'cause she falsely told a--a lie against
402-Q-92 Now,
there's another thing here. Thank you.
92. Please explain I John 5:16.
I John 5, we got it right here.
any man see a brother sin a sin which is not unto death, he shall ask,
and he shall give him life for them that sin not unto death. There is a
sin unto death: I do not say that he shall pray for that sin.
All right. We go... Let's just take it right back and get it right
quick; this is the last one. Let's turn right over to Mark, and this'll
just explain it exactly what that sin unto death is. There is a sin
unto death, and you don't even pray for that sin. How many knows that
there's a sin unto death? You don't even pray for it. Take Mark, the
3rd chapter of Mark. And after we find the 3rd chapter of Mark, then
quickly we shall have this one Scripture before closing. Let's go to 3
and 22.
the scribes which came down from Jerusalem said, He has Beelzebub,... (They seen
Him discerning the thoughts of the people.)... and they
said, He has Beelzebub, and by the prince of the devils cast he out
he called them unto him, and said unto the--unto them in a parable, How
can Satan cast out Satan?... (Now, if
the devil can heal, how can he do it?)... How can Satan
cast out Satan?
if a kingdom be divided against itself, that kingdom cannot stand,
if a house be divided against itself, that house cannot stand.
if I... And if Satan rise up against himself, and be divided, he cannot
stand, but has an end.
man can enter into a strong man's house, and spoil his goods, except he
will first bind him--the strong man; and then he will spoil his goods.
How can he go out into there, into them hearts and find what... (See?)
lest it be of God?
I say unto you, All sin shall be forgiven unto... sons of men, and
blasphemy wherewith... they--whatsoever--soever they shall blaspheme:
he that shall blaspheme against the Holy Ghost has never forgiveness,
but is in danger of eternal damnation: (That's the
Because... (Why did He
say it?)... Because they said, He has an unclean spirit.
403-191 Calling
the Spirit of God that was doing these miracles in Christ, they said it
was the Spirit of the devil doing that; Jesus said it is the
unforgivable sin. And if you see a man... Pray--don't pray for him if
he's making fun of the Holy Ghost and talking against the Holy Ghost,
you are forbidden to even pray for such a person. You understand it?
For there is a sin unto death. There's only one sin. Jesus said all
manner of sin shall be forgiven the sons of men, but to blaspheme the
Holy Ghost shall not be forgiven.
Now people say, "Well, blaspheming the Holy Ghost,..." What is
"blaspheme?" Means "to talk about, ridicule, make fun of, blaspheme."
All right.
What did they blaspheme Him? Telling that Holy Spirit that was within
Him, making Him act and do the things that He was doing, they said,
"He's possessed with Beelzebub, the Devil. And that's the Devil, a
fortuneteller in Him making Him do those things. Seeing the secrets in
the people's heart, and telling Philip He knowed where he was at before
he come to the meeting, and casting out devils, and doing those things
there, He does it by Beelzebub, and He is a devil." And Jesus said that
sin shall never be forgiven, so that is the unpardonable sin never to
be prayed for. It can never be forgiven. A man and a woman that does
that has eternally sealed themself from the Presence of God forever and
forever: no forgiveness.
404-194 Do you
love Him?
love Him, I love Him,
He first loved me,
purchased my salvation
Calvary's tree.
Listen, you've been so nice, and these have been rugged, and they've
been a long time. Now, you've been setting in this church since 7:30,
8:30, 9:30, two and a half hours, setting in this hot church. You
didn't do that just to be setting there. And I guess ninety-eight or
ninety-nine percent of the congregation has stuck right in their seat
since that time. I want to say this: Jeffersonville, I feel this, that
it's sinned away its day of grace. I believe that. I believe the whole
United States has, but I've got some of the most loyalist friends that
there is in the world right here in Jeffersonville. I've got people
here that would die by me.
404-195 Now, a hot night like this, the strangers that's in our gates, tell me where a person would set just to be setting to hear a person, perhaps, speaking on Scriptures that they don't even believe the way I'd explained it, but they're reverent and godly enough to set and listen at it. Long may you live. When the stars is turned to dust, may you live on in Christ Jesus. May God supply everything that you have need of. May He give to you the desire of your heart. If you believe me to be His servant and believe that my prayers would help you, let the God of heaven Who raised up His Son, Jesus Christ, to be the propitiation of our sins, to die in our stead, may He Who is omnipotent, He Who is omnipresent here at this building now, may He give unto you the desire of your heart is my sincere prayer for each and every one of you. And in a land where the sun will never light on you again to scorch you, where the hot winds will never blow, I hope to have years times millions of years to set with each one of you in the Kingdom of God and talk over the eternal things of this nights and things how we set together. I mean that with all that's in me, all my heart. I pray that God will give that to you, each one.
404-196 May His
grace be with you. May He heal you of your sickness. May He give to you
the baptism of the Holy Ghost. And I say this now without any
slightness, without... If I brought any offense by anything that I said
about the seed of the serpent, the baptism in Jesus' Name, which those
Now, somebody says, "Brother Branham is a oneness." No, sir, I am not a
oneness. I do not believe that Jesus could be His own father. I believe
that Jesus had a Father, and that was God. But God dwelled and
tabernacled in this body called Jesus, and He was Emmanuel: God with
us. And there's no other God besides this God. He is Father, Son, and
Holy Ghost. And the Name of the Father, Son, Holy Ghost... Father: the
Lord, Son: Jesus, Holy Ghost: Logos, Spirit of God. Father, Son, Holy
Ghost, Lord Jesus Christ; that's Him. And in Him dwelled the Fullness
of the Godhead bodily.
405-198 And I do believe without one shadow of doubt, loving you, and no matter if you remain baptized in the Name of the Father, Son, Holy Ghost, sprinkled, poured, whatever you will, I pray God with my whole soul and body that you and I will meet in the Kingdom of God, and God will, if I'm wrong, will overlook mine, if you're wrong overlook yours. But in--by my own convictions of the Scripture to try to make the target hit to be from Genesis to Revelations, I command you to be baptized over again in the Name of Jesus Christ if you haven't done it.
405-199 And if you have not received the Holy Ghost, and your life does not feel sweet, no matter if you spoke in tongues, if you've shouted, if you've jumped up-and-down, if you've laid hands on the sick and they recovered, if you have done all kinds of miracles and signs, if you haven't got the fruits of the Spirit of love, joy, peace, long-suffering, goodness, meekness, gentleness, patience, faith and all these things in you, then I command you and constrain you in the Name of Jesus Christ to not cease praying until the Holy Ghost comes on you. No matter how much you've spoke in tongues, how much you've shouted, how long you've been a church member, if you've been here, what all you've done will have nothing to do with it until Christ, the Holy Spirit, takes His place in your heart and you're dead to the things of the world and live anew to Christ.
405-200 God
bless you is my prayer. Let us stand now to our feet. Oh, this is a
nice congregation. You been so good; I just hate to leave you standing
like this.
Little Edith back there has got a birthday. Edith, can I count your...
I'm going to make Brother Neville put these in for you. Come here.
We'll find out how old this young lady is. Thirty-eight years old. God
bless you. David, give us a--I mean, Teddy, give us a little chord,
"Happy Birthday To You," all right, if you will.
birthday to you;
birthday to you;
birthday, Sister Edith;
birthday to you.
Now, all this congregation join in together, "Never Grow Old." Come on,
all together now.
grow old, never grow old,
the land where we'll never grow old;
grow old, (where
we'll) never
grow old,
the land where we'll never grow old.
405-200 In
the sweet by and by,
shall meet on that beautiful shore;
the sweet by and by,
shall meet on that beautiful shore.